Zack Morris is Trash...

Zach wasn't da original protagonist...see my post on good morning miss bliss.

man listen no one gives a f about good morning miss bliss it was one season

heres a cookie for even knowing that **** existed

show went what another 7 seasons or something total and here you talking about like what a total of 8 eps?

and thats not a problem?
Depends if you're the type that has consistent habit to see something, know it's comedy or meant to be funny, take it dead serious, be offended by it, and then proceed to ***** and moan about it.

Or the type to literally be ignorant to it being a comedy and then proceed to do all of the aforementioned.

but i need to smarten up because funny or dies purpose is putting money in my pocket right?
You need to smarten up because you asked a dumb question.

If you know the intent of the vid is to be funny and not tackle a serious issue why would you seriously and stupidly ask why they didn't title the series of videos something else.

To me it's common sense. The vids are a type of humor, the entire take is making light of what some teen sitcom's main character does in any given ep that is in fact horrifically monstrous and exposed or revealed to show that this character isn't what you thought he was but a trash human being.

Its comedy gold.

like remind me again why i give a **** what its meant as compared to what its doing?
You're the one asking dumb pointless questions knowing what was meant. Everybody else basically telling you to smarten about it.

*****ing and moaning on NT won't change a thing about it.

Perhaps write a strongly worded letter to those in charge @ Funny or Die about this series or one step further and send that strongly worded letter to the showrunner, creator, writers, actors of SBTB and whoever was running NBC tv at the time.

Cuz let's be real it's not like any other NTers give a **** about the latest thing your *****ing and moaning about.
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He's doing his angry black man


Depends if you're the type that has consistent habit to see something, know it's comedy or meant to be funny, take it dead serious, be offended by it, and then proceed to ***** and moan about it.

Or the type to literally be ignorant to it being a comedy and then proceed to do all of the aforementioned.

You need to smarten up because you asked a dumb question.

If you know the intent of the vid is to be funny and not tackle a serious issue why would you seriously and stupidly ask why they didn't title the series of videos something else.

To me it's common sense. The vids are a type of humor, the entire take is making light of what some teen sitcom's main character does in any given ep that is in fact horrifically monstrous and exposed or revealed to show that this character isn't what you thought he was but a trash human being.

Its comedy gold.

You're the one asking dumb pointless questions knowing what was meant. Everybody else basically telling you to smarten about it.

*****ing and moaning on NT won't change a thing about it.

Perhaps write a strongly worded letter to those in charge @ Funny or Die about this series or one step further and send that strongly worded letter to the showrunner, creator, writers, actors of SBTB and whoever was running NBC tv at the time.

Cuz let's be real it's not like any other NTers give a **** about the latest thing your *****ing and moaning about.

and this where you show both your own stupidity and just how much you "care" about what im talking about

i can be aware its a comedy series of videos and simultaneously "call out" both the original content of the show and these videos for not being forthcoming enough about what zack was really all about

you seem to think im not aware these videos are supposed to be funny, what im saying is that by classifying them as comedy they do an even bigger disservice in promoting the same negative aspects that theyre calling out in the video

if thats too above your head then dont bother responding to me anymore and show me how much you really "dont care"

it comes down to this:

lets a do a retrospective about a womanizing, privileged white guy, point out all his problematic behavior, and call it a comedy series of videos

while doing nothing to condemn or paint a broader picture of how such a widely popular character could have negatively infuenced say a brock turner, another privileged womanizing white guy

and all that other jazz about writing letters is cute and it sounds like a good idea

however that doesnt prevent me from sharing my opinion in here and if you dont like it well have a coke and a smile
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what im saying is that by classifying them as comedy they do an even bigger disservice in promoting the same negative aspects that theyre calling out in the video
That's you're opinion and nobody is really bothering to engage you about that or discuss it.

lets a do a retrospective about a womanizing, privileged white guy, point out all his problematic behavior, and call it a comedy series of videos
Making fun of things like that is what some comedians do, some humor based production companies do, and comedic shows do.

Do you feel the same way about Robert Townsend when he made Hollywood Shuffle? Mel Brooks and any movie he's done? Chris Rock? Dave Chappelle? Richard Pryor? Eddie Murphy? The tons of shows, movies, comedy specials and other entertainment Paul Mooney is connected to? Aaron McGruder?

You claim to be aware but it doesn't seem that way.
while doing nothing to condemn or paint a broader picture of ho
w such a widely popular character could have negatively infuenced say a brock turner, another privileged womanizing white guy
The video series is called Zack Morris is Trash.

The narrator summarizes any given SBTB episode detailing all of the foul **** Zack does or says, then before it's over he gives a bulletpoint type list of the horrid **** Zack does and why to support his claim that Zack Morris is trash.

Even if you could prove for a fact what you say about a broader picture you don't get to dictate what others do and you *****ing and moaning about what someone didn't do and why you didn't like what they didn't do really doesn't matter especially when you've never bothered to address that specific subject before.

It kind of wreaks of entitlement.

You're criticizing funny ppl trying to be funny because they don't take the subject matter they chose to be funny about as serious as you do.

Bruh, reevaluate your life.
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zach was gettin vag thou... bulk & skull? :lol:
Those the type of dudes Zack types have as lackeys in real life.

Those dudes always got lames to make them look better.

If it's one thing the show got right is the friction he had with Slater. Them dudes would not be friends irl. Same with why he kept Screech around.
That's you're opinion and nobody is rreally bothering to engage you about that or discuss it.

Making fun of things like that is what some comedians do, some humor based production companies do, and comedic shows do.

Do you feel the same way about Robert Townsend when he made Hollywood Shuffle? Mel Brooks and any movie he's done? Chris Rock? Dave Chappelle? Richard Pryor? Eddie Murphy? The tons of shows, movies, comedy specials and other entertainment Paul Mooney is connected to? Aaron McGruder?

The video series is called Zack Morris is Trash.

The narrator summarizes any given SBTB episode detailing all of the foul shot Zack does or says, then before it's over he gives a bulletpoint type list of the horrid shot Zack does and why to support his claim that Zack Morris is trash.

Even if you could prove for a fact what you say about a broader picture you don't get to dictate what others do and you *****ing and moaning about what someone didn't do and why you didn't like what they didn't do really doesn't matter especially when you've bothered to address that specific subject before.

It kind of wreaks of entitlement.

You're criticizing funny ppl trying to be funny because they don't take the subject matter they chose to be funny about as serious as you do.

Bruh, reevaluate your life.

and the worst thing in your eyes is me "wreaking of entitlement" huh?

how dare i vocalize my opinion and criticize this series i should know my place

all those comedians you mentioned dont have a legacy of white privilege behind them do they?

you say im ******** and moaning and yet here you are doing the same thing cuz you dont like what i have to say

again i dont care that this is supposed to be funny, whats next, a humorous look back on lynchings and picnics?

if theyre going to do a retrospective IMO they should give it the proper gravitas and context especially in todays society and especially for those who probably arent even old enough to be familiar with the original show at all
man listen no one gives a f about good morning miss bliss it was one season

heres a cookie for even knowing that **** existed

show went what another 7 seasons or something total and here you talking about like what a total of 8 eps?


it established da universe zach exists (and blew up your whole straight white male diatribe since it was anchored by a independent woman lol)
and the worst thing in your eyes is me "wreaking of entitlement" huh?

how dare i vocalize my opinion and criticize this series i should know my place

all those comedians you mentioned dont have a legacy of white privilege behind them do they?

you say im ******** and moaning and yet here you are doing the same thing cuz you dont like what i have to say

again i dont care that this is supposed to be funny, whats next, a humorous look back on lynchings and picnics?

if theyre going to do a retrospective IMO they should give it the proper gravitas and context especially in todays society and especially for those who probably arent even old enough to be familiar with the original show at all
Let me guess, were you also offended when the narrator says "Cuz they probably f***ing killed themselves" because you think they're making fun of suicide?
and the worst thing in your eyes is me "wreaking of entitlement" huh?
When did I say that? The worst thing in my eyes? :lol:

I said to smarten up.

How are you all of a sudden trying to play the victim here?

how dare i vocalize my opinion and criticize this series i should know my place
Wait is this some tactic?

How are you all of a sudden the offended victim? :lol:

Or are you like completely oblivious to the tone in this thread or at least the tone of others in their reaction to you?

all those comedians you mentioned dont have a legacy of white privilege behind them do they?
Why are you assuming the ppl who make the Zack Morris is Trash video series have a legacy of white privilege behind them? What is that based on?

Cuz all I'm saying is the dude narrating, whoever writes these, and the person(s) who came up with this idea are doing something no different than the aforementioned comedians and writers.

you say im ******** and moaning and yet here you are doing the same thing cuz you dont like what i have to say
Why are you trying to equate my replies to your question as the same thing you've been doing? This is ******* strange :lol: Get some perspective.

Like for real. Take a deep breath, and reread the thread or something. Approach this from a different angle perhaps.

Me telling you to smarten up and then explaining what I mean by that is not the same thing you've been doing for pages. You're not even making sense with that accusation.

again i dont care that this is supposed to be funny, whats next, a humorous look back on lynchings and picnics?
Guess you really aren't aware of the work of the aforementioned comedians and writers

if theyre going to do a retrospective
They weren't really doing a retrospective.

This is more of a hey remember that guy from that show we all watched and liked? Yeah, that guy was a real scumbag.

Nothing more, nothing less.

IMO they should give it the proper gravitas and context especially in todays society and especially for those who probably arent even old enough to be familiar with the original show at all
Then you do that.

Their intent was to be funny. If albeit in a sardonic manner.

Things aren't always done to your liking. No need to ***** and moan about it.
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Let me guess, were you also offended when the narrator says "Cuz they probably f***ing killed themselves" because you think they're making fun of suicide?
That **** is a wild funny take on why a sitcom in that setting does not have characters not reoccur after establishing they'll be around for a while :lol:

Like here's this new kid the main cast interacting with. Then never see that character again, no explanation.
it established da universe zach exists (and blew up your whole straight white male diatribe since it was anchored by a independent woman lol)

blew up?

anchored by?

thats why they cut it the next season right? they really anchored the show to that idea

Let me guess, were you also offended when the narrator says "Cuz they probably f***ing killed themselves" because you think they're making fun of suicide?

im sure there are people whp have been affected by suicide that might especially find that offensive

When did I say that? The worst thing in my eyes? :lol:

I said to smarten up.

How are you all of a sudden trying to play the victim here?

Wait is this some tactic?

How are you all of a sudden the offended victim? :lol:

Or are you like completely oblivious to the tone in this thread or at least the tone of others in their reaction to you?

Why are you assuming the ppl who make the Zack Morris is Trash video series have a legacy of white privilege behind them? What is that based on?

Cuz all I'm saying is the dude narrating, whoever writes these, and the person(s) who came up with this idea are doing something no different than the aforementioned comedians and writers.

Why are you trying to equate my replies to your question as the same thing you've been doing? This is ****ing strange :lol: Get some perspective.

Like for real. Take a deep breath, and reread the thread or something. Approach this from a different angle perhaps.

Me telling you to smarten up and then explaining what I mean by that is not the same thing you've been doing for pages. You're not even making sense with that accusation.

Guess you really aren't aware of the work of the aforementioned comedians and writers

They weren't really doing a retrospective.

This is more of a hey remember that guy from that show we all watched and likes? Yeah, that guy was a real scumbag.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Then you do that.

Their intent was to be funny. If albeit in a sardonic manner.

Things aren't always done to your liking. No need to ***** and moan about it.

again i said it to other guy and ill say it to you too

making my own videos or whatever fine and dandy

still doesnt mean i cant express my opinion in here

as far as things not to my liking im sure youd say the same about jim crow etc

instead of telling me to approach this differently why dont you do as you preach and look at things from my pov

thinking that zack and by extension these funny or die guys (as evidenced by approaching the topic humoursly as opposed to seriously) is a tenet of white privilege, the manner in which from a white male perspective issues that "others" might have are downplayed for the "comedy" of it all

i said what i said one page one of this thread

the only reason this is still going is because you keep quoting me

nothing you say about their intention is going to change my mind that its problematic to point out zacks privilege and bad behavior for comedic purposes isnt as problematic as the original context of the show doing it for the same purpose

HandJobKing you should be happy. SBTB did not feature any Asians.

get them likes off my historic bigotry against asians bro

remind everyone of how i hate all asians right?

so facetious


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We all know how Handjobking reaches. Let us recall that time he thought face cream on a gymnast was racist blackface.

Let's see how he spins the episode where Zack accidentally gives Kelly some tainted acne cream and had an allergic reaction.

Go nuts with this pic, reach high :lol:

Later in life Zach Morris prob got his hands dipped in white collar crime. Mixed in with the AB brotherhood after getting caught up and got out working for the Russian mob
again i said it to other guy and ill say it to you too

making my own videos or whatever fine and dandy

still doesnt mean i cant express my opinion in here
This just sounds like "I like to ***** and moan about things so I'm going to ***** and moan about things in here."

as far as things not to my liking im sure youd say the same about jim crow etc
Is Jim Crow some new tv comedy I ain't hear about that offends you?

Or are you seriously comparing the Jim Crow laws of the South post emancipation to the Funny or Die's Zack Morris is Trash YouTube series right now?

Do you not see the egregious overreaction? The **** is wrong with you? Are you that awful of a human being?

Its really insulting to all black ppl that you would compare those two things off of me telling you that you wanted this comedy thing to be one way and not funny when it's the other way and is funny.

You ain't try to see this from a different perspective or approach it differently. No evaluation of self.

You just ****** up in the head to say some **** like that.

instead of telling me to approach this differently why dont you do as you preach and look at things from my pov
I get it. You won't do it but I should do it while you continue to ***** and moan and now be an a hole but I should side with you because you got issues.

thinking that zack and by extension these funny or die guys (as evidenced by approaching the topic humoursly as opposed to seriously) is a tenet of white privilege, the manner in which from a white male perspective issues that "others" might have are downplayed for the "comedy" of it all
So you have no evidence that the ppl behind the Zack Morris is Trash videos have a legacy of white privelege.

But cuz they approached a teen comedy from a humouros angle to make fun of/expose a monster you just assume they have a legacy of white privilege sight unseen.

And it's kinda crazy to unpack given how you dismissed the ppl I've listed who do the same thing but your distinction is they don't have a legacy of white privilege.

So basically this isn't about them approaching this humourously. Its your assumption that they're white and have a legacy of white privilege. So if this Zack Morris is Trash series was written and created by Tony Rock and Wyatt Cenac you wouldn't be *****ing and moaning right now?

Nobody trying to change your ******* mind. You still tone deaf about the replies.
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