Should transgender individuals be allowed to serve in the military?.

Should transgender individuals be allowed to serve in the military

  • Yes

    Votes: 79 78.2%
  • No

    Votes: 22 21.8%

  • Total voters
Apr 15, 2004

Saw this in the morning... Trump is wylin, but I'm curious to see how his supporters will try to talk their way out of this.
This has to be the first president in history to enact military policy for the sole purpose trolling progressives.
Yeah sure, why not? I'm not fighting.
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IDK man. There's no easy answer.

For me I already oppose our military as it operates. We already spend so much money as tax payers to fund these BS military engagements. Protracted warfare simply to keep fat the many military contractors. Like it's a business at this point. All it really is. False premise after false premise.

So I'm already not willing to foot the bill anymore unless we have legit reason to.

In a vacuum however, if we had that legit reason to actually be in conflict. If there ever comes a day where we absolutely need to go to war, then I see no reason why transgendered people shouldn't be allowed to serve in at least some capacity. I can understand there may be a grey area when it comes to combat. We already don't allow women to serve in combat roles.

Edit: I should point out that upon further review, women are now allowed to serve in combat roles.
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someone wanna give me a valid reason for why they shouldnt other than people like controlling and having an opinion on things that don't really affect them

i know im not about to take my black *** over there any time soon so if they wanna fight for "us" then why not

what tremendous medical costs are he referring to? estrogen/testosterone pills?

i think homie is just determined to see what he can get away with and how many people he can piss off before something crazy happens. that ***** is rich and bored. a very dangerous combination
I do have a question for those who are more medically astute. Would taking hormones, as a male to female transgendered person, impair physical strength?

Again women are already not allowed to serve in combat roles. This needs to be emphasized. So female to male transgendered people would have already been turned down for combat duty.

In any event, I fail to see why transgendered people can't serve in at least some capacity. There's a lot of jobs in the military that have nothing to do with combat.

A bit late in the game to worry about medical bills. Maybe we shouldn't have sent Americans to get maimed in BS wars in the first ******* place, just a thought.
if they want to die for nun sure let them sign up

I think a lot of you are missing the point. This sentiment, for whatever bizarre reason is being repeated over and over.

Pay attention. He said they wouldn't be allowed to serve in any capacity. Stop focusing on combat. Half of transgendered people are ALREADY not allowed in combat roles because women are not allowed in combat roles. So people who were born women but identify as males wouldn't be fighting anyways.

This issue is bigger than combat people. He's not allowing them to serve period. In any capacity.
could be da ol' "get locked up to your teeth fixed"

with trans folks enlisting just so da government can pay for their "reassignment" surgery.

other then that? meh.
This is one big bait and switch.

Trump trying to replace the FBI director AGAIN

Trump pressures Sessions to replace the acting FBI director

President Trump ratcheted up pressure on Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions to fire the acting FBI director, who has been a periodic target of conservative attacks.

In two tweets Wednesday morning, Trump criticized Sessions for not replacing Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, whose wife ran for office in Virginia as a Democrat in 2015 and received contributions from the state Democratic Party.

"Why didn't A.G. Sessions replace Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe," Trump wrote.

Donald J. Trump


Why didn't A.G. Sessions replace Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, a Comey friend who was in charge of Clinton investigation but got....

9:48 AM - 26 Jul 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Donald J. Trump


...big dollars ($700,000) for his wife's political run from Hillary Clinton and her representatives. Drain the Swamp!

9:52 AM - 26 Jul 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Trump called McCabe, a 31-year veteran of the FBI, a "Comey friend who was in charge of the Clinton investigation." McCabe was James B. Comey's deputy before Trump fired Comey in June. At that point, McCabe took over running the bureau, but he hasn't been running the Russia investigation, which is directed by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.

Trump's tweets are based on several false claims.

McCabe's wife Jill McCabe, a pediatrician, ran for a seat in the Virginia State Senate in 2015 and lost to the Republican incumbent.

At the time, McCabe had no role in the Clinton investigation. When Jill McCabe entered the race, her husband was not working at FBI headquarters, but was a senior official in the Washington field office, working primarily on counter-terrorism investigations.

By the time Andrew McCabe did become FBI deputy director in February 2016, which would have given him some role in overseeing the Russia investigation, his wife's campaign had been over for three months.

Jill McCabe, like most Democratic candidates in Virginia, did receive money from Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, and from the state Democratic Party. McAuliffe is a longtime political ally of the Clintons, but there is no evidence that Hillary Clinton was involved in the donations.

In recent days Trump has taken aim at Sessions, calling him "beleaguered" and criticizing Sessions for stepping aside from oversight of the investigation into Russian efforts to sway the 2016 election.

The FBI decided last year to not bring charges against Clinton over her mishandling of State Department emails. Trump supporters often chanted "lock her up" at campaign rallies.

Trump's criticism of Sessions has sparked speculation that Trump wants Sessions to resign and open the door for another attorney general who would fire Mueller.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, Trump said he was "disappointed" Sessions had not done more to investigate intelligence leaks and had not restarted the FBI's investigation into Clinton.

Trump added: "So many people say to me: Why are they going after you on nothing and they leave Hillary Clinton alone on, you know, really major things?"

Trump's nominee to become FBI Director, Christopher Wray, is awaiting Senate confirmation. Once he is confirmed, which is expected, McCabe will no longer be acting director.

They should be allowed to, but honestly, he's doing them a favor by not having them become victims of his idiotic military decisions.

And yes, there are obviously many non combatant roles, but at the end of the day, if you're in the military, you're helping to support and carry out your government's policy one way or another. I don't care if you were a chef during the Iraq invasion; your hands are dirty
As a veteran, I'm stuck on this. I don't discriminate, and it's hard to follow anything he does because he's such an *******, but I do have questions about their deployment readiness. The army is downsizing and putting people out for all kinds of little stuff. Is access to their care worldwide? Are they world wide deployable? It may seem like a stupid question, especially to a civilian, but this is the standard the rest of us had to meet, if you needed meds consistently that were not available to you in other countries you're a no go. I know there are pieces of **** in every profession that skirt the system but this is the same issue I had with females in combat arms. If you can meet the same standards of everyone else, cool, **** it, let em fight, if rules need to be changed to accommodate you, I cant see it.
could be da ol' "get locked up to your teeth fixed"

with trans folks enlisting just so da government can pay for their "reassignment" surgery.

other then that? meh.

Raises another question. Is reassignment surgery deemed cosmetic? I've never looked into how insurance companies field such things. Generally insurance companies don't pay for cosmetic procedures. So I would believe that when it comes to the government, folks would have to foot their own bill when it comes to cosmetic procedures.

Again however, I don't know how reassignment surgery is seen. In my mind, it's way bigger than just a cosmetic issue. It has deep rooted psychological implications. People feel like they're the wrong gender and that has to create a lot of anguish for those people. Doesn't seem purely cosmetic to me.
Raises another question. Is reassignment surgery deemed cosmetic? I've never looked into how insurance companies field such things. Generally insurance companies don't pay for cosmetic procedures. So I would believe that when it comes to the government, folks would have to foot their own bill when it comes to cosmetic procedures.

Again however, I don't know how reassignment surgery is seen. In my mind, it's way bigger than just a cosmetic issue. It has deep rooted psychological implications. People feel like they're the wrong gender and that has to create a lot of anguish for those people. Doesn't seem purely cosmetic to me.

I remember reading an article about requirements to have X amount of counseling with a psychiatry before the surgery was even signed off on. I doubt it'd be deemed cosmetic. Although, as crazy as it is, I've seen chicks in Texas talk about how little breast have affected their mental state to the point of depression and used that as a door to have the army pay for implants.
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