You're in an elevator...

Step 1: Scream like a twelve year old girl.
Step 2: **** bricks.
Step 3 (if she came back): Nice kick to the face.
i would of sh*t my pants. The min she screamed she would of caught that old fashion ryu ken
I am by no means a tough guy, but I'd punch her so hard in the ovaries...I won't be held accountable for what happens to her.

BTW, I've always wondered with these kind of pranks; what happens if someone got a heart attack? :nerd:
that was a good *** setup. I would've screamed like mfer lol. Would've been even more scarier if the girls hair was black. Maybe put some all black eye contacts on
If she was just creepily standing there, I'd probably back up into a corner and whimper like a baby. But if she came closer to me, my instinct as a boxer would be to let my hands go :lol:.
my reaction

but for all the people saying they'd swing. Chances are you wouldnt because the girl isnt aggressive towards you. First, the lights flicker and your first reaction, like all the people would be to look at the buttons for some reason. Then she appears and since you are already probably startled by the lights, your going to either be freaked out, confused, or curious. But shes not actually walking toward you or right up on you. Plus it all happens really fast, so unless somebody has super human reflexes, and can process all of this in miliseconds, theyre going to crap themselves
fam my natural reaction after my heart dropped to my *** would have been to Falcon Punched her into yesterday.
I can't even comprehend. I'd be so scared. Probably just close my eyes and hope it goes away, and have that hot burning feeling in your back when you're scared.

If she approached me though, I might be able to muster a punch or kick.
saw this the other day, man those mexican and south american tv shows are ruthless, im surprised no one had a heart attack
One of the best pranks I've ever seen :lol:

I'd be scared, and not a single one of you would punch a little girl that was just standing there
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Seriously i would have been like "yo where did you come from" and then would have probably looked around the elevator for how she got in.

It is a small child so i didn't think i would have felt threatened at all, i would have been weirded out but im not swinging on a small girl. But if it were a grown man it would have been a different story.
These shows are so cruel :rofl:

If that did happen to me, I would kick every panel in the elevator to see how she got in. And I would be scared ****eless while doing that.
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