Should transgender individuals be allowed to serve in the military?.

Should transgender individuals be allowed to serve in the military

  • Yes

    Votes: 79 78.2%
  • No

    Votes: 22 21.8%

  • Total voters
If they are US citizens, then they certainly have the same Civil Rights as everyone else. I shouldn't have to hire a male wearing a dress any more than I should have to hire someone with 666 tattooed across their face.

I don't think that people who take antidepressants should be in the military period. Birth control? Yeah, I support that because a pregnant soldier might be a problem. I identify as a muscular bodybuilder. Should the military foot the bill for me to take steroids to achieve this goal? That is hormone therapy.
I'm curious as to why is it you feel individuals on antidepressants shouldnt be in the military? you support birth control, what about a female on antidepressants due to going through postpartum depression. Im just trying to locate your baseline here.
You do realize that mandatory psychology appointments as well as having doctors sign off is usually mandatory to insure someone isn't "living in a fantasy" right? If someone was willing to do just "cut off their penis, take drugs for a lifetime, and change their lifestyle to fit into a societal gender mold" as you so eloquently put it, without actually being transgender, there are deeper mental issues that will more than likely be vetted before a surgery takes place.

Yeah I do know about it. It takes about a year.I also know about the high suicide rates among trans people who undergo gender reassignment surgery. There are deeper mental issues, and they are being normalized due to political pressure and political correctness in the scientific and psychological communities. It is a problem when children are being given drugs simply because they like to play with Barbie when society says that they should be playing with GIJOE.

"cut off their penis, take drugs for a lifetime, and change their lifestyle to fit into a societal gender mold"

That is exactly what they are doing, how much more eloquently could I put it?
I'm curious as to why is it you feel individuals on antidepressants shouldnt be in the military? you support birth control, what about a female on antidepressants due to going through postpartum depression. Im just trying to locate your baseline here.

If someone is on antidepressants, that means that they are mentally unstable and depressed. They are treating a mental disorder. A war zone is not conducive to helping this disorder. Their mental state is dangerous for them and for their fellow soldiers.
Yeah I do know about it. It takes about a year.I also know about the high suicide rates among trans people who undergo gender reassignment surgery. There are deeper mental issues, and they are being normalized due to political pressure and political correctness in the scientific and psychological community. It is a problem when children are being given drugs simply because they like to play with Barbie when society says that they should be playing with GIJOE.

"cut off their penis, take drugs for a lifetime, and change their lifestyle to fit into a societal gender mold"

That is exactly what they are doing, how much more eloquently could I put it?
Because i'm here to attempt to understand where you're coming from, where do you get your suicide stats? also, please define political pressure and correctness. While i agree with the shift to political correctness in regards to a number of other subjects, im curious as to what you see SPECIFICALLY in regards to trans individuals. Also, what statistics support children being given medication, and what type are they being treated with? are they being treated for being transgender or from being depressed as a result of bullying from playing with said doll?
If someone is on antidepressants, that means that they are mentally unstable and depressed. They are treating a mental disorder. A war zone is not conducive to helping this disorder. Their mental state is dangerous for them and for their fellow soldiers.
Just wondering, have you been in a war zone, and if so, what did you see that brought you to that conclusion?
If they are US citizens, then they certainly have the same Civil Rights as everyone else. I shouldn't have to hire a male wearing a dress any more than I should have to hire someone with 666 tattooed across their face.

I don't think that people who take antidepressants should be in the military period. Birth control? Yeah, I support that because a pregnant soldier might be a problem. I identify as a muscular bodybuilder. Should the military foot the bill for me to take steroids to achieve this goal? That is hormone therapy.

The assumption you make is ********. So black, native Americans and other minority groups have the same civil rights as all other Americans in practice? So all those Civil Rights lawsuits in courts right now regarding minority groups are bs, because yeah, they are citizens so they civil rights are the same and don't get violated

Then you false equivalencies to face tattoos, and juicing body builder is ridiculous. But it points out how willing you violate your logic to make your point work.

And I got some news for you, your tax dollars probably does pay for HRT for cisgender male soldiers.

So if you are trying to get jacked and your test is low, yes, the military will pay for meds for you.

Your reaches don't make good arguments
You do know that the military isn't some form of welfare, that these people are signing their lives away to their country to handle a task in order to receive their qualified benefits?

I could see if they were signing up and sitting on a couch and the military was "footing the bill" but that's not even close to what goin on here.

Just like saying the job you work at shouldn't "foot the bill" for whatever medication their employee is on.
I don't have a problem with them serving, any more than I have a problem with transracial people, transpecies individuals or furries or any other make believers serving. I don't think that they should be given extra rights over others because of their fantasies.

So if I identify as a muscular bodybuilder, should the military foot the bill for steroids? That is what you are asking them to do for trans people.
Nah, don't lump that foolishness in with the rest of the outlandish NTAnalogies
You shouldn't really be in the military if you have an ongoing medical issue that requires constant treatment anyways.
My fantasies are the same as theirs. If I identify as a muscular bodybuilder, then they should have to provide the roids. It is exactly the same issue.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that gender dysphoria is significantly more prominent than identifying as a muscular bodybuilder.
My fantasies are the same as theirs. If I identify as a muscular bodybuilder, then they should have to provide the roids. It is exactly the same issue.

What if I don't want my tax dollars going towards supporting the delusions of frail dudes who spit bigotry?

You know what famb, nevermind

I accept you and want you to live your truth and move past only being able to press dem neoprene joints.

I got you famb. But you gonna have to take a military sponsored zoology class
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that gender dysphoria is significantly more prominent than identifying as a muscular bodybuilder.

Actually, it isn't. You can go into any gym in any city in America and see that you are wrong. I don't have the stats, but I am positive that there are are more bodybuilders than there are transgenders.Gender Dysphoria and Body Dysmorphic Disorder are basically the same thing. Where should the line be drawn?
Actually, it isn't. You can go into any gym in any city in America and see that you are wrong. I don't have the stats, but I am positive that there are are more bodybuilders than there are transgenders.Gender Dysphoria and Body Dysmorphic Disorder are basically the same thing. Where should the line be drawn?

We're talking about gender though. Those bodybuilders also likely identify as either male or female. And most bodybuilders don't have body dysmorphia. The ones that do likely have their psychiatry covered by their health plan and don't face scrutiny from society for identifying as a "male bodybuilder."
We're talking about gender though. Those bodybuilders also likely identify as either male or female. And most bodybuilders don't have body dysmorphic disorder. Those that do likely have their psychiatry covered by their health plan.

The difference is that bodybuilders can lift weights and alter their diet to achieve their goals, while transgenders must mutilate properly functioning body parts and commit to drugs for life to achieve theirs.And they want others to pretend that they were born with different chromosomes also, and to accommodate them in their fantasies.
The difference is that bodybuilders can lift weights and alter their diet to achieve their goals, while transgenders must mutilate properly functioning body parts and commit to drugs for life to achieve theirs.And they want others to pretend that they were born with different chromosomes also, and to accommodate them in their fantasies.

What fantasies?
Huffington Post had an article that stated that Transgender people are more likely to commit suicide after transitioning due to the rejections from friends/family/society etc. One can assume that same prejudice is exponentially worse for them in the Military. Therefore, increasing the likelihood of suicide occurring. The military has a terrible record regarding mental issues, PTSD and such. They can't even handle that let alone this added issue.

Aside from the mental argument, I don't see any other valid argument. It is a huge argument though.
The medical cost they require is very low for "other things".
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