Your local U.S. Census Bureau may be hiring. Vol. $

Got-damn. I'm gettin 22.75/hr

I got paid like 11 days after the first saturday I started working. So 2 wednesdays after training.
Originally Posted by ChiefWiggum

Do they drug test?

if they did i wouldnt have the job
james okeefe is #*++%$ it up for a bunch of people

my supervisor has to make some cuts by next week so he asked if anyone voluntary wants to resign. only 1 person accepted and since i got in trouble for not going to a meeting im probably not gonna make the cut
lol. o well, i guess i can actually get to enjoy my summer instead of having to go to these damn 800pm meetings on weekdays and 8am durin the weekend.
^ i think we ended today in NYC(my area at least), she told us yesterday to wait for a call today but no call yet, i called her and she said to just hold on till the end of the week and well know whatsup by then, we might get reassigned so hopefully we do
/\ %!*# you know how hard that #@#! is nowadays?

if you got a job consider yourself blessed. don't be knockin another man's hustle though.
I've been done with this for about a week. Worked only 5 weeks.. thought I was gonna get 7-8. Job was legit as hell though.
im still working... had 18 EQ's completed yesterday evening in only 3 hours work... i still put down 8 hours on my d-308 work time sheet lol. idgaf
i'm still working and probably gonna be workin well into next week. im on my fourth binder because a woman resigned so they gave it to me
on a serious note though, do you guys all cheat on your time cheats? i've cheated an extra 3-4 hours on every single one of them, i only work 2-3 hours a day in the evenings but i put down 6-8 work hours on my time sheets cause i get tons of EQs done in the evening when folks are home.

i just hope i don't get caught... after watching the vid though, the one crew leader says that the only thing they look out for is if you have a felony or if u dont pass the fingerprints... so i dunno
i dont put extra hours. i might take a long walk during work time instead of doing actual work so i get an extra hour or two but i dont work for 3 hours and then put i worked for 8
^ well they want 1 eq every 30 minutes sooooo if i do 20 in 2 hours im not gonng put down 2 hours id put down 6-7 because that is what they want
Damn O'Keefe. Dude is a straight rat. I hate those type of people. Always making *+* hot for no reason. Everybody eating, just relax...DAMN!
I just hustle and get as many done as I can in an hr or two. Depending on how many EQs I get done, I add extra hours.
lame, a lady called me awhile back in the fall asking if I was still interested in the position, I told her yes -- never heard from her again. =/
Originally Posted by TRIPLETHREAT0699

^damn yall better than me, if i have 3 eqs and 20 NV's ill put down anywhere in between 3-4 hrs


abusing the system... ima start doin that.
WHat up yall, so was anyone called up for the 2nd operation NRFU VDC? training started today for us
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