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  1. emsterr


    well it was a female cop, they are the meanest ones lol. i heard "put the gun away", but my volume was kinda low.
  2. emsterr

    anybody have a miami hurricanes dock icon set for mac???

    or know where i can find one? i looked on a bunch of different icon sites and couldn't find one.
  3. emsterr

    how to convert .wab files to a format readable on a mac?

    is there a way to do this? i exported it and emailed it to myself but at home i only have mac computers and i really need the address book info. any help will be much appreciated! thanks. =)
  4. emsterr

    SNAKE ESCAPES AND STRANGLES 2 YR OLD GIRL (i donno if this is late)

    not even that, what parent in their right mind would have snakes that big anywhere near where they have an infant living. that's just poor parenting!
  5. emsterr

    SNAKE ESCAPES AND STRANGLES 2 YR OLD GIRL (i donno if this is late) at the owners for even having that monster around a baby.
  6. emsterr

    itunes music program question:

    thanks so much guys! i'll check out both of them =)
  7. emsterr

    itunes music program question:

    Does anyone know of a free program I can download that will like show what my itunes is playing; like a little box that will pop up every time a new song starts or whatever? I have a mac if that matters... thanks!
  8. emsterr


    i voted....and the person that's picture is way better! =)
  9. emsterr

    How much debt are you in? What are you doing to get out of it?

    You should go back to school till you find a job. Hopefully that will keep deferring the repayment.
  10. emsterr

    how do you restore a phone to factory settings if it's password protected?

    it's ok. i understand. stuff like that has happened to me before too. i guess i should have posted the proof of purchase in the op.
  11. emsterr

    how do you restore a phone to factory settings if it's password protected?

    i have never stolen anything in my life. that's cool that you think you know me though.
  12. emsterr

    how do you restore a phone to factory settings if it's password protected?

    the seller buys and sells and stuff so he isn't the original owner. otherwise i wouldn't be wasting my time on here...
  13. emsterr

    how do you restore a phone to factory settings if it's password protected?

    well...thanks for all the help. although i did pay for it......
  14. emsterr

    how do you restore a phone to factory settings if it's password protected?

    lol my brother got it for me...i don't even use ebay.
  15. emsterr

    how do you restore a phone to factory settings if it's password protected?

    i just got a used phone off ebay. same one i have now, but mine is messed up. anyways, i donno the password on the new phone and donno how to reset it since i don't kno the pword. anybody kno how? it's a samsung sync...if that matters.
  16. emsterr


    i just made this desktop tonight! took me like 3 hours.
  17. emsterr

    NT Am I screwed?

    haha i guess it sucks if a girl needs to pass a drug test....
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