YO! Would you say women are more likely to lead someone on?...

Jun 13, 2006

Background story -

I was telling a young lady about how a homeboy of mine thought it'd be funny to tell this chic we know that I was interested in her. Well this chic islike... twice my size (imagine that). And she's been randomly texting me since. Well, I tell the young lady (the 1st one) that I don't really have thecapacity to not entertain this girl. At the least, I've returned the text messages - no more than, "how you doing" kinda stuff. Well she declaresthat even this action is mean and is leading this girl on.

However, the same young lady has a guy friend who has told her he's interested in her. She's all but completely shut him down. BUT she continues to"hang out" with him. (They went to the movies yesterday

My argument -

Too many times I've known (or known of) girls who hang out with guys who they are fully aware are interested in them beyond a casual friendship. FriendZone, more or less. Is this not cruel as hell? Definitely more than me being cordial to someone, yes?

From my "guy perspective", and based on conversations I have chopped up with my homeboys... if there's no interest, there's NO interest. Wedon't call up a girl we KNOW wants to get with us, to go to the mall just because we're bored. How selfish is that? Anybody feelin me (pause)?

I feel you (yes %%*+). What you're doing isn't leading this girl on, b/c you're simply being polite. Now, if you were taking this girl out todinner (all you can eat chinese food buffet) on some friendszone tip, then that would be grimy. Of course, we see females doing this on the regular, yetsomehow they're not leading people on.
i know what youre sayin man. i just got a text from the girl i used to be goin out with the other day. we started goin out less and less cause she said she wasbusy w work, school, GRE and all that and i figured it wasnt goin anywhere. the text said 'just wanted to let you know ive been dating somebody and imhappy. i hope we can be friends"

i honestly wasnt upset at all cause i knew it wasnt going anywhere BUT i was mad she lied when we were supposed to do stuff shed say she was too busy orwhatever. i mean if she obviously wasnt too busy, just too busy for me.

ah well it was nice while it lasted. women are ruthless

PS we can NOT be friends!
Originally Posted by AirAnt23


From my "guy perspective", and based on conversations I have chopped up with my homeboys... if there's no interest, there's NO interest. We don't call up a girl we KNOW wants to get with us, to go to the mall just because we're bored. How selfish is that? Anybody feelin me (pause)?

I don't do that either though. That's just wrong. Also I think it's close to equal but you guys choose to ignore a lot of the damnsigns or just refuse to believe someone isn't interested in you.
We're not trying to hurt nobody's feelings. If we cut off contact, y'all say we're +$*#+## or we act like we're too good. So, when we tryand kick it with y'all on a friendly basis, you say we're leading you on. We just can't win.
you said you never had a girlfriend right?
Irrelevant to my point, g. Waist size aside, I do the choosing around here homeboy.

i mean if she obviously wasnt too busy, just too busy for me.
Word. I think of two profound rap excerpts - "You ain't gotta lie to kick it." & "Ain't no future in yourfrontin'."

West2East - do you see that type of action in girls more so than guys though?
We're not trying to hurt nobody's feelings. If we cut off contact, y'all say we're +$*#+## or we act like we're too good. So, when we try and kick it with y'all on a friendly basis, you say we're leading you on. We just can't win.

I see that point. But, speaking for myself, I'd be fine if a girl who had turned me down continued to see how I was doing or whatever. Iprefer she not be weird about it. I'm not buggin' out. But to call and request my company sends all types of contradicting messages.

Originally Posted by Glory Glory Hallelujah

We're not trying to hurt nobody's feelings. If we cut off contact, y'all say we're +$*#+## or we act like we're too good. So, when we try and kick it with y'all on a friendly basis, you say we're leading you on. We just can't win.

I see you left out the option of politely informing said male that you're not interested in anything more than friendship, and then said male could decidehis next course of action, which may be to stay friends or cut off all contact. Females are grimy these days boys, watch ya neck.
Women can maybe lead someone on more than a man, but like someone said earlier a lot of men just don't see the signs.
back on topic though.

i mean Hell Yea

females got P power so, yes. this thread shouldnt even be debated. We all know females that do it im sure. accepting free drinks would count
dudes use a different maneuver to repel unwanted chicks. that maneuver is the "either let me bust one in ya hair, or leave me alone" ultimatum.

it works for us, cause we either get to bust one in her hair, or have her leave us alone, which is a win/win.

girls can't use this, so they try to string the dude along, hoping he'll accept the fact that he has no chance in hell with her.

he usually doesn't, and thinks in his mind, "one day, she's gonna crack, and i'ma get them drawz... ONE DAY..."...

and the vicious cycle is perpetuated...
YO! I see you on not recognizing "the signs." But for me, as far as that goes, I'll continue to play stupid until a girl voices to me thatshe's interested. I'm not one to assume so how would I be leading her on? She never said anything.

But if I say something - you shut me down - but you still want to spend QT? You wildin' out.

And Lurkin, all good. There was supposed to be "
" there.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Of course, that's why I prefer a broad to tell me straight up how she feelsabout me (or show signs)..I mean, don't waste my time with the mind games etc.. But anyway, I've never been lead on.. but at the same time, I wannahear some words that would make me feel wanted ("I want you",etc or w/e the case may be) and if I don't hear that, most likely I'll justdrift away. But that's just ME. Point is, women girls play those games a lot, %$*# is stupid.[/color]

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

females got P power so, yes.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

But if I say something - you shut me down - but you still want to spend QT? You wildin' out.

it's because women don't know what they want, but they want you to put your life on hold until they figure out what they want.

thats why u keep 2 on the side, so they will understand that you are a commodity, and this ain't a game.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

YO! I see you on not recognizing "the signs." But for me, as far as that goes, I'll continue to play stupid until a girl voices to me that she's interested. I'm not one to assume so how would I be leading her on? She never said anything.

But if I say something - you shut me down - but you still want to spend QT? You wildin' out.

so true
I would say it's close to equal. I mean how often do you hear about men who keep having sex with women knowing that she wants more than just sex??

Also you keep using yourself as an example but there are way too many men out there who just don't see the signs and assume a hell of a lot. I've beenthrough it, it's damn annoying
It's a two way street.

I know girls who think their "company" should be enough for dudes to take them on "dates" all while knowing it will never be anything moreon their part yet neglect to tell these dudes that that's all it's going to be. The irony is most of these girls I know are $@+$+# who you don'tneed to take on "dates" to smash.

So yeah, mad trifling birds out there.

But that's not to say there aren't equally foul dudes, I just either a: don't know them or b: the ones I do know what I think they do is personallyhumorous (cutting their nose off to spite their face type *$*# ultimately if you ask me, wholly aside from wasting time) but foul all the same.

Edit: I didn't think of dudes who just use women for sex, if you count that as leading on like leading on the idea of relationship than yeah it'sreasonably equal probably, just different for the most part.
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

dudes use a different maneuver to repel unwanted chicks. that maneuver is the "either let me bust one in ya hair, or leave me alone" ultimatum.

it works for us, cause we either get to bust one in her hair, or have her leave us alone, which is a win/win.

girls can't use this, so they try to string the dude along, hoping he'll accept the fact that he has no chance in hell with her.

he usually doesn't, and thinks in his mind, "one day, she's gonna crack, and i'ma get them drawz... ONE DAY..."...

and the vicious cycle is perpetuated...

im swift to this situation now though.....if i get a 'wat u doin, im bored' kinda message/call from a girl, she gettin deaded instantaneously.
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