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  1. lana285

    END of world PRANKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!! DEADDDDDDDDDDDD. Vitalyz is back at it again. vol: Diamond Ca

    LMFAO IM CRYING AT WORK RIGHT NOW. I guess peoples initial reaction is to run. I would love to see someone try this in NYC.
  2. lana285

    Dead Man on Motorcycle for funeral viewing...

    I tried to not laugh but after reading this im dying! God forgive me.
  3. lana285

    Eagle almost flies away with a little kid

    Omg thats crazy!
  4. lana285

    Motivational quotes to keep you going.

    Im glad it helped. Whenever i get frustrated with work or life in general I always read positive/motivational quotes to remind that things arent that bad and if i change my outlook on life things will eventually get better. I hope things get better for any of you that are going through a tough time.
  5. lana285

    Females with the best slim/thick shape?

    Of course, to each his own.
  6. lana285

    Females with the best slim/thick shape?

    I agree with Amber Rose, but women come in all different types of beautiful shapes and sizes.
  7. lana285

    Please send your thoughts and prayers to MPLSdunk's little girl

    Thats great news. Im glad she's doing better. :) God Bless you and your family.
  8. lana285

    mistletoe kissing prank

    Lmao at the guys not even thinking twice. Smh at the girl who slapped him.
  9. lana285

    Motivational quotes to keep you going.

    25 Truths Everyone Should Know By 25Your ego hurts you more than it helps.  Embrace that you’re not perfect (no one is). Take honest looks at yourself, evaluate where you need improvement, and change it. Being prideful and refusing to admit your weaknesses will stunt your personal growth. Your...
  10. lana285

    Please send your thoughts and prayers to MPLSdunk's little girl

    Wow my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family. I really hope your daughter makes a full recovery. :( Keep us updated.
  11. lana285

    How do you all overcome your flaws

    I have daily reminders on my phone that actually help. I also have inspiring pics/quotes that I print and put up in my office/room. Its always in front of me and I read them all the time....its helped for me. Hope it works for you too. :)
  12. lana285

    Your Next Vacation Destination.....?

    Aruba in April for my cousins wedding. Cant wait to be on the beach!
  13. lana285

    Instagramers enter for lulz

    lolol oh shush!
  14. lana285

    Post a gif/image of your current mood . .

    Found out I might get laid off soon.
  15. lana285

    Gyro Appreciation.

    Think Im gonna have a gyro for lunch. Those gyros look amazing.
  16. lana285

    Instagramers enter for lulz

  17. lana285

    2012 Victorias Secret Fashion Show, TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT

    I don't think they'll ever be anyone hotter than Adriana Lima. The woman is breathtaking!
  18. lana285

    Man dies on subway as photographer takes a picture for NY POST, Update: Photographer speaks (P. 4)

    People would rather take pics of something as tragic as that than try to save someones life.
  19. lana285

    Corpse Elevator Prank in Brazil

    Lmfao at the guy putting his gf in front of him. That's seriously torture! Once I would of seen the guys trying to put the coffin in the elevator I would have been out. Awesome prank though.
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