*Your government has you under a spell. No rly... Proof within this thread. Vol. Wake up*

For the dudes who didn't get what I was saying...

Even though an Atheist claims to not believe in ANY GOD, they are worshiping Satan without knowing it because He love is to separate us from God and atheistare exactly that. You can say I'm brainwashed or whatever but I can say the same about you.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by renkxedik

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

More people being informed which can hopefully lead to a solution. I dont know what the solution is, but if enough people know what's going on, I'm sure the country as a mass would come up with something. I'm not a politician, but I stand for anything thats the truth.
Exactly how old are you?
Now on to the real issue, so you say your solution to the problem is that for more people to be informed of the issues at hand.
So I prose this question to you after all the "ill's" that the Bush administration is blamed for, coupled with the widespread movement for "change" that American citizens voted for in the form of Barack Obama exactly what percent of these individuals do you believe are going to FIGHT tooth and nail for substantial/actual change to occur. Is this outcry going to lead to the overturn of the Patriot Act's and a more pragmatic approach to the constitution.
See now information is not an end but a means to the end, and you have yet to explain what is this end result that you seek

A government that doesnt deceive it's people. That's all really. So if they told us everything they were doing, we could have a choice if we wanted to be under that rule or simply leave. Knowing the information that's in this post, do you seriously feel comfortable with your government? Did you see what Kennedy was speaking on in the first post?
according to my passport i'm a child of the Caribbean and best believe if I commit a (semi)serious enough crime, the US gov. will sure havethat I take up permanent residence there.

Ok, so you say that you want a gov. that doesn't lie and deceive, yet that is exactly what politicians are elected for. They're there to carry theburden of the tough decisions and by that I mean to shoulder the blame when things go wrong and also to be the consciousness of death/bloodshed. In a way theyare put there to be pseudogods (yeah i'm reaching a bit).
Basically what I'm getting is two things people tend to want to feel like the obedient gf, in that they'll go along with whatever decision thegovn't makes as long as they are given a "say" or a chance to voice there opinion but say, you order what she has to eat instead of making asugggestion all hell breaks loose.

Also you are giving the choice/chance to change elected officials every two/four years and can leave the US if you decide too, but I don't think thats theproblem.
What I truly see in your words is that at the core of things you're an intellect that craves information. Also you feel the power that you possess as anindividual but yet do not understand that power.

At the end of the day I see the role of gov. towards the masses is to make sure that they are
1. Secure 2. Feed 3. happy/concept
Generally those that are not satisfied with one of those three things generally seek
4. Power
Now power comes in many forms and if you like i'd explain those but at the end of the day to truly ensure a completely overturn of gov. not change butoverturn ... you have ensure S.F.H. while performing the afformentioned roles above while having the Power to do these task

At the heart of things I think your question has little to do with information but with power itself. How can you be individually powerful (free) yet sopowerless when it comes to society as a whole?
"The National Security had access to all Americans communications."

"They monitored ALL communications."
Good looks on that video, I was about to come in here and post it....

So everyone who thinks that our government actually looked out for our best interests these last 8 years: how do you defend this?
To everyone else: Where could this lead to, because if journalists were a specific group targeted, what was being withheld from us?...think about Watergate,but times 1000 and needed to be kept under wrap for good, how else would you do it besides spying...on EVERYONE.
Originally Posted by renkxedik

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by renkxedik

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

More people being informed which can hopefully lead to a solution. I dont know what the solution is, but if enough people know what's going on, I'm sure the country as a mass would come up with something. I'm not a politician, but I stand for anything thats the truth.
Exactly how old are you?
Now on to the real issue, so you say your solution to the problem is that for more people to be informed of the issues at hand.
So I prose this question to you after all the "ill's" that the Bush administration is blamed for, coupled with the widespread movement for "change" that American citizens voted for in the form of Barack Obama exactly what percent of these individuals do you believe are going to FIGHT tooth and nail for substantial/actual change to occur. Is this outcry going to lead to the overturn of the Patriot Act's and a more pragmatic approach to the constitution.
See now information is not an end but a means to the end, and you have yet to explain what is this end result that you seek

A government that doesnt deceive it's people. That's all really. So if they told us everything they were doing, we could have a choice if we wanted to be under that rule or simply leave. Knowing the information that's in this post, do you seriously feel comfortable with your government? Did you see what Kennedy was speaking on in the first post?
according to my passport i'm a child of the Caribbean and best believe if I commit a (semi)serious enough crime, the US gov. will sure have that I take up permanent residence there.

Ok, so you say that you want a gov. that doesn't lie and deceive, yet that is exactly what politicians are elected for. They're there to carry the burden of the tough decisions and by that I mean to shoulder the blame when things go wrong and also to be the consciousness of death/bloodshed. In a way they are put there to be pseudogods (yeah i'm reaching a bit).
Basically what I'm getting is two things people tend to want to feel like the obedient gf, in that they'll go along with whatever decision the govn't makes as long as they are given a "say" or a chance to voice there opinion but say, you order what she has to eat instead of making a sugggestion all hell breaks loose.

Also you are giving the choice/chance to change elected officials every two/four years and can leave the US if you decide too, but I don't think thats the problem.
What I truly see in your words is that at the core of things you're an intellect that craves information. Also you feel the power that you possess as an individual but yet do not understand that power.

At the end of the day I see the role of gov. towards the masses is to make sure that they are
1. Secure 2. Feed 3. happy/concept
Generally those that are not satisfied with one of those three things generally seek
4. Power
Now power comes in many forms and if you like i'd explain those but at the end of the day to truly ensure a completely overturn of gov. not change but overturn ... you have ensure S.F.H. while performing the afformentioned roles above while having the Power to do these task

At the heart of things I think your question has little to do with information but with power itself. How can you be individually powerful (free) yet so powerless when it comes to society as a whole?

I do feel like I am an intellectual person, but I'm not one who ONLY hungers for information. I also hunger for peace and for whatAmericans have a false since of, which is freedom. And dont put me in that category of one who "worships" information, because I know exactly whatthat is. I AM NOT.

What do you mean?
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

jay-z is worth what, $400-500 million? he is nobody.
His money > your money
Originally Posted by SupermanRT41

Good looks on that video, I was about to come in here and post it....

So everyone who thinks that our government actually looked out for our best interests these last 8 years: how do you defend this?
To everyone else: Where could this lead to, because if journalists were a specific group targeted, what was being withheld from us?...think about Watergate, but times 1000 and needed to be kept under wrap for good, how else would you do it besides spying...on EVERYONE.

Thanks for the information man. I deeply appreciate that man comming forward.
At no point did I say more information is useless. I'm going to just leave it at that
Now in regards to the vid I saw it in the other thread, and this video is neither shocking nor extensively informative. Homeland Security was established forthis very reason. If you look at most major cities there are cameras on nearly every corner, so to hear about wiretapping by the NSA should you know whatforget shock it shouldn't even be that startling 'cause it's the direction the world is heading towards and has been for decades. I am no psychicbut I do have a vision of where this is all heading

You should reread my original post.

Anyways I'm off to bed
Also you might be misunderstanding the overtone of my posts. I don't condone the actions that are currently taking place, but at the same time there'sa question(conscious) that needs to be asked that I already know the answer to (subconscious). However I am not ready to ask the question.
On another note taking in the responses that you have given me, one of the lessons I've learned in my life is you can't both be a leader of the ppl. aswell as a follower of the masses
ATLien Seeko wrote:
At the heart of things I think your question has little to do with information but with power itself. How can you be individually powerful (free) yet so powerless when it comes to society as a whole?

I do feel like I am an intellectual person, but I'm not one who ONLY hungers for information. I also hunger for peace and for what Americans have a false since of, which is freedom. And dont put me in that category of one who "worships" information, because I know exactly what that is. I AM NOT.

What do you mean?

I wasn't really referring to any sort of info. worship maybe i worded it a bit confusing.

- now getting to the power thing. Intellectuals usually equate information/knowledge with power which can lead to a state of individual freedom.
However in the structure of society money + social manipulation/standing = power.
Where individualism coupled with knowledge is usually shunned unless it is also coupled with either of the aforementioned two
So I can be powerful as an individual yet remain powerless in society.
Originally Posted by renkxedik

ATLien Seeko wrote:
At the heart of things I think your question has little to do with information but with power itself. How can you be individually powerful (free) yet so powerless when it comes to society as a whole?

I do feel like I am an intellectual person, but I'm not one who ONLY hungers for information. I also hunger for peace and for what Americans have a false since of, which is freedom. And dont put me in that category of one who "worships" information, because I know exactly what that is. I AM NOT.

What do you mean?

I wasn't really referring to any sort of info. worship maybe i worded it a bit confusing.

- now getting to the power thing. Intellectuals usually equate information/knowledge with power which can lead to a state of individual freedom.
However in the structure of society money + social manipulation/standing = power.
Where individualism coupled with knowledge is usually shunned unless it is coupled with either of the aforementioned two
So I can be powerful as an individual yet remain powerless in society.

I see what you're saying. That makes since.
nnarum wrote:
Maybe Obama was "elected" to keep the population at peace and not worry about things now because "their" man is in... The one they wanted. Now they don't have to worry about things... And the government is off the hook for awhile again...

I mean look at this lady, she's in heaven...

^^^close, good observation. Mainly he was�selected to usher in all the new changes (opening up the�borders�to illegals, one world bank, one world army,�RFID,mass brain control under the guise of free child care, etc...)�that will take place. This can only be done by dumbing�the masses down to docile helpless peoplehanging on to the threads of Hope.
Originally Posted by dunwitjayz

wow , i thought i was the only one walkin around here with my eyes open !!!!! iv known about the ELITE for quite a while , but as iv done more and more due-dilligance on the subject iv learned that this is not a conspericy theory , its not a buch of bs . its TRUE !!! its right in front of of eyes and we cant even see it . and obama aint gonna help , he was put there by the same elitest that put bush into power , to further surve there needs . there goal is just like everyone elses " to try and take over the world " there just not doing it by force . there doing it by manipulation . for you out there that think this is bull , all i ask is that you do some homework . dont believe whats being spoonfeed to you by the mass media , find out the truth . thats your first step to freeing yourself of the monitary system that you are a slave of and dont even know it .
^^^I feel you...and it's funny because most people just see Obama's skin color and say "oh he is black and this n that". Mostpeople don't know that he is a cousin of %*## Cheney and George Bush!! Yeah, i said it, do your homework...i will not get too deep into it because thereare far too many immature ignorant people "debating" on here but basically there has only been around 4 family bloodlines in the white house and willprobably stay this way. Most of the bloodlines have come from the Charlemagnes. Black people i know you see brown skin and say "thank you, it's abouttime one of us, he is black"...sorry to ruin your parade but he is not. He is of the chosen bloodline with brown skin which benefits their agenda so theycan really throw the masses off....i'm done.
Originally Posted by crobers 78

Originally Posted by dunwitjayz

wow , i thought i was the only one walkin around here with my eyes open !!!!! iv known about the ELITE for quite a while , but as iv done more and more due-dilligance on the subject iv learned that this is not a conspericy theory , its not a buch of bs . its TRUE !!! its right in front of of eyes and we cant even see it . and obama aint gonna help , he was put there by the same elitest that put bush into power , to further surve there needs . there goal is just like everyone elses " to try and take over the world " there just not doing it by force . there doing it by manipulation . for you out there that think this is bull , all i ask is that you do some homework . dont believe whats being spoonfeed to you by the mass media , find out the truth . thats your first step to freeing yourself of the monitary system that you are a slave of and dont even know it .
^^^I feel you...and it's funny because most people just see Obama's skin color and say "oh he is black and this n that". Most people don't know that he is a cousin of %*## Cheney and George Bush!! Yeah, i said it, do your homework...i will not get too deep into it because there are far too many immature ignorant people "debating" on here but basically there has only been around 4 family bloodlines in the white house and will probably stay this way. Most of the bloodlines have come from the Charlemagnes. Black people i know you see brown skin and say "thank you, it's about time one of us, he is black"...sorry to ruin your parade but he is not. He is of the chosen bloodline with brown skin which benefits their agenda so they can really throw the masses off....i'm done.
Never knew that. Maybe the conspiracies are true.

George W. Bush and Obama, meanwhile, are 10th cousins once removed - linked through a 17th century Massachusetts couple, Samuel Hinckley and Sarah Soole, according to the Sun-Times.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by crobers 78

Originally Posted by dunwitjayz

wow , i thought i was the only one walkin around here with my eyes open !!!!! iv known about the ELITE for quite a while , but as iv done more and more due-dilligance on the subject iv learned that this is not a conspericy theory , its not a buch of bs . its TRUE !!! its right in front of of eyes and we cant even see it . and obama aint gonna help , he was put there by the same elitest that put bush into power , to further surve there needs . there goal is just like everyone elses " to try and take over the world " there just not doing it by force . there doing it by manipulation . for you out there that think this is bull , all i ask is that you do some homework . dont believe whats being spoonfeed to you by the mass media , find out the truth . thats your first step to freeing yourself of the monitary system that you are a slave of and dont even know it .
^^^I feel you...and it's funny because most people just see Obama's skin color and say "oh he is black and this n that". Most people don't know that he is a cousin of %*## Cheney and George Bush!! Yeah, i said it, do your homework...i will not get too deep into it because there are far too many immature ignorant people "debating" on here but basically there has only been around 4 family bloodlines in the white house and will probably stay this way. Most of the bloodlines have come from the Charlemagnes. Black people i know you see brown skin and say "thank you, it's about time one of us, he is black"...sorry to ruin your parade but he is not. He is of the chosen bloodline with brown skin which benefits their agenda so they can really throw the masses off....i'm done.
Never knew that. Maybe the conspiracies are true.

George W. Bush and Obama, meanwhile, are 10th cousins once removed - linked through a 17th century Massachusetts couple, Samuel Hinckley and Sarah Soole, according to the Sun-Times.

^^^yeah there is a lot more i can go into that you probably did not know but this site is a little too popular and i don't feel like gettingmy Internet shut down by Verizon (another Illumianti front), and more people watching me. You know they kill people like me...do your homework people andremember...things are never what they seem and if everything looks too good to be true like January 20th 2009, do more research, i'm gone.
Joseph Camel Jr wrote:Seriously bro? It's hilarious that you'd make a thread like this and make the first post about Jay-Z.

In the world of the rich and powerful, who the +$@$ is Jay-Z? An absolute nobody.

That is very true. They let people like P Diddy, Jay Z and 50 make a little bread because it doesn't matter. The people who have real power come fromfamilies that have ruled for centuries. They inherit their money. The millions of hip hop moguls are chump change to the real movers and shakers of the world.They control the banks and the idea of money itself. They could take that hip hop money away in an instant. Look at what happened in Panama when Noriega tookover, he kept those people's money. George Jung from the movie Blow said that he lost over 50 million in Panamanian banks. He called one day and they said,"Noriega is claiming all of the money in those banks for himself and his regime." A lot of people need to wake up and see that there are other levelsof power and government.

Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1773-1855) said: "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.

Do some googling on the Rothschilds and you will see why we are in the situation that we are in now and where these bailout robberies are originating. Obama,Bush and McCain are down with it too.
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