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  1. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    Cubs Win !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was there any doubt it would end with Woody vS. Pujols....i was soooo freakin nervous, good god
  2. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    Brewers lost to the Phillies. I hope the Cubs can hold on to this slim 1 run lead....ughhhhh
  3. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    MLB has post-poned the Cubs/Astros games on Friday and Saturday. people I've spoken too have severe doubts that there will be sporting games played inHouston until mid week.........the sage cont.
  4. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    Cubs need to get this game, especially with the weather in Houston. Go Philly !!!!!!!!
  5. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    I know I'll be around Wisco......I could put in a good word for you, but you'll have to shape up a little.....if you catch my drift. And I just realized it's been 100 years since our last World Series title.....hmm, who knew. Thanks for sharing your vast knowledge on sports history.
  6. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    Personally, I hope the Brewers and Cardinals suck until like 2098. I just saw Ted barrel into Molina....god damn!! Good solid baseball play...and by a pitcher no less. Let's go get 2 out of 3 tomorrow.
  7. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    Cubs Win !!! I nearly had a damn heart attack in that oh man
  8. arog27

    Ska its been going on long enough...time to lock....

    What the hell is Ben Gordon doing ??
  9. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    We've lost what......8 out of our last 9???? .......maybe when it's 14 out of 15 they'll get the message. I'm tired of it.
  10. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    Before this horrible stretch, the Cubs took advantage of their scoring opportunities. They were clutch, and put teams away late. Now, they leave a ton of runners on base, they don't score late, and they let teams come back on them often. It's over......
  11. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    Damn it ! Thats why you dont have players who dont bunt, bunt. Freakin terribly....double play off a bunt and just like that the inning is over. god dman thisfreakin team, i'm tired of the offense being crap, get in freakin gear butt munchers.
  12. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    Don't say that......Cards are gonna win this first game after Dempster blew the lead. offense needs to get back its timely hitting. Lot ofrunners left on usual.
  13. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    My bad dude Freakin Pujols...
  14. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    It's crazy how our allegiances lye with different teams. I know Mw is a Cowboys guy, CP's a Dolphin fan, and you're a Viking (0-1) lover
  15. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    Wow, the Reds with another 9th inning win. Cubs better take advantage of the Brewers blowing all these games. God damn it, lets win already.
  16. arog27

    Official XBOX 360 Thread: Tekken 6 on 360!

    Am i the only one getting an error when trying to update rosters in Madden?....and subsequently can play a game on Live ???
  17. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    I don't know how you guys stay so composed. It's good though, we can't all be emotional lunatics like me. I was in my car when Cedeno (die) bootedthat ball.......I was so guys shoulda heard Ron...."oh noooooo"
  18. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    God damn it . %+#%$#$ Ronnie $%** bag Cedeno. %+#%$#$ Wood for walking people. %+#%$#$ !#**, this !#** is going so %+#%$#$ down hill. We've lost 7 of8...what the $%**. At least the Brewers lost too, thats my only solice, and yet, my anger is un deniable.....$%**
  19. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    Padres up 5-0 on the Brewers. Cubs need to win their game , and take the series.
  20. arog27

    ..:Official 2008 NL Central Thread:..Congratulations Chicago Cubs...:

    Finally lets win the damn series tomorrow. A win today is fine, but its all for not if we lose tomorrow. And damn it, I lost 3 straight in Maddenearlier, but a Cubs win makes up for it. And you know what else I wanna about the Bears shocking the world ....and maybe a win for me in Madden
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