Originally Posted by cucumbercool

This has to be done professionally and sparingly. I saw a guy with the rounded m hairline and he filled in the the missing part with black ice. Hugee mistake

@ "secure your financial future with black ice"

Just checked out dudes videos on Youtube

If you're looking to learn... really great.

Good looks to the NT'er that recommended...
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

Originally Posted by Truballa101

Andis T-Outliners aren't that much different from other trimmers.

Most barbers use outliners but they are very different then the ones average people buy. The barbers know the correct way to sharpen their blades which is why most of us have sharp lines coming out the barbers chair.

I have the exact same trimmer as my barber and mine doesn't cut nearly as sharp as his does -.-

You just have to adjust the blades and your line ups will be just as sharp as when you come out the barber shop.

Also, you have to know how to position the blade to your face.

Pay attention to when you barber does it and how he does it and go and learn and try it out on your own from there.

I was just like you, but then I learned how to do it and I've been good since, but I'm lazy too and just go and pay the $20 to get a cut.

About to go back to shaping myself up again though...

yo i did this when i first got my t liner and i guess i did it wrong since i ended up cutting myself. the vid i saw said have the 2 blades at the same level and i did. i just pull it a lil lower than it being the same level now though.

the only thing i don't get with my liner and my barber's liner is that it runs so much more quiter or what seems like a lower speed. even when i look at videos it doesn't sound the same as my liner.
Yo for my other black NTers who get ingrown hair shaving the face, does anyone else use Magic shaving powder. I just started using this stuff after my pops swore for it for so long, it smells like death but it works really well.
Originally Posted by copped

anyone got info on that cream those barbers use before they shave you with the razor?

its all tingly and feels mad nice...

first they put that white cream on your face, then the hot towel, then they wipe it off, then they put shaving cream...

anyone know which cream that is? the one before the hot towel?

i think my people in NYC would know what im talking about
any info??
Originally Posted by Across 110th st

So do u guys use shaving cream oranything when u use a straight razor?
I just use the Outliner clippers, never used arazor...

the best thing to use is soap...the same way you wash your face just wash your hairline and the skin around it so you can see the line better...the soap provides better movement of the razor accross your skin

conditionr for hair is good to use too. its real smooth. the razor glides right over it
The promates are ok but t- edjer with the golden blade is what's really really good tho, cost a lil more but there worth it.
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