Just to boost the morale of all GSW fans, hey look, we were counted out for a loong time, we still probably are in the eyes of many, but you gotta keepfighting, you have to never loose faith. It looks bleak at times, but you gotta just keep on keepin' on.

It's possible, Denver has been inconsistent of late, but it's gonna requite Warriors only losing 1-2 more games, and winning that Denver game, becauseDallas has a 3 game cushion now.
Nowitness, you're the one who gives the great speeches, lets hear it!
Eh, I'm not getting my hopes up yet. But it was exciting finally watching this team play a game together, in sync with one another, andeverything seemingly clicking on all cylinders. We've been waiting to see it for weeks now, and there it was. But, this was Golden States second game intwo days, coming outta San Antonio last night, so take it for what it's worth... I'll start getting really excited again if the Mavs play with thismuch heart and intensity and beat the Lakers and/or Phoenix this weekend. Coming down the stretch is big for them. ++!% the 0-10 start against winning teams inthe Kidd era. Come out here down the stretch and run off some games against the Lakers, Suns, Hornets and Jazz. Come off the 0-10, and finish the season 5-0,4-1 against those teams. Show me you can compete at a high-level on a night-in-night-out basis again, and I'll start getting my hopes up again...

Avery didn't piss down his leg and abandon the MAVERICKS game plan for once, so that's nice too. Looks like he let the reigns loose a bit and let Jasonkinda take over the offense tonight. That'll be huge... Avery avoiding the brain fart moments and just letting things develop as they may down the stretchwill be the biggest thing for this team going into the playoffs. He's just got to calm down and not out-think himself like he has the last two years.

Is it absolutely hilarious to anyone else, that when the Mavericks were being quiet before the Kidd trade and possibly standing pat, Steven A Smith wasabsolutely KILLING Cuban and Donnie Nelson because they had an opportunity to get Jason Kidd and they were going to let it pass them by. And the MINUTE theymade the trade, he was like "Well, I just don't get it. This doesn't make them much better" And he's been killing Kidd and the Mavs eversince... Yeah, the results haven't been there to date, but when you were the one guy crying and complaining about them needing to make this move, don'ttuck your tail between your legs and throw the bus in reverse when it starts going bad... I don't know why I listen to this idiot and let him get under myskin.
hey look, we were counted out for a loong time, we still probably are in the eyes of many,
SAS and Mashburn both said at halftime that we were still the odd man out come playoff time, regardless of what happened tonight...
another blowout. hopefully we don't have to get used to thisbecause hornets game is soon and memphis can run with gs. basically the same stuff as the spurs complaints. everyone wants to pad their stats and nobody wantsto pass, especially when having a bad game. like they say, "passing is contagious" and dallas went with it while the warriors took the other road.dallas also ran and like against the spurs, nobody wanted to play defense. it's not like the warriors play a whole lot, but some effort would beappreciated. it's spreading like a disease this no passing and not wanting to play defense thing.
I see and agree what you're saying thus far Nowitness, we need MORE big or convincing wins, on the road, because that's what we'll have to be doingin the Playoffs. I'd be pleased with 3-1 against Utah, Phoenix, LAL, Hornets, and if we go 2-2, well, that's just the way it is. If we go 4-0 I havecomplete confidence in this team, but lets face is, if we lost this game, we'd be feeling a lot different right about now. This is a tough last 7 games, wejust have to get things done. I expect us to win BOTH the Hornets and Utah, and split the Phoenix/LA this weekend.

We'll see though. We have to start winning to make it so our cushion is irrelevant, so that we don't need it. If we go 2-0 this weekend, I'mstoked.
Props to the Mavs for ending our season. Howard is a beast
JKidd with 17 assist?
Props to Dirk for coming out and play, mean while Mike Pietrus is still sittingat home
. Well he's french, what do you expect, they are all soft.The Jet with a really good game. Props to you guys again.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Wow, I'm speechless. No, I'm not, I'm %%$$%%% stoked, this is our team boys, this is the team we'll see in the Playoffs, we're motivated. When Jones made that alley-oop, our entire bench went crazy, and you ALL know we haven't seen this team so excited and happy together at once since this trade, it was exciting.

The Dampier experiment worked, I said it before, if he logs heavy minutes, we have a good chance of winning.

Wow, I'm so happy. Sneaker, I told you homie!

Nowitness, you're the one who gives the great speeches, lets hear it!

Come on dude, you guys beat the worst defense in the League, not THAT impressive
Not directed toward anyone in particular, let alone in this thread, but jesus it seems like Mavs fans flip flop more than a dying fish. Fire Avery!! No wait,we're the best team ever! We'll see when it's all said and done how you truly feel. Hope you don't bow out in the first round again.
oops..mr. softie came back ..........in less than 2 weeks .......with a sprained leg...............and ankle.......and killed yall...lol
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Not directed toward anyone in particular, let alone in this thread, but jesus it seems like Mavs fans flip flop more than a dying fish. Fire Avery!! No wait, we're the best team ever! We'll see when it's all said and done how you truly feel. Hope you don't bow out in the first round again.

, after being on the rollercoaster we've been on, it's nice to see us win a game against a winning team, we've seen things in theMavericks/Avery that all teams see in their own team.We were on a terrible drought and needed this game.
Last year we were a huge favorite going into thePlayoffs, this year we're going in as somewhat underdogs, but what we got Kidd for was primarily the Playoffs, and that's what we were"supposed" to be judged on this year, was our playoff performance, I'm excited to see how we do, I'm not expecting a championship, I'mhoping for it, but I have faith in this team.

NOTE TO ANY MODS WHO MAY READ THIS: I wasn't paying attention and on accident instead of quoting Lazy J, I mistakingly reported him, but it was merely amistake.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Not directed toward anyone in particular, let alone in this thread, but jesus it seems like Mavs fans flip flop more than a dying fish. Fire Avery!! No wait, we're the best team ever! We'll see when it's all said and done how you truly feel. Hope you don't bow out in the first round again.

Ehh, I didn't think they were going to make it but I have no problems being wrong. My loyalties never wane I just lose faith but at the end of the dayit's a basketball team. They ain't a religion
lol @ japan "accidently" reporting me....uh huh...jk

Like I said, I didn't mean anyone particularly from NT, just other sites and stuff I read too. It's just funny, given the heat we take as Warriorsfans.
makes me happy to see all of the warriors "fans" hoppin off the bandwagon... for all of you REAL W's fans out there, there are still 7 gamesleft, season is nowhere close to being over for you guys
Like I said, I didn't mean anyone particularly from NT, just other sites and stuff I read too. It's just funny, given the heat we take as Warriors fans.
true....not even just NT...but a lot of people have theperception we just became warrior fans last april. there are a lot of fairweather fans, but it's an insult to the true die-hards that have been rooting forthem forever.

and japanair is a snitch.
typical mavs fan.

Got my season tickets for next season, regardless of what happens this year...i'll be there.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Like I said, I didn't mean anyone particularly from NT, just other sites and stuff I read too. It's just funny, given the heat we take as Warriors fans.
true....not even just NT...but a lot of people have the perception we just became warrior fans last april. there are a lot of fairweather fans, but it's an insult to the true die-hards that have been rooting for them forever.

This is so damn true it makes me mad and laugh at the same time
I'd put Nowitness over me as a fan anyday, but I'm not here to try and compare one of us to another, there is no one fan who's better than theother (unless your name is FR3SH or ZoDogg [just kidding in case your lurking
]). I think he's very realistic with our team, which is what I like abouthis opinion so much, there's only a few of us, so we don't stand out as much as the likes of Ska and Tupac as far as Lakers fans go, and Acid/Paul forWarriors.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Like I said, I didn't mean anyone particularly from NT, just other sites and stuff I read too. It's just funny, given the heat we take as Warriors fans.
true....not even just NT...but a lot of people have the perception we just became warrior fans last april. there are a lot of fairweather fans, but it's an insult to the true die-hards that have been rooting for them forever.

and japanair is a snitch.
typical mavs fan.


Yeap, that's me, Mr. Snitch, Mr. Al Harrington is the second best player on the Warriors, Mr. Portland wasn't winning 17 straight. Mr. I can'tmake predictions if my life depended on it.

I know how it is for you guys though, because other than the Mavericks, my heart is in the Bay, it's hard to watch the Niners past however many seasonsit's been since we were relevant, and the A's always get close, but never close enough. You just keep the faith, there's always next season, hopingfor the future, etc. BUT, the Warriors season is long from over.
I hate to admit this but out of my 6112 posts at least 5500 have been Mavs related.

The only reason I registered back in 03 was to argue with somebody about a Mavs VS Kings game. I remember being pissed you had to wait to get approved topost.

Edit-If it wasn't for last year I would really like the Warriors but my scars from last year simply run too deep so I'm at the point to where Iactually hate them more than the Lakers which is an accomplishment for me.
My first ~700 posts or so was on Jordan Board/General/Music, I got a lot of negative flack early on as most newcomers around here do, but you gotta earn the"Respect" of others by having good posts, but didn't really get any until recently, and probably just because of my postcount, Acid knowswhat's up, he knows in reality I'm ******ed.
Hey, I may lose my screenanme to Franchise if the Warriors dont get in....so my postwhoring may come to a hault real soon.

Posting in S&T took a while, I used ot be all about JB and General really...
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