[| -- You better WATCH who your talking about when your on the Phone (VIDEO) -- |]

.......Just 4 years?!
I'm late on this one, but what did he do? lol

Sorry for laughing, i just find it crazy that some dude waiting in line doing nothing would get knocked out
##%, that's my city... as soon as I hit play 'Akron, Ohio" lmaoo.. oh gawd... you NOT gettin hit that hard.. I wonder where this was? This wasprob mad old.
Originally Posted by Club29

black people sometimes

EDIT: after reading most of the pages, the fact that many of you find this hilarious is just wrong.


Why on Earth would you slam your phone down like you're about to do something when Kimbo Slice's Uncle just walked into the store? I would'vejumped the counter and moved to a different state.
Well this is when ya hood senses would of been good i feel what Kay and Seasoned vet is saying

but that guy that got knocked out is stupid dont talk #@+% if u cant back it up and truthfully i would of
dipped when mr.sapp went towards the counter towards the owner instead he stayed and than he breaks
his phone like he was gonna go get all crazy and got his %!% knocked out lmao and for all u guys talking bout
yall would of did something thats a lie if its not my homies r family r a girl getting beat up im not stopping #@+%
it would of been 2 people instead of 1 knocked out lol

Rule #1 Mind Ya Business And U Live Longer

And that !%+$+ is to F'Ing Big To Throw The Hands With Period A Bat R Ratchet Would Be Needed For That Bull
I Feel Sorry For His Cellmate LOL
Some of you dudes are messed up

that vid was not funny at all........ I got heated just watching that

smh x3
I wouldve done the RKO on dude.

but on the reals, if i was in that dudes position, i guarantee you i would of at least tried to put my golden gloves skills to use.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by jaysonmytoes713

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by jaysonmytoes713

bro i am 6'1 and weigh 235. I grew up in Southeast Houston.
Hands are in stock and ready to serve

You got the Juice now....

Sike nah...sit your corny self down...
somethin is telling me you are hella weak man. E- nerd. u need some {}

I've probably had more sex this month than you've had in your lifetime...

My penis is in stock, Ready to serve.....Inform your female (if you even have one)


Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773


"The other patrons stand by, paralized with hunger."
Some people would say, "Why didn't anybody help?"

Well unless you wanted to get %%%%%! up too, you would help. I'd just call the cops. Why was she soo sensitive to get hurt? He must've said somethingreally messed up.
If you look at the guy just after he got smacked by the camo lady there's a dude standing right next to him who proceeds to take a swig of whatever drinkhe had on hand, as if all this is normal to him.
Originally Posted by heartofthacity

!%+! that %+@!% with the camo/ her boyfriend
dirtbags like them don't deserve to live with civilized people
I'm sorry,but that's just not funny. I can't stand women that talk crazy because they got some goons ready to put in work.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by doosta45

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Dude was a convict, did yall expect him to act rational. We he did was nothing new to him, he looked perfectly happy beating up dude.

1st. Dude shouldnt of said any thing to the lady. Every action has a reaction

2nd. The lady was wearing camo, i dont know any sane black people still wearin camo.

3rd. Dude should of just let his pride go, and ran. He made a mistake, some people are psycho.

Dude got 4 years= Justice White dude prob got a settlement. Situation was terrible and wrong, but hey that's life!!
...from what I've read before...dude said something on the phone... something about being late b/c someone cut the line...and the lady overheard

and other dude is the true definition of simp.....doing 4 yrs simply b/c his girl got mad at someone and told him to beat the guy up.
are you the type of dude that would sit there and let their lady get disrespected huh?

if some dude disrespects my lady, we having words. if dude starts popping off at the mouth we fighting.

bet dude wouldnt have man handled him if he didnt throw his phone down like he was going to do something.

i must have missed it...where in the video was she disrespected...
did someone just said the lady got disrespected? she cut the whole line! and spat on the owner and called in to beat someone up...how is that beingdisrespected?
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

Honestly its easy for us to say "Damn no one could have helped" but we are watching on a screen, if you were actually there
i wouldve walked out as soon as dude walked in(if i didnt already pay).
i dont have time to be witnessing nothing.
wasn't funny then...isn't now
as true as that may be i chcukled when dude walked from behind the counter then turned right back around when dude came in the store

2nd. The lady was wearing camo, i dont know any sane black people still wearin camo.

I'm still wondering why he smashed his phone. Did he really think that throwing his phone down would intimidate that guy?
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

I'm still wondering why he smashed his phone. Did he really think that throwing his phone down would intimidate that guy?

In actuality the white guy looked like he was gonna take out his agression the woman, but he froze when dude hit him. I'm a big dude so me and ol' boywoulda went to fisticuffs. I HATE when people act like they can get away anything.
That's just sad, all them guy's in there and no one did nothing.
I am sure if the guys got on top of the dude that would not have ended like that.
In the defense of the crowd, none of them looked to be too tough, either. They all looked like they just didn't want to catch the second serving. Forinstance, that one video with Reggie Bush pulling a Stone Cold house-cleaning shows that sometimes, with the right people around, you're not completelyscrewed when people get uppity.
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