Motivational quotes to keep you going.

"Out of the night that covers me..."

"The test of a man is the fight that he makes and the grit that he daily shows..."
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Something I came up with:

I want you to disrespect me; I want you to treat me like $!#@; I want you to deny me; I want you to doubt me; I want you to cheat on me; I want you to ignore me; I want you to treat me like an outcast; I want you to alienate me. [Just so I can put all that negativity in a punching bag, knock you the !*%$ out, and defeat my enemies with success.]
nah.....maybe if the 'i want you to' is replaced by 'i dare you to' ....i would be feelin the quote.
[h5]"Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life."[/h5]
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” -Maya Angelou
"If you do not build your dreams, someone else will hire you to build theres" :pimp:
I'm getting my first tattoo in a few weeks. It'll say "Knowledge is Power"
[h2]25 Truths Everyone Should Know By 25[/h2]
  1. Your ego hurts you more than it helps.  Embrace that you’re not perfect (no one is). Take honest looks at yourself, evaluate where you need improvement, and change it. Being prideful and refusing to admit your weaknesses will stunt your personal growth. Your faults are only permanent if you allow them to be.
  2. You can be an adult and still have fun.  Being grown up doesn’t mean you have to become Oscar the Grouch. Laugh often, smile more, be playful like a child, and let loose. Be responsible and mature when necessary, otherwise don’t take yourself too seriously. And never let people who are miserable try to take your happiness away.
  3. Successful people fail and get rejected often. In every field, the ones who “make it” have been defeated more than you know. Rarely does anyone just fall into success. Countless authors, inventors, athletes, and entrepreneurs  have defied adversity because they refused to give up. Every failure is one step closer to winning.
  4. You can learn something from everyone. Don’t underestimate a person’s value before you’ve given them a fair shot. They may not be knowledgeable in a certain area but could teach you something profound in another. You’ll be surprised at what you can learn if you just listen without judgment.
  5. Don’t rush into or through relationships.  Be social, find people you connect with, and discover what you’re looking for in a partner. Never jump into a relationship solely out of fear of being alone. Once you’re together, don’t hurry into attaining “the next level.” Just being with each other should be enough (especially in the beginning) so savor it.
  6. You are not entitled. Everything worth having takes incredible dedication and effort. Don’t expect handouts and don’t sit around waiting for good things to happen. Make the most out of every situation: work hard and you’ll reap the rewards. You’ll only get out of life what you put into it.
  7. It will  come back to haunt you, so document everything. I believed you could settle every career dispute verbally and in a casual fashion. Unfortunately, when someone else’s job is on the line, they will throw you under the bus. You must have dated and written evidence (e.g. specific e-mails, signed documents) prepared to defend yourself effectively. You might only need it once, but it could save your ***…it has for me.
  8. You are smarter than you know. Trust in your abilities. That doesn’t mean you should blindly believe you’re better than everyone, but don’t let internal or external voices hold you back. Do not equate youth with stupidity – some of the most successful business leaders and entrepreneurs today are under 30.
  9. A relationship will not fix your problems. If you’re unhappy, don’t expect another person to change that. Often, you’ll only end up spilling those problems onto them. Make sure you’re content with who you are before trying repair it through someone else. The only one who can determine your happiness is you.
  10. Developing your social skills is critical. This is the foundation on which to build your personal, professional, and academic fulfillment. In the real world, it’s not always about what you know but who you know. You need to learn how to communicate and relate with others in all aspects of life. These skills can’t be put on the backburner, start practicing them every day.
  11. Expect resistance.  There will be haters. There will be naysayers. There will be ********. Accept it but don’t take it to heart. Many people are envious of what they can’t achieve or possess themselves. See: Crabs in the Bucket theory.
  12. Being late is no excuse. Expect the unexpected (Murphy’s Law) and always give yourself extra time. You’re only excused on the rare chance of an emergency (your car blew a tire, you severely injured yourself). Otherwise, you are at fault and it’s rude to other parties. Leaving 15 minutes earlier won’t kill you and will show that you value other people’s time.
  13. Anger is toxic. Holding grudges and harboring negativity is destructive to you and those around you. Your resentment is a result of your inability to channel emotions correctly and is a weakness of character. Siddhartha said, “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Release your anger and stop wasting your time on anything except forward motion.
  14. Stressing out is worthless. No matter what the situation, getting worked up and worrying will not solve anything. Whether you’re in the midst of a hectic week or dreading a looming deadline, always take the time to calm yourself. You’ll think more clearly and logically when **** goes down. Be prepared for obstacles along the way and most importantly, mold yourself to others, you will never be congruent to who you actually are. This is a never-ending cycle of unhappiness.[*]The world needs more gratitude. Saying thanks takes one second and will make people’s day. You are a puzzle built from countless contributors throughout the years. You would not be the person you are without your fifth-grade teacher, your father, and your best friend from high school. Even the grocery bagger and bus driver support you, so be grateful to each person you encounter.

^Thats dope. I want to print that out and put them onto flash cards or something. Focus on one part each day to improve my over all self.
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