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  1. aristotle604

    Studying For Finals Unappreciation Vol. No Sleep

    Damn....I already took one of my finals last Friday. Pretty much had this week off (not really, but I skipped my Monday and Tuesday classes). I have threefinals starting next week on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday...I should really start studying today but I know I'll be starting at around 2 AM...
  2. aristotle604

    Woman finds 100k and returns it back to owner

    Wow, that's awesome! Props to her for returning everything and not even accepting any money she was offered. This reminds me of that "random acts ofkindness" thread. These types of stories are always appreciated! Imagine the feeling the lady had when she found out the money was missing and then...
  3. aristotle604

    KG commerical with Young Jeezy "The Game" (poker)

    KG and Jeezy look like they are old enough to supervise these kids at the party...After Jeezy wins and is walking around, it looks like he's thinking"where am I?? what the hell am I doing here?"
  4. aristotle604

    Did Melo really just score 33 in the 3rd quarter?

    Wow, Melo can still score!? No wayyy....Haha, I don't think this is going to be a trend though. At the beginning of the season, Melo did say how he wasgoing to concentrate on defense A LOT more since he can score anytime he wants. I do hope he gets a little more aggressive and starts to drop...
  5. aristotle604

    New York YANKEES spring training thread......... 2 days until season starts: LETS GO YANKEES!

    Damn this "go spend some small countries' GDP on free agents if you can" mentality baseball has! Salary cap anyone!?...Sighhh, when will the BlueJays EVER get to contend?!! Damnit!! Baseball needs parody... maybe have more than just 4 playoff spots,, add a couple more? and shorten the regular...
  6. aristotle604

    What's wrong with this pic? (Epic fail approaching...)

    Damn dude, I swear she looks so familiar. Does anyone know where these girls are from? PM me or just say it in the thread since the info is already leakedapparently... But yeah, poor girl, pretty embarrassing...
  7. aristotle604

    So I decide to shave my head for the first time in 6 years today...

    Damn dude, that sucks. Just wait for your hair to grow out a little more and since it's at a 2, it shouldn't be that noticeable anyway. Poor ShaneBattier, when he shaves his head you can see those cornrows/lines/brain/roads on his head, when he doesn't shave his hairline is close to uniting with...
  8. aristotle604

    Find me somone with a WORSE hairline....vol. neyo ain't got nuffin' on Wayne Brady

    Man, when you have to constantly put your chin on your chest for people to notice the hairline, I think it's time to let go. Wayne Brady and Flo Rida needto get their Charlie Brown on and walk around with their head down for anyone to notice they have a hairline. I just want to know WHYYY is...
  9. aristotle604

    Kendrick Perkins Unapprectiation

    Wow, that picture of him smiling HAS to be photoshopped!! I've NEVERseen him smile or put on any other expression other than that "mean" look. He would have that pissed off look even if they win the championship.You'd see everyone celebrating in the locker room and he would be going around to...
  10. aristotle604

    Kobe Artest Interview Video

    If Kobe and Ron Artest's wife were walking down the same hall, Artest would run towards Kobe and probably give him a hug and kiss first THEN notice hiswife.... But yeah, that was a good interview, I gotta give props to Ron Artest. You can tell he still LOVES the game and enjoys every minute of...
  11. aristotle604

    Who's in your fave 5? MLB Edition.

    Damn, five is too hard... Roy Halladay Carlos Delgado Shannon Stewart Griffey Jr. David Ortiz Vernon Wells, Alex Rios, A-Rod, David Wright, Ryan Braun, Soriana, Papelbon, Manny!!....okayy, I gotta stop....I guess all of them belong in the honorablemention category...
  12. aristotle604

    NT What should i do across the stage ?

    Find your family in the crowd, point to them and yell THANK YOU!! cause you probably couldn't have done it without them and then shake the dude's hand, take the diploma and do a cartwheel if you wantto.... or if you're a heavy set dude, just STOMP really hard across stage like this one dude at...
  13. aristotle604

    What do non-Laker fans think of Sasha Vujacic?

    dland24, yeah, he's pretty much useless on offense but defensively he annoys the %%** out of everyone he's guarding so he's not completelyuseless... This contract year thing is crazy, GMs in every sport should start offering one year deals only!! Then we'd see every player compete at their...
  14. aristotle604

    Whats good with Delonte West?

    Haha, I don't think the lady knew what Delonte sounded like and as soon as he made his "hands-down mans-down" comment, it was a wrap as far theinterview went. She said "thank you" sooo fast right after he got done talking, I wouldn't have been surprised if she said "thank you"after he said his...
  15. aristotle604

    Does anyone else find Garnett annoying?

    at the frame by frame... That's the form of the defensiveplayer of the year right there!! Maybe every player on the Nuggets should try doing that...
  16. aristotle604

    3/31-4/3 - Yankees v. Blue Jays - Bronx, NY

    You guys are right about the Blue Jays being the "darkhorse" the last couple years but they haven't come through because of injuries and such. Last year, like RELISH said, they had pretty much EVERYONE except Rios under achieve at the plate which isn't going to happen again this year. I...
  17. aristotle604

    [| -- Video Request: T.J. Ford making Jared Jeffries fall tonight? LOL -- |]

    No way, he did that to Jared Jeffries!??! But...but, he's a defensive specialist!!!
  18. aristotle604

    What things bother you in sports (uniform wise)

    co-sign with everyone that said Chism's headband, someone needs to tell him it doesn't look cool...
  19. aristotle604

    It's been 5 years, why isn't MJ in the Hall?

    at all the replies. I think this is the most Luc Longley will ever bementioned in a single post.. But seriously, he has a better shot of making the baseball Hall of Fame...and we all know what type of baseball player he was....
  20. aristotle604

    Randy Moss/Daunte Culpepper talk about reuiniting?

    There are a few teams I can think of that would need a quarterback and a WR unless they draft for these positions. The Bears, the Dolphins, the Falcons andsome other teams (KC?, 49ers?? according to most 49er fans) but I think the Ravens should go after them. Willis McGahee did a good job last...
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