⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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Damn with Laporte, city have now spent 100m more than anyone else this season.. that’s before we add Fred

Gerry D to Watford ?

"In its time, Spain has expelled the Moors, then the Jews. Now with recent immigration, this problem of racial prejudice unfortunately has gotten worse, especially because of populist rhetoric in a struggling economy. The immigrant is seen as a threat—'they take our jobs, our social benefits' and so on."

White racists blaming immigrants for being uneducated and unemployable? Sounds familiar. Maybe instead of spending hundreds of Euros attending games to throw bananas at black players, invest in some engineering courses instead, since most of the engineering work done in Spain is by Germans?
I’m a becks Stan but hasn’t this fool announced this Miami club like 37 times already?

kinda :lol:. Before today's announcement, there was lots of back peddling cause the proposed stadium site, logistics, needing new investors, other cities getting MLS teams. Even after all that, the new stadium won't be ready until after 2020. This new Miami team will bounce from stadium to stadium at least for the first season. :rofl:
"In its time, Spain has expelled the Moors, then the Jews. Now with recent immigration, this problem of racial prejudice unfortunately has gotten worse, especially because of populist rhetoric in a struggling economy. The immigrant is seen as a threat—'they take our jobs, our social benefits' and so on."

White racists blaming immigrants for being uneducated and unemployable? Sounds familiar. Maybe instead of spending hundreds of Euros attending games to throw bananas at black players, invest in some engineering courses instead, since most of the engineering work done in Spain is by Germans?

It always amazes at how people can be racist. It confirms for me the general low level intelligence in this world especially here in the states. It will take a collective effort from the local & federal governments, the FAs/league in the respective countries, & fifa/uefa taking strict action to help start combating this but fat chance that will happen.

Absolute crying shame La Liga doesn't take more strict measures...
It always amazes at how people can be racist. It confirms for me the general low level intelligence in this world especially here in the states. It will take a collective effort from the local & federal governments, the FAs/league in the respective countries, & fifa/uefa taking strict action to help start combating this but fat chance that will happen.

Absolute crying shame La Liga doesn't take more strict measures...

Who on earth comes up with these 10-20K Euro fines like "That will teach them a lesson!"??? Find the responsible fans and ban them for life. It's harder to prove what's said on the pitch, but at least make a realistic effort instead of just saying "We don't have any evidence". Players always accuse the victims of making it up, but there have been so many different victims that it's impossible and illogical to say that they're all liars.

As racist and redneck as many NFL fans are, 99% of them don't have the courage to throw bananas or other objects at players on the field. That kind of fear needs to be instilled in La Liga and Serie A ASAP
Giroud was never the fastest, the most clinical, or the most technical of strikers Arsenal has had over the years. But he has been a great servant to the club who has scored timely goals and helped us to win a couple FA cups ( I know it's not the League or CL). He's represented great value for the 10-12M we bought him for and he always gave his all in every match.

Good luck at Chelsea except when you play us.


Wow so it really might happen...actually surprised. He'd start over Morata I assume?

This window truly has been wild
So I'm seeing reports that Icardi could be on his way to Real before deadline day...

No way this kind of mega money transfer goes through midseason right??
Not sure what Inter would be thinking selling dude now,that'd basically be waving a white flag for the season. Real's still gonna be there with money bags in the summer
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