¹ 2008 Spring Football/Summer Workouts (updates) ©

Originally Posted by ddot7

I had heard about Seastrunk, but that's damn ridiculous.

Any Bama fans on here? I read they lost another LB recently, so they're basically down to McClain (who's nasty).
yea bama dropping LB's left and right. Ezekial Knight was medically disqualified and Jimmy Johns was kicked off for selling drugs...smh
. So pretty much freshmen coming in like Jerrell Harris andDon'ta Hightower is gonna have to step up in two a days...and they already lost two more players to the mlb draft WR Destin Hood (who would have played asa true freshmen along with Julio Jones) and some other dude forgot who it is
Originally Posted by THE ANOMOLIE

What's the update on WR Deandre Brown. He commited to Southern Miss.

Last I saw, he was enrolling to start the second semester of summer school classes. I know he was taking online courses earlier this summer so that he wouldmeet all eligibility requirements and be set to play this season.
July 17, 2008

Associated Press

CHARLESTON, W.Va. - Willie Williams has landed in small-town USA, far away from his old hang outs, for one final chance to approach the hype that followed the talented but trouble-prone linebacker out of high school.

The former Parade All-American is taking his game to Division II Glenville State in West Virginia, a place known for giving second chances to tarnished athletes.
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[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Willie Williams has landed at tiny Glenville State - his fourth college.[/td] [/tr][/table]Miami and Louisville it's not. The hilltop college is in a town of 1,500 people and in a county with only two grocery stores and four gas stations. The nearest big city, Pittsburgh, is 157 miles to the north.
"I'm using that to my advantage," Williams said. "It's best sometimes to fly under the radar. You'll get more things accomplished.

"I feel this was the perfect place for me."

Kicked off the Louisville team last September after his arrest on drug charges, Williams arrived at Glenville in January for the second semester, played spring football and is paying his own way to take two summer classes toward a degree in business administration.

He'll be a senior on scholarship in the fall and plans to graduate next year.

Coming to a place where pastures outnumber people - mall, what mall? - might send some scurrying back to familiar surroundings. Williams is aware there isn't a lot to do here yet is determined to make the sacrifice. He hasn't been back to his hometown of Miami once since arriving.

He used the word "focused" four times in describing his ambitions and rural surroundings in a recent telephone interview with The Associated Press.

"It's kind of new to me," he said. "I'm used to the University of Miami and Louisville - the big things. But sometimes good things come in small packages. Everybody supports everybody around here to get things accomplished. That's the nice thing about it."

Williams' Glenville State connection was Jerry Seymour, a teammate at Monsignor Pace High School in Miami. Seymour is another Glenville reconstruction project.

He was an all-Mid-American Conference running back at Central Michigan in 2004, then was suspended from the team and served jail time for his involvement in a fatal beating outside a bar. Seymour was out of school for two years and transferred to Glenville for the 2007 season, when he set a school record with 1,714 rushing yards.

Williams' past still follows him.

Self-nicknamed "The Predator" in high school, Williams was arrested 11 times before playing a down in college. He played in 10 games as a freshman at Miami but never started, transferred to West Los Angeles Community College for one season, ended up at Louisville in 2007 and played only three games.

Coach Alan Fiddler admits some surprise when he was contacted by Williams, who was convicted for marijuana possession last October in Louisville, Ky., but will avoid jail time if he stays clean.

"We just brought him in, had a heart-to-heart discussion and let him know what we expected so we were all on the same page," Fiddler said. "He's trying to turn things around and get back to where he was coming out of high school, when he was one of the top prospects in the nation.

"He's made some bad decisions. Most of Willie's troubles were when he was a minor. Hopefully he's matured."

Williams said there were no promises exchanged with Fiddler like those made - and later broken - with Louisville athletic director Tom Jurich.

"It was just like 'Willie, you know what you've got to do,"' Williams said. "I realize the mistakes I've made in the past. All I can do is change and grow from it. Coach talked to me like I was a grown man. I interpret that better than a promise or something because he came to me like it was man to man."

Seymour said people shouldn't worry about him and Williams getting into trouble at Glenville.

"There's only two things to do - play ball and go to school," Seymour said. "We're thankful. They took a chance on us that not many other schools would have took. They're putting their image on the line for us. We're just working hard."

Welcoming players who were rejected by other colleges for past indiscretions has been well documented in West Virginia.

The poster child is Rand native Randy Moss, who lost scholarships at Notre Dame and Florida State before starring at Marshall a decade ago. There's also Ahmad Bradshaw, who was kicked off the Virginia football team and flourished at Marshall.

Now, there's Williams, who knows this is the end of the line. Behave and perform. NFL teams might be watching, and even then, they'll have reservations about his character.

Fiddler said one NFL scout recently asked him about Williams.

"They really told me to emphasize to him to dominate on the field and do things right off the field," Fiddler said.

The decision's yours, Willie.

"I have ultimate goals in my life," Williams said. "It's motivation for me."


You got one more shot
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by ShannonsCrooks

I honestly don't put much stock into coaches gassing up their players as seen with Pelini and Jean-Francois.
RB DeMarco Murray, So., 6-0, 191, Oklahoma. Scout's take: "Bob (Stoops) has had a bunch of terrific runners there, and I'm telling you, this kid could be his best. Including (Adrian) Peterson. His speed, he hits the high gear immediately. He's a hard runner, but he's not the tough inside guy Peterson was. At least not yet."


WR Nyan Boateng, 6-2, 210, Jr., California

Completely forgot about this dude.
no its not.

2008: The DeMarco Murray Show...

\ Im concerned though anything more that 220 carries and im pissed..........
Michigan got another commitment I think. I'm not sure one website is saying he commited and the other is saying it's not official yet. Anyway theresbeen a lot of talk of whether Kevin Newsome might have been waivering in his commitment, but at the Top Gun camp it sounds like he's still firm w/ itbecause he was telling ppl he's going to Michigan.
Yeah it seems like Scout guys were pissed about Rivals getting the drop and they have said that this might lose the commitment of DD Jones from Louisana.Sounds to me like they are hating even though I like their guys more than Rivals'. DD is a good pickup and it seems like Brandin Hawthorne from Pahokeemight be next in line. Time to start bolstering the defense. I like the athletic guys the staff is going after. Not all 5 or 4 stars but they can play and playmore than 1 spot.

Pissed that Zach Martin went to ND but the way their line has played lately, I wouldn't worry about him becoming an All American.
So, UW has ZERO commitments in late July...

Jake Locker better be even better than advertised to save Ty's job....people still wana defend him- as a football coach?

Martin was a nice get. Things starting to shape up.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

So, UW has ZERO commitments in late July...

Jake Locker better be even better than advertised to save Ty's job....people still wana defend him- as a football coach?

Martin was a nice get. Things starting to shape up.

the UW AD & Pres did this to Ty.
By publicly looking for a new coach at the end of last yr and then flip flopping pretty much guaranteed that no legit recruits were gonna sign with UDub
He is basically a lame duck, He cant even promise a kid they will get touches cuz he cant even say if he'll be there.
Mike Gundy brings up an interesting proposal...

Gundy wants equal schedules

July 22, 2008 2:46 PM

Posted by ESPN.com's Tim Griffin

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Oklahoma State coach Mike Gundy said he would favor playing an 11-game conference schedule that would require playing only one non-conference game.

Some Big 12 administrators have talked about a potential nine-game schedule as a possibility to allow more conference games and to cut travel costs. But Gundy went one step more, saying he would be willing to play every conference opponent in every season.

"My thought is we should play 11," Gundy said. "Why should I have to play the No. 2 ranked schedule and somebody else play the No. 80th schedule. And at the end of the record they put both our records on the board."

Gundy also proposed doing away with the North and South Divisions in favor of a 12-team unified schedule.

"Everybody would play everybody," Gundy said. "You would play one nonconference game, whoever you wanted to play. And the two teams with the best record would play in the championship game. It's fair and would be an advantage financially because you don't travel very far."

Gundy doesn't expect his proposal would ever be approved by the league.

Mike Gundy, Oklahoma State Cowboys


Like he said though, there's no way the league would ever approve it. At first thought (without putting much thought into it at all), it sounds like anintriguing idea.
Yeah as soon as I seen "Mike Gundy proposal" I stopped reading.

UM heads what's the deal with Winston, are he still his favorite?
Originally Posted by AF Writer

Yeah as soon as I seen "Mike Gundy proposal" I stopped reading.

UM heads what's the deal with Winston, are he still his favorite?

Its gonna be hard to get him up here IMO. He has given a "Top 3" but both sites have 3 different schools. The only constant was Michigan. If hisdecision was to be made today, his uncle said he would be a Wolverine but I think the southern schools will be more attractive to him. The best thing going forus is that Jay Hopson is recruiting him. Hop has been a beast for us.
I want to say his top3 are Michigan, LSU and maybe Tennesee/Mississippi? I like that he came out and named us his favorite right away but that doesnt reallymean anything. It might be someone else but I think he wants to make it up when we play Illinois.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

How do you guys feel Auburn, and Tennessee adapt to their new offense's?

With the depth that both those teams have at RB, they need to forget about spreading people out, showing exotic looks, etc.

Just run the damn ball.
Originally Posted by DLo13

Originally Posted by allen3xis

How do you guys feel Auburn, and Tennessee adapt to their new offense's?

With the depth that both those teams have at RB, they need to forget about spreading people out, showing exotic looks, etc.

Just run the damn ball.

More so for Auburn... I think Tenn will spread it out much more.
Just got my tickets for opening day, I'm stoked. What is going on w/ DeQuinta Jones? This is confusing.
Looks like Scout is making it into a soap opera. Tom sometimes acts the fool and thinks like they are the only ones with the "real story". The thingis, DD said he committed to the Rivals guys but since RR and his staff are on a little retreat and haven't been in direct contact Scout is wavering onletting things out. Davenport going to LSU helps us a little more with DD and so should Sentimore.

forgot all about that Thomas Davis I made you

Im either way on Auburn's offense,If Lester stays on the course he can tote it, but I dont like Tate.
Fanning playing mroe WR than RB supposedly but things change once they hit the field for real.

Tennessee is definitely focusing on getting G.Jones the ball in space.
Foster is gonna put up a steady grand again, that OLine is one of the best if not the best in College.
I really think we gonna see a HUGE yr from G. Jones. He got that kinda talent ( they totally wasted his Freshman yr)
*Optimist* Offense could look real good.
Tate is trash to me...they had no explosiveness at all last season...I'd like to think Burns can bring another dimension.

Anything is better than Cox

Gunna you wana hook a Smitty avy up sometime
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