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  1. tedrjr033

    STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

    I have been wanting to start hitting each body party twice a week. Could you give me the details on your push pull routine? Thank you !
  2. tedrjr033

    Information Systems!!! NEED HELP!! (Resume, Intern, General Questions)

    I would try just about any big company as they usually have an IT Dept. I am an Information Systems major also finishing up my sophomore year. I haven't had any time for internships unfortunately. I work full time at Geico as a Claims Adjuster, but they have an IT department  I want to transfer...
  3. tedrjr033

    What to expect when dealing with a insurance for a totaled car ?

    I mean they can call the other company. But if the claimant does not have enough limits there is not anything they can do. If Geico does not make a payment on the claim than legally they can not pursue the other party. And they can not make a payment on the claim if there is liability only. 
  4. tedrjr033

    What to expect when dealing with a insurance for a totaled car ?

    I am a claims adjuster for Geico. Unfortunately with Liability only, they wouldn't be able to do much for you since they can't subrogate in your case. . 
  5. tedrjr033

    What to expect when dealing with a insurance for a totaled car ?

    If you have full coverage on your vehicle, you don't need the optional insurance, it would roll over to the rental also. They will most likely not cover it. If you have liability only though, all you have to do is fax them your declaration page and they will waive the extra insurance for you. 
  6. tedrjr033

    Got in a car accident not my fault (Got offered to pay me in cash) so what now?

    I am actually a claims adjuster for an insurance company. ALWAYS go through the insurance company. You don't know how many horror stories I have dealt with personally with people doing this. At the very least report it to her insurance company that way it is on file. When you get in a accident...
  7. tedrjr033

    Does anyone have parents who are addicted to drugs?

    I have unfortunately dealt with this for most of life. Both of my parents started using cocaine and heroin when I was in the 4th grade. On top of that they were both alcoholics too. It was pretty rough because they both ended up losing their jobs and lost everything they owned, My mom is now...
  8. tedrjr033

    Dressing Better Vol 2.0

    I would like to know this also. 
  9. tedrjr033

    NYC Car insurance thread

    Many things. People claiming hit and runs that didn't happen, Making claims for pre-existing damage, having some one "steal"your vehicle to get out of payments, Fake vandalism claims. They actually have whole rings of people who stage accidents and work with clinics to pad injuries too. Its...
  10. tedrjr033

    NYC Car insurance thread

    I actually work at one of the major insurance companies. Hurricane Sandy is definitely going to make a lot of the ny/nj rates go up becuase all of the money that is being paid out.  $700 is crazy though. But the Nter that mentioned the rates being high because of insurance fraud is exactly...
  11. tedrjr033

    **The Official Ralph Lauren Polo Thread**

    I'm not sure if this has already been answered but do the regular Polo's ever go on sale? Im looking to pick up a few for work. 
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