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  1. unknown18

    R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

    Not sure about Diddy, but I figured it was because didn't Jay meet Bey when she was like 17 (not saying they were messing around). I just figured thats a rabbit hole he didn't want to go down.
  2. unknown18

    "Racism is as American as baseball"

    im late to this post and someone may have said it but something about this is mad suspect. i could be reaching, but right before the cop that tased him knelt to check his pocket, he motioned to the female who was recording and she stood in the way of the camera while he was checking ol boy.
  3. unknown18

    RIP Backpage (its REALLY dead this time)

    exactly this. as i posted before, you'd rather have your fish dropped in a bucket than trying to get into word of mouth circles.
  4. unknown18

    RIP Backpage (its REALLY dead this time)

    you may be right but at what point do we stop holding peoples hands. i'd rather a law be passed requiring companies to hire personnel, whether internally or externally, to police their ****. youre right, a lot of stuff can go wrong. but it does in other areas. we let cats go spend they whole...
  5. unknown18

    APPLE THREAD | Apple Event Sept. 9th 2024 10a.m. PT. | iPhone 16

    Appreciate the input. Went ahead and got the X and so far im satisfied. Its nothing to blow me away but it is pretty dope, especially for what i need it for, it was also an easier transition from the s8plus since i was already used to no buttons and gesture controls.
  6. unknown18

    APPLE THREAD | Apple Event Sept. 9th 2024 10a.m. PT. | iPhone 16

    Can I get one of yalls opinion, I have a samsung s8 plus now, and i'm thinking about switching back to iphone for the ease of messaging and facetime when im away for work. Are the new iphones worth it? would yall recommend the 8 plus or X?
  7. unknown18

    Food combos you love that others find weird.

    my wife does this **** and it blows my damn mind. when she first did it, inside, i questioned who she was as a person. lmao. not even the taco bell tacos, like the legit, hole in the wall, we don't speak english, point at the menu, mexican joint tacos. the one somebody grandma make with...
  8. unknown18

    Beyoncé unappreciation

    breast pump. women use it especially when they go back to work. they pump as they normally would, but throw what they pumped away
  9. unknown18

    Beyoncé unappreciation

    you can drink while breast feeding, you have to throw out the "batch" of milk after drinking and you're good
  10. unknown18

    Should transgender individuals be allowed to serve in the military?.

    Just wondering, have you been in a war zone, and if so, what did you see that brought you to that conclusion?
  11. unknown18

    Should transgender individuals be allowed to serve in the military?.

    Because i'm here to attempt to understand where you're coming from, where do you get your suicide stats? also, please define political pressure and correctness. While i agree with the shift to political correctness in regards to a number of other subjects, im curious as to what you see...
  12. unknown18

    Should transgender individuals be allowed to serve in the military?.

    I'm curious as to why is it you feel individuals on antidepressants shouldnt be in the military? you support birth control, what about a female on antidepressants due to going through postpartum depression. Im just trying to locate your baseline here.
  13. unknown18

    Should transgender individuals be allowed to serve in the military?.

    You do realize that mandatory psychology appointments as well as having doctors sign off is usually mandatory to insure someone isn't "living in a fantasy" right? If someone was willing to do just "cut off their penis, take drugs for a lifetime, and change their lifestyle to fit into a societal...
  14. unknown18

    Should transgender individuals be allowed to serve in the military?.

    One of the best responses to bigotry i've ever read... "First of all, in a sexual species, you can have females be XX and males be X (insects), you can have females be ZW and males be ZZ (birds), you can have females be females because they developed in a warm environment and males be males...
  15. unknown18

    Should transgender individuals be allowed to serve in the military?.

    i agree with you. its easy to advertise to cats looking for a way out. its all kind of "fine print" stuff they dont tell you though. man part of basic is sharing "how my recruiter f@cked me over" stories
  16. unknown18

    Should transgender individuals be allowed to serve in the military?.

    to say that it is a cosmetic thing would be incorrect IMO. Its a surgery to make the physical match the mental and therefore comes with a lot more to it. Women in combat roles is in no way close to this comparison, what needs does a CIS (i believe thats they term used) woman have that cant be...
  17. unknown18

    Should transgender individuals be allowed to serve in the military?.

    i see a lot of back and forth and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but i do want to clarify "readiness" because i feel that is getting lost. whether or not you support transgenders in the military, readiness has to be considered. readiness is not, train them, give them a gun, let them...
  18. unknown18

    Should transgender individuals be allowed to serve in the military?.

    I remember reading an article about requirements to have X amount of counseling with a psychiatry before the surgery was even signed off on. I doubt it'd be deemed cosmetic. Although, as crazy as it is, I've seen chicks in Texas talk about how little breast have affected their mental state to...
  19. unknown18

    Should transgender individuals be allowed to serve in the military?.

    As a veteran, I'm stuck on this. I don't discriminate, and it's hard to follow anything he does because he's such an *******, but I do have questions about their deployment readiness. The army is downsizing and putting people out for all kinds of little stuff. Is access to their care worldwide...
  20. unknown18


    I appreciate it bro. Its crazy because i keep waiting on things to "get better" but we'll never be the same. Im one of the few that cant blame the VA. Theyve been great with me, meds, no appt wait times, referrels within a week. i just dont know. I went to a ptsd group last week and there was...
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