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  1. sreal

    what do you think of liberals and conservatives?

    the utopianism "the world can be better" vs the preservation "the world is fine as it is" nails both parties right on the head
  2. sreal

    what do you think of liberals and conservatives?

    since people be bringing politics into every thread/topic ever, thought we might as well have a thread that focuses on the main issue.... bipartisanship. liberals, in my opinion, are headed in the right direction and at heart do want to make changes that are better for the entire nation, but...
  3. sreal

    New Study Reveals How Humans Became Right-Handed

    i've actually recently started to do this as well. in class when i'm bored i write the alphabet or random sentences with my left hand, or sometimes i'll use chopsticks with my left hand and ive noticeably improved... when i first started everything i wrote was illegible but now i am getting...
  4. sreal

    Hey GOONS! Wanna meet my new puppy? Suuree ya do! Come on in (Photographs)

    if you ever have kids, remind me to bash on you for not adopting
  5. sreal

    Vinyl Collection Thread... vol. crate diggers welcome

    went to a garage sale in santa cruz and found two dope vinyls so i just started collecting, dont have a record player or anything yet but i do hope to buy one once i get my ends up..
  6. sreal

    Kentucky Chinese restaurant shut down after health inspectors find road kill deer in kitchen

    a lot of yall in this thread dont understand that just cause you think something aint racist, dont mean it aint racist... not takin any sides cause it goes both ways.. but i dont understand why someone always has to attribute some random **** somebody did to a whole group of people...
  7. sreal

    Song of the day

    post one song that has been on repeat for you today...
  8. sreal

  9. sreal

    As intelligence increases, does happiness decrease?

    i dont necessarily think being intelligent will make you unhappy, but i do believe that the more intelligent someone is, the more problems they are likely to realize they face as opposed to someone who doesn't have that same level of thinking and analysis. like they say, ignorance is bliss...
  10. sreal

    Before Its Your Time to go.....

    i want to: -sign a record deal -build an empire -smoke the finest herbs -find a good wife -be happy
  11. sreal

    What are some ways you save money? Vol. 373821326894423

    haha atleast you own up to it
  12. sreal

    TUMBLR!!? click on it!!
  13. sreal

    Classes that are important to take in college

    im entering college as a junior with a psych degree and i was just looking at all the classes my college has to offer. i'm taking a couple psych and soc classes, but i really want to diversify my knowledge with classes like physics, marketing, accounting, etc., stuff that could help me in the...
  14. sreal

    Suicide Forest in Japan

    **** is real sad... wish i could know the reasons for why all these people committed suicide in the forest...
  15. sreal


  16. sreal

    Official Tumblr Thread Vol. Boost my Tumblarity
  17. sreal


    the problem is when i refresh or close or whatever, whatever i saved goes bye-bye..
  18. sreal

    quitting over the phone.. vol. is it right?

    so ive been working for a major retailer for almost a year now and as time went on i started liking my job less and less which was noticeable since i gave away many shifts and called in sick many times... which in turn led to my hours being cut dramatically(i aint mad). the thing is tho they...
  19. sreal


    so for the past couple days ive been trying to change my tumblr theme and when i found one i liked (custom) i went to customize html and changed all that.. i hit save and update preview, everything works fine then i hit save and close and my browser warns me that unsaved changes will be lost am...
  20. sreal

    TUMBLR!!? has anyone had problems when changing their theme? whenever i try to change my theme i go to customize html and copy and paste my new theme, update preview ,save and close with the new theme but then when i check out my tumblr it just goes back to...
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