You ever had to cut friends out of your life?


Dec 30, 2003
I've got some toxic individual(s) in my life that I was happy to call best friends. Now, we've grown apart, I'm looking forward and they aredevolving.
. Can't have that around holding me back you know. Anybody ever been in a similar situation, how did you deal with it?
same thing is going on right now with me bro, sucks but its for the better, they arent going to bring me down with them, i graduated in 06 basically almosteveryone that end up working full-time instead of going to school has turned into a drug addict with a few exceptions
i've done this so many times, you gotta get rid of the fake ones, surround yourself with real people
Going through a similar situation right now. Im just keeping my distance. stopped hanging out with them. Dont call, when they do I keep convo's short.Communication slowly has been fading into nothing.

To my surprise I've dealt with it fine. I have too much on my plate to be worried about it anyways
its true that people are in your life for seasons...

people grow up...some don't and if they aren't positives in your life then you may have to cut ties...its a part of life...
feel the same way I was thinking about this the other day...some of my friends hold me back sometimes....Ima have to cut some off even if it means i have zeroOG friends and all new ones. ( i dont think it will get that bad but anything can happen)
Yup..let the jealous hating back stabbers out your life..ever since then me and my friends been closer to each other then ever... You gotta get rid of fakeones, and surround your self with the real down to earth ppl who care...all the bad ones will just hold you back from success.
Yeah... I'm goin through that right now.. Basically what Sure said. I stopped hittin dude up on FB or Calls/ Txts...I'm cool rollin dolo.. It'sfunny how he actin all desperate to stay friends after his sheisty ways got put on display and I cut him off. I get a IM from him like everyday on FB..."What's up bro/brother/fam".
.. I just wait hella long then respond with a one word answer... Been told my whole life to chill withfriends who have like interests.... Time I heed the advice. Basically, ignore all attempts to pull you back into the BS.. If they're not adding to yoursituation, they're subtracting...
The only friend that i had to cut off was my best friend during high school, who eventually became my gf. But we broke up after the start of college, so i hadto cut her out of my life. But besides that, I'm still very close to my friends from elementary and high school.
i do it all the time...gets rid of bad energy from my life....

i had to cut out my cousin that was like a bestfriend to me...we were "1-2 punch", but he was just someone i was growing to hate....8 months and mylife has less b/s without him causing it.
It's necessary....I wouldn't be alive today if i didn't.

Do your thing stay busy and fade out... they will get it eventually.
had to tighten up my circle a couple of times, and real talk it hurts. but if they not bringing anything positvie to your life let them. If you're an eaglewhy would you surround yourself with chickens
It's so necessary during your latter years of college, or after you graduate. It shows who is a genuine friend, and who was just a college drinking buddy.

I know plenty of lames who are still satisfied with workin' as a part-time server in Applebees at the age of 26 and drinking every night. For the past yearor two, I've just slowly backed out of that lifestyle. I used to be the one who was always tryin' to have a good time, no matter what night it was. ButI started to grow up once I became independent. I've lived on my own for a few years now, and definitely started seeing how immature all that was.

So, not to sound self-centered, but I basically only care about myself now. I'm gonna be the one who brings success to my life, not my friends. Obviously,you can still talk to whoever you want, and still go hang out with close friends, but you just need to learn how to balance everything out, the older you get.I still see those "other" friends from time to time at bars and such, but now that's all I keep it to.

It feels good to have some control over your life, rather than give into the peer pressure.
I did back in HS. My best friend started to do serious drugs. I just wanted to play ball during my Frosh year and so on. I cut him off totally and started tohang out with some other friends from the neighborhood who were focused on ball like me. Well 8 years later and I'm in College doing my thing with a cleanrecord. He finished a bid up in Rikers Island 2 years ago with just a HS degree struggling with life. I still see him around and say what's up. But wedon't chill.
Originally Posted by eight2one

i do it all the time...gets rid of bad energy from my life....

i had to cut out my cousin that was like a bestfriend to me...we were "1-2 punch", but he was just someone i was growing to hate....8 months and my life has less b/s without him causing it.

Went through a similar situation not too long ago

it's true that people are in your life for seasons...
i had two friends who were both addicted to oxy's. I tried to help them but as soon as they stole they were cut off.
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