YO! Would you say women are more likely to lead someone on?...

Originally Posted by AirAnt23


West2East... my point is that, in theory, sex shouldn't lead to a relationship. So you'd be playing yourself.

Oh of course I understand that. You understand that. My point isthough he might not be explicitly stating or expressing that because he knows if he does she's gone. There are way too many men out there who will givewomen just enough hope to string them along. Who will give them just enough to keep them around. I'm not talking about men fooling the women who gladlygive it up. I'm talking about the men who give women that have some reservations that little push they might need to make them comfortable with the idea ofsexing without a commitment first. I mean we all know keeping your legs shut isn't going to guarantee you anything either. Think in more general malefemale relationships rather than just what you know is what i'm trying to get you to do.
And this is why we love Dylan.
PAY FOR THINGS... be a man.

Fellas: oldest trick in the book and a lotta guys dont know this...."If a woman likes you, she'll pay you/for you"...especially withthis wave of "independent and equal" women, there should be no qualms about paying for a date or at least half/the tip/drinks after...by her payingfor you, she's subconsciously investing in you and wants to see a payoff of sorts.
Y'all are so paranoid thinking chicks are out there trying to rape your pockets
uhhh...it's called protecting ourselves as men. the legal system is harder on us than it is on women, especially black men.

you damn right i'm paranoid. The wrong chick can lead to 18 years of child support payments and a lifetime of dealing with a crazy female.

maybe i have more to lose than the average guy my age but it's just the way i am.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Its very cruel. We as men (despite the front we have a tendency to put up) want to feel loved and validated.
Well, gotta earn it.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]We gotta "earn" it?[/color]


Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

PAY FOR THINGS... be a man.
Fellas: oldest trick in the book and a lotta guys dont know this...."If a woman likes you, she'll pay you/for you"...especially with this wave of "independent and equal" women, there should be no qualms about paying for a date or at least half/the tip/drinks after...by her paying for you, she's subconsciously investing in you and wants to see a payoff of sorts.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Makes sense..[/color]
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

@ "continuing the friendship"

that usually involves

1. being an emotional tampon with no payoff of any sort
2. hearing about other cats (and NO MAN wants to hear about other cats when he's pursuing a chick)
3. being in conversations with her about stuff her GFs and homosexual male friends should be engaging in.

point blank, (and i've tried to be friends with girls after we didnt work out), I cant do it. it's pointless.

like my ex tried to make me promise i'd be "friends with her in case we didnt work out"...i told her straight up that i dont get down like that because i dont tak rejection well.I see her and i have nothing really to say to her. and she's seen me with my newest prospect (who, BTW, is prettier, more pleasant and less insecure than she is)...straight ice grills I never talk to any of my exes or females that i tried to get with and got shut down. it's stupid and asinine to me. the time you waste holding her bag @ H&M could be spent talking to chicks who really wanna see where ya'll both could go together.
my dude bm always deliverin that realtalk.

but yea...that "let's continue the friendship" is some bull @+%%.

they had their chance. now hop the *%%$ off of me.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Its very cruel. We as men (despite the front we have a tendency to put up) want to feel loved and validated.
Well, gotta earn it. Now it seems like men in my age group (mid 20'sish) want everything to be handed to them with no work. It's like y'all think you can say "Hey, I want to get to know you." And we're supposed to just start spinning on your poles with that and that alone. I've had to wade through a lot of half-steppers who clearly wanted that love and validation but ...they weren't getting it from me because they didn't deserve it.

Well what do you define as 'earning' and 'deserving' it exactly?
Being a man and doing your job. If you express interest, SHOW interest. That's pretty much all I can say. I can't believe how much foolishness is running rampant.

Now, this is only general...I'm not directing this at anyone in this thread. It seems like the only men that really feel me are the older ones...too bad I'm not into old sacks.

FYI (this is a general statement, not directed at any of you personally)

1) Stop approaching women thinking that's all you're gonna have to do. You don't get some girl's phone number... and then expect her to be blowing YOU up. If you're interested, ACT interested. Take the initiative. Maybe it's worth it, maybe it's not...you'll never know unless you try. If it fails, so be it. Real men always bounce back.

2) Stop all of this 'watch a movie' mess. Take women out on a date. Show her you appreciate her and want to spend some quality time. If it's a waste of money because she turns out to suck.. so what? Don't/didn'tyou like the girl? Y'all are so paranoid thinking chicks are out there trying to rape your pockets and you end up screwing yourselves in the end. Just going from some of the responses in this thread, did it ever occur to y'all that MAYBE (just maybe) because of your behavior, your women responded accordingly? Yeah, there are some scandalous women out there. Don't get me wrong. But...tough +@#%, fellas...We bleed 3 months out of the year, y'all can take a little bit of rejection.
Builds character!

3) Not sure what 3 is exactly but it's just those little things that makes a man attractive. The same things that you guys would want in a woman. Mind your manners, don't be a phony...but don't act like you're with your boys when you're with a woman. Hold doors, PAY FOR THINGS... be a man.

I know y'all are about ready to stone me...but that's just how I feel. It may sound like I'm asking a lot but...to me it's one of those things that could come back to you tenfold. I don't mean that in some conceited way, this goes for me and any woman that feels she's a good one. I'd make a deserving man VERY happy one day and all I can do is laugh whenever one misses out on all of this awesome because he dropped the ball before he even had it.

slightly off topic but why are women incapable of approaching a gentleman they like?

Sometimes i feel that we have to do all the work

initiate the conversation

keep you "entertained"

Pay for dinner

Make the phone call

So on and so forth

Sometimes i think women just think because they have a vagina that they dont have to put in any sort of real effort.

Relationships (or atleast an attempt at one) is a two-way street.

Its not cute to act difficult either.

This stupid "if you cant handle me at my worst, then you dont deserve me at my best" nonsense quote i keep hearing or reading has to be one of themost ridiculous things ive ever heard.
You want me to be submissive and stand behind you and treat you like the man that you are BUT YET be the one to approach you and spit game at YOU? Okay.
Y'all can clown all you want, but I do NOT approach a man. Because a good chunk of those who do are desperate as hell for a man, and I know what I'mworking with, and it's worth a man taking the effort to approach me.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

PAY FOR THINGS... be a man.
Fellas: oldest trick in the book and a lotta guys dont know this...."If a woman likes you, she'll pay you/for you"...especially with this wave of "independent and equal" women, there should be no qualms about paying for a date or at least half/the tip/drinks after...by her paying for you, she's subconsciously investing in you and wants to see a payoff of sorts.
Y'all are so paranoid thinking chicks are out there trying to rape your pockets
uhhh...it's called protecting ourselves as men. the legal system is harder on us than it is on women, especially black men.

you damn right i'm paranoid. The wrong chick can lead to 18 years of child support payments and a lifetime of dealing with a crazy female.

maybe i have more to lose than the average guy my age but it's just the way i am.

A woman doesn't have to pay for anything EVER. If a woman is spending money on you, she's probably desperate and ... (someone go find thatMichael Vick pic w/ the dog) it's probably not going to end well. Everyone on Earth knows this. Somebody should draw up a memo for ya. That's realtalk, I'm sorry.

And if you're paranoid...guess what? Stop running up behind Debbie Desperate and go for YOURS. If you're a good man, find you a good woman. Ifyou're having this much trouble, sounds like you need to stop laying down with dogs, I bet the fleas will cease when you do.

You don't have anymore to lose than the next man. Be smart about yours.
YO! W2E... I dug you from the beginning. Just went extra hard for the hell of it.

1) Stop approaching women thinking that's all you're gonna have to do. You don't get some girl's phone number... and then expect her to be blowing YOU up. If you're interested, ACT interested. Take the initiative. Maybe it's worth it, maybe it's not...you'll never know unless you try. If it fails, so be it. Real men always bounce back.
when you initially mentioned "earning" it. ButI'm with you now. I quoted one in particular because those have been things that I've previously been unwilling to do. And I'm still working on.

But a broken man isn't all too attractive. So if I am to let me guard down. Do these things... and get taken. Am I the kind of guy a "good woman"would want and appreciate or have I now proven myself weak and unworthy of a "good woman?"
This stupid "if you cant handle me at my worst, then you dont deserve me at my best" nonsense quote i keep hearing or reading has to be one of the most ridiculous things ive ever heard.
Realness. Young lady I've been friends with for like 10 years comes at me with this. Real bogus.
I think women are more likely to lead someone on. I've done it before and I know many that do on a consistent basis. Sorry.
It is settled.

It's real out here. Fortunately for me though... as many women are realizing they peaked as undergraduates, I'm still maybe 10-15 years from reachingmy pinnacle. And I'm the **** now!
@ "earning"

i catch your drift, but i'm HUGE on semantics.

What, after a couple of dates, roses, poems, we earn "it"?

thats the other pitfall of dating....you dunno if the person is "worth" it...i done had a golddigging broad i take out tell me she might be pregnantlike it's my kid. say i was to hit that after our first date till now, aint no telling what mess i'da been in.

I'll err on the side of caution thank you very much.

i know women like attention and wanna feel special...but ya'll got too much competition. someone has to stand out here...
I think women are more likely to lead someone on. I've done it before and I know many that do on a consistent basis. Sorry.
slightly off topic but why are women incapable of approaching a gentleman they like?

You just haven't come across aggressive females that know what they want. They are out there, tho.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Its very cruel. We as men (despite the front we have a tendency to put up) want to feel loved and validated.
Well, gotta earn it. Now it seems like men in my age group (mid 20'sish) want everything to be handed to them with no work. It's like y'all think you can say "Hey, I want to get to know you." And we're supposed to just start spinning on your poles with that and that alone. I've had to wade through a lot of half-steppers who clearly wanted that love and validation but ...they weren't getting it from me because they didn't deserve it.

Well what do you define as 'earning' and 'deserving' it exactly?
Being a man and doing your job. If you express interest, SHOW interest. That's pretty much all I can say. I can't believe how much foolishness is running rampant.

Now, this is only general...I'm not directing this at anyone in this thread. It seems like the only men that really feel me are the older ones...too bad I'm not into old sacks.

FYI (this is a general statement, not directed at any of you personally)

1) Stop approaching women thinking that's all you're gonna have to do. You don't get some girl's phone number... and then expect her to be blowing YOU up. If you're interested, ACT interested. Take the initiative. Maybe it's worth it, maybe it's not...you'll never know unless you try. If it fails, so be it. Real men always bounce back.

2) Stop all of this 'watch a movie' mess. Take women out on a date. Show her you appreciate her and want to spend some quality time. If it's a waste of money because she turns out to suck.. so what? Don't/didn'tyou like the girl? Y'all are so paranoid thinking chicks are out there trying to rape your pockets and you end up screwing yourselves in the end. Just going from some of the responses in this thread, did it ever occur to y'all that MAYBE (just maybe) because of your behavior, your women responded accordingly? Yeah, there are some scandalous women out there. Don't get me wrong. But...tough +@#%, fellas...We bleed 3 months out of the year, y'all can take a little bit of rejection.
Builds character!

3) Not sure what 3 is exactly but it's just those little things that makes a man attractive. The same things that you guys would want in a woman. Mind your manners, don't be a phony...but don't act like you're with your boys when you're with a woman. Hold doors, PAY FOR THINGS... be a man.

I know y'all are about ready to stone me...but that's just how I feel. It may sound like I'm asking a lot but...to me it's one of those things that could come back to you tenfold. I don't mean that in some conceited way, this goes for me and any woman that feels she's a good one. I'd make a deserving man VERY happy one day and all I can do is laugh whenever one misses out on all of this awesome because he dropped the ball before he even had it.

slightly off topic but why are women incapable of approaching a gentleman they like?

Sometimes i feel that we have to do all the work

initiate the conversation

keep you "entertained"

Pay for dinner

Make the phone call

So on and so forth

Sometimes i think women just think because they have a vagina that they dont have to put in any sort of real effort.

Relationships (or atleast an attempt at one) is a two-way street.

Its not cute to act difficult either.

This stupid "if you cant handle me at my worst, then you dont deserve me at my best" nonsense quote i keep hearing or reading has to be one of the most ridiculous things ive ever heard.
It's not a question of capability, it's kinda what Glo said to. Y'all want to be treated like the 'MAN' but don't want toact like one. I'm not saying I'm gonna step back into the 50's totally but I know how to let a man be a man and I want a man to be that for me. And if you consider that stuff in your list as 'doing all the work'... baaaaaaby.

Like I said, do your job and the rest should be reciprocated. Relationships are a two way street but it seems like y'all want too much too soon anddon't put in the work.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

PAY FOR THINGS... be a man.
Fellas: oldest trick in the book and a lotta guys dont know this...."If a woman likes you, she'll pay you/for you"...especially with this wave of "independent and equal" women, there should be no qualms about paying for a date or at least half/the tip/drinks after...by her paying for you, she's subconsciously investing in you and wants to see a payoff of sorts.
Y'all are so paranoid thinking chicks are out there trying to rape your pockets
uhhh...it's called protecting ourselves as men. the legal system is harder on us than it is on women, especially black men.

you damn right i'm paranoid. The wrong chick can lead to 18 years of child support payments and a lifetime of dealing with a crazy female.

maybe i have more to lose than the average guy my age but it's just the way i am.

A woman doesn't have to pay for anything EVER. If a woman is spending money on you, she's probably desperate and ... (someone go find that Michael Vick pic w/ the dog) it's probably not going to end well. Everyone on Earth knows this. Somebody should draw up a memo for ya. That's real talk, I'm sorry.

And if you're paranoid...guess what? Stop running up behind Debbie Desperate and go for YOURS. If you're a good man, find you a good woman. If you're having this much trouble, sounds like you need to stop laying down with dogs, I bet the fleas will cease when you do.

You don't have anymore to lose than the next man. Be smart about yours.


Two way street.

You're single im guessing.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

A woman doesn't have to pay for anything EVER. If a woman is spending money on you, she's probably desperate and ... (someone go find that Michael Vick pic w/ the dog) it's probably not going to end well. Everyone on Earth knows this. Somebody should draw up a memo for ya. That's real talk, I'm sorry.

Originally Posted by Dylishis

A woman doesn't have to pay for anything EVER. If a woman is spending money on you, she's probably desperate and ... (someone go find that Michael Vick pic w/ the dog) it's probably not going to end well. Everyone on Earth knows this. Somebody should draw up a memo for ya. That's real talk, I'm sorry.
Huh? If he is spending money on me and I'm spending on him how does that make me desperate? If all you do is have him spend money on you whatdoes that make you? A goldigger?

It's 100% from both sides for me. I'm going to put in what you put in. If that means treating him sometimes then that's what it's going to be.It should be equal.
It is settled.
WG, i KNOW you have.....you vixen you

Sometimes i think women just think because they have a vagina that they dont have to put in any sort of real effort.

social cushion. it is what it is.
A woman doesn't have to pay for anything EVER. If a woman is spending money on you, she's probably desperate and ... (someone go find that Michael Vick pic w/ the dog) it's probably not going to end well. Everyone on Earth knows this. Somebody should draw up a memo for ya. That's real talk, I'm sorry.

And if you're paranoid...guess what? Stop running up behind Debbie Desperate and go for YOURS. If you're a good man, find you a good woman. If you're having this much trouble, sounds like you need to stop laying down with dogs, I bet the fleas will cease when you do.

You don't have anymore to lose than the next man. Be smart about yours.

a Guy doesnt have to pay for anything either, by the same token of being "desperate and it not ending well"...after all, we could knock a chick upand pay hell for it..not to mention having . so you've NEVER spent any money on a guy you liked before?

you may not know this about me, so i'll just mention it briefly, but i own my own company...link's in the sig. Since I've started, i've weedednumerous chicks from my cricle who i KNOW were just in it for the monetary factor

my newest one, she at least understands that by her holding me down when i'm at this stage, i'll remember that in the future. I've known her beforei had the company and we wre attracted to each other, but she had a man so....
Are y'all seriously telling me that you expect women to approach y'all and take you out on dates? What kind of Deuce Bigalow *$!! are y'all onright now?
Be serious. I didn't mean it THAT literally... but initially, come on?
I'm old-fashioned in that sense, I don't ask men outand I don't take grown $#% men that I just met on dates. lol I'm an independent woman but...yeah. No.
i didnt mean come up and spit game and ask me out. You're taking it a bit too literal.
YO! You wildin' with not paying for anything EVER.

I dig you on not approaching a guy with a date. But seems a bit backwards that women would expect to get equal salary for the same job... yet never have to payfor anything in a relationship.

That ain't the kind of change "The Black Guy" believes in.

word Ant...

then when we get extra cautious about golddiggers, we're "paranoid" and "unreasonable"
Like I said, I see dating in a more traditional sense

so you wouldnt mind cooking and cleaning up the house for your man while he works? Sweet!!!
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

WG, i KNOW you have.....you vixen you

Sometimes i think women just think because they have a vagina that they dont have to put in any sort of real effort.
social cushion. it is what it is.
A woman doesn't have to pay for anything EVER. If a woman is spending money on you, she's probably desperate and ... (someone go find that Michael Vick pic w/ the dog) it's probably not going to end well. Everyone on Earth knows this. Somebody should draw up a memo for ya. That's real talk, I'm sorry.

And if you're paranoid...guess what? Stop running up behind Debbie Desperate and go for YOURS. If you're a good man, find you a good woman. If you're having this much trouble, sounds like you need to stop laying down with dogs, I bet the fleas will cease when you do.

You don't have anymore to lose than the next man. Be smart about yours.

a Guy doesnt have to pay for anything either, by the same token of being "desperate and it not ending well"...after all, we could knock a chick up and pay hell for it..not to mention having . so you've NEVER spent any money on a guy you liked before?

you may not know this about me, so i'll just mention it briefly, but i own my own company...link's in the sig. Since I've started, i've weeded numerous chicks from my cricle who i KNOW were just in it for the monetary factor

my newest one, she at least understands that by her holding me down when i'm at this stage, i'll remember that in the future. I've known her before i had the company and we wre attracted to each other, but she had a man so....

A guy I LIKED? Not a hot nickel.

Nothing wrong w/ weeding golddiggers! I'm not saying, shower every chick that smiles in your face with diamonds and pearls. I just mean, if there's awoman you really want...show her.

Huh? If he is spending money on me and I'm spending on him how does that make me desperate? If all you do is have him spend money on you what does that make you? A goldigger?
Like I said, I see dating in a more traditional sense. In my opinion, that's desperate... I mean, no offense really. I just don't see thepoint. But if you're with that new stuff, that's cool. I mean, okay. Maybe it's unfair of me to call it desperate but I guess it's coming fromtwo different perspectives.

I would NEVER approach a man. If it's a guy I like, I'll send signals...if he doesn't catch them... too bad.
That's just me. I haven'tbeen at any more of a loss because of it so... oh well.
You're comparing a woman wanting a competitive salary for doing the EXACT job her counterpart can to me liking the fact that my man opens the car door forme?
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

YO! You wildin' with not paying for anything EVER.

I dig you on not approaching a guy with a date. But seems a bit backwards that women would expect to get equal salary for the same job... yet never have to pay for anything in a relationship.

That ain't the kind of change "The Black Guy" believes in.


I didn't mean like, 'ever'. But in that 'courting' stage. When I hang out with guys, me paying for stuff has neverbeen an issue. They've never expected me to.

Obviously when things progress into a relationship, things change.
Women lead men on because all Men want is Sex, if no sex is involved the man has been lead on.
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