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  1. lou baton

    the thread about nothing...

    Been on a hiatus for a few days. I've miss you NT. Happy Tuesday.
  2. lou baton


    I wish I could hug her every time I come in this thread. Such a doll.
  3. lou baton

    the thread about nothing...

    My boss drinks a couple of these everyday. He has been bugging me to try it for months. I just did :x I can't recall the last thing I ingested that tasted or smelled so bad.
  4. lou baton

    Happy as hell bros

    Congrats fam.
  5. lou baton

    the thread about nothing...

    Dude, staph is nothing to take lightly. It sounds extreme but if it gets into your blood stream it can be deadly. Go to the doctor and get some antibiotics.
  6. lou baton


    Happy Birthday!
  7. lou baton

    the thread about nothing...

    Medicaide in IL is effed up. "Twenty percent of state residents are on Medicaid, as well as one out of three children. Half of all births in Illinois are covered by the program." :{ Pathetic! Get a damn job lazy *** people, the economy isn't that bad...
  8. lou baton

    the thread about nothing...

    Movie help! I bought some bootlegs. Put in what is supposed to be The Collection but its not. I've seen this movie before but I can't recall what it is. Guy named Robnie, former boxer, gets out of prison hits a guy at the gym and I think killed him. A guy and girl who are robbers, wreck in the...
  9. lou baton

    Preschool closed. Kids having oral sex

    So sad. Some of ya'll may think this is not a big deal but it will affect the kids in the long run. Molestation, no matter the sex or age of the perpetrator is wrong even if at this age they don't realize it's wrong. And if a 5 year old girls knows how to perform oral sex she is most likely...
  10. lou baton

    the thread about nothing...

    Learn to make banana bread. That's all brown bananas are good for.
  11. lou baton

    the thread about nothing...

    Occasionally I see some NTers talk about Spice and K2. Read this yesterday, stuff is nothing to mess with.
  12. lou baton

    24-yr Old Girl Kills Self and Passenger in Lambo Crash vol. Kids Shouldn't Own Lambos

    She was a beautiful girl. Accidental death is always tragic no matter what the circumstance. Sad for the innocent victims in the other car as well.
  13. lou baton

    Chicago Girl Who Performed at Obama’s Inauguration Killed in Shooting

    @sreggie101 I love my city. The vast majority is safe and beautiful but sadly there is also the south and west sides where everyday fools are killin each other for no damn good reason. I don't foresee this changing or...
  14. lou baton

    Wrestling Thread Jan 28-Feb 3 | 1/31 TNA Impact From England - Angle v Anderson, RVD v Ion v King

    Not sure if posted already but :lol 77 Year Old Man Shot in the Eye Says Worst Part of His Week Was WWE Royal Rumble Outcome:
  15. lou baton

    the thread about nothing...

    Not a good beauty selling point. Probably should have left this section out
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