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  1. so nyuh shi dae

    What year will religion finally be extinct?

    there are already conflicts in the world as a result of different beliefs.
  2. so nyuh shi dae

    Michigan House passes bill blocking NDAA detention

    man, look at how mad you are because this fear mongering pseudo intelligent garbage isn't being tolerated. you missed my point so bad and you have the audacity to place the blame on me. in case of mass burial, do you really think they're going to use bulky, non-biodegradable burial vaults? no...
  3. so nyuh shi dae

    Michigan House passes bill blocking NDAA detention

    you should look up why a burial vault is used and come back after that. here i'll help: A burial vault is a container that houses a casket when it is buried. The burial vault is placed in the grave, the casket is lowered into the vault and a top (lid) is placed onto the vault before the grave...
  4. so nyuh shi dae

    What year will religion finally be extinct?

    maybe when enough people get coffee spilled on them.
  5. so nyuh shi dae

    Michigan House passes bill blocking NDAA detention

    we're not arguing semantics. you should re-read what i just said. the intended use of a burial vault is not the same as the intended use of a coffin. while a burial vault could house a body, that's not what it was designed for.
  6. so nyuh shi dae

    Michigan House passes bill blocking NDAA detention

    they're called burial vaults. their intended use is not the same as a coffin's.
  7. so nyuh shi dae

    Michigan House passes bill blocking NDAA detention

    they aren't coffins. nice little jab by the way. it definitely takes attention away from your inability to construct a coherent argument.
  8. so nyuh shi dae

    Michigan House passes bill blocking NDAA detention

    those aren't "coffins". stop being so dramatic. but please, stop dodging the demand for evidence. i'm asking you to present concrete evidence that states what you are claiming. you're never really good at this and you usually stop talking to me around now. i can do a quick google search to find...
  9. so nyuh shi dae

    Michigan House passes bill blocking NDAA detention

    because there are other explanations. aside from presenting a conspiracy theory, you haven't provided any evidence. hm, this sounds like other topics you make.
  10. so nyuh shi dae

    Is It "Not Love" To Compare The Value Of Gifts Given and Received?

    i guess a good question to ask is, why do you think she spent significantly less on you? why does that bother you?
  11. so nyuh shi dae

    Is It "Not Love" To Compare The Value Of Gifts Given and Received?

    if you really like/love someone, you're not giving them gifts and expecting gifts in return.
  12. so nyuh shi dae

    Michigan House passes bill blocking NDAA detention

    unexplained casket liners - the government must be planning to wipe us all out!!1 any substantial documents that you can provide, TC (oh god, please don't freak out that i am asking you to provide evidence)? or just infowars articles?
  13. so nyuh shi dae

    NT Alpha Problems...."Oh I think he is busy"

    yeah, i read the OP. i'm wondering what it had to do with being alpha.
  14. so nyuh shi dae

    Michigan House passes bill blocking NDAA detention

    i think the lack of insight can be explained by who created the topic.
  15. so nyuh shi dae

    NT Alpha Problems...."Oh I think he is busy"

    did i miss the explanation on what this has to do with being alpha?
  16. so nyuh shi dae

    Gyro Appreciation.

    i'm greek and i've never had one of these.
  17. so nyuh shi dae

    The B.S. War On Christmas

    this seems to bother a lot of people.
  18. so nyuh shi dae

    How do you react to an older person (60+) cutting in front of you in a line?

    unless i'm in a rush, i pretty much never make a big deal when someone cuts in front of me. there are bigger and better things to worry about in life.
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