you still love your ex....

I smashed my ex's best friend....and my ex currently hates me right now so....
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Enemy... that's spiteful. That's just evil

If she went out with MY bestfriend, I'd see it as her having a thing for __s that was JUST like me. That's a moral victory in my book, like "Oh so you really can't get past me, huh? You trading in crack for heroin...but do you..."
I'm confused to see how your ex talking to your best friend is a moral victory...Thats just something you dont do in my circles. My bestfriend dating my ex is like a spit in the face to me...One of the most disrepectful things a friend could do to you imo...Bro's before ho's meng

Maintaining your claim on her is leighm as hell. She's your ex, but she's not your ex. If another __ hit, another __ just hit. Idon't OWN her body...that's on her. You a simp if you sitting there acting like she's off limits cuz you had her first. With that said, if shefeels like #!@@@#@ my I'm on some "***** fall AND my __(s) been all up in that anyway" if she ever says ANYTHINGoutta line. __s hollering bros over $%@# but don't really get it. I might be a lil salty but my dude gone be my DUDE anyway... my girl just became my ex.I'll get over her.. it ain't like he slayed her while I was with her. That's a different story.

I feel like as long as I can say "***** please, I still ****ed you", it ain't %%%+ a girl can tell me that could bring me down..
for the record, id much rather my girl go behind my back and crank my best friend, than my enemy ... i mean id still kill them both, but at least dude was coolwith me at one point
I think they would be equally painful. If I'm still in love with her then I don't anyone else to have her..... sounds selfish yea I know but that'sjust me.
why are some of you not reading what the OP said?


Nevermind if its your ex that you don't care about, the question was if you still loved her and she was messing with an enemy or best friend,which would hurt more. No one cares if it wouldn't bother you. The question again is which one would hurt more.

Dudes not reading FTL.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

why are some of you not reading what the OP said?


Nevermind if its your ex that you don't care about, the question was if you still loved her and she was messing with an enemy or best friend, which would hurt more. No one cares if it wouldn't bother you. The question again is which one would hurt more.

Dudes not reading FTL.

Dude, I'm saying... I'm single RIGHT now but I'm still IN love with my ex. We JUST split 2 weeks ago. We still talk daily and everything.Hell, we still act like a couple when we're together... and I'm saying if C.D.Cole, my very best friend, %%%%%! this girl TODAY.. my answer would bethe sam as a matter of principle.
How could you be in love with a girl and be coo about it when your best friend %!%%@* her? Just based off principle though? It only adds to the fact if he isyour best friend, He would probably know that your still in love with her, and its only been two weeks..and If he continued to pursue her knowing that....Ifthat was me I'm disowning dude...I dont care how close me and my best friend are, you just dont do that even if yall arent together...I couldnt do it
DW, I can't agree with your logic, but you already said it'd be worse if it were with an enemy so I wasn't really refering to you.

Edit: some dudes are saying they don't care about their ex so it wouldn't matter... those same dudes probably failed english a few times over becauseno one asked them that.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

How could you be in love with a girl and be coo about it when your best friend %!%%@* her? Just based off principle though? It only adds to the fact if he is your best friend, He would probably know that your still in love with her, and its only been two weeks..and If he continued to pursue her knowing that....If that was me I'm disowning dude...I dont care how close me and my best friend are, you just dont do that even if yall arent together...I couldnt do it
QFT shouldn't your homie have some morals and know that is just not something that "friends" do to each other knowing how you feelabout the chick?
I'd rather see her with my best friend.

I don't know why, so don't ask.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

How could you be in love with a girl and be coo about it when your best friend %!%%@* her? Just based off principle though? It only adds to the fact if he is your best friend, He would probably know that your still in love with her, and its only been two weeks..and If he continued to pursue her knowing that....If that was me I'm disowning dude...I dont care how close me and my best friend are, you just dont do that even if yall arent together...I couldnt do it

I ain't saying I'm cool with it, but I'm cool...

Dude been my boy16 years. She been my girl a fraction of that time. I BET I'd get over her before I got over him... no $@$+ of course. Just saying... Meand my boys are blood in, blood out -- no pyru.

And off top, my dude WOULDN'T do that anyway, I'm just addressing the thread's question.

EDIT: umm...nevermind that last part
L O V E is such a strong word to associate with one's former significant other or "ex"

Maybe from a physical/sexual attraction then Y E S, at least 99.9% of the time, but L O V E, ..... N O
ya i do. i miss her but as she got older she started actin different. i see her on a daily basis but i dont miss her... well i do but i dont at the same time.
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