Originally Posted by evisumane123

those allen PE's are so dooooppeeee
^ Nice Shaun.....my Black pair came in yesterday. I should've just bought the whole pack when they dropped.

^ Nice Shaun.....my Black pair came in yesterday. I should've just bought the whole pack when they dropped.

Thanks C....I've been lagging on buying the navy/gum old schools, so when I saw these I just had to do it instead of the old schools.
Thanks C....I've been lagging on buying the navy/gum old schools, so when I saw these I just had to do it instead of the old schools.
I guess USPS missed this shipment this morning, these just showed up as well:

Thanks KK.

I guess USPS missed this shipment this morning, these just showed up as well:

Thanks KK.

Originally Posted by theLwerd

are those allen pe's your size? and i have a question about jordan pe's in general... do they make full size runs of em? i know a bunch of people have the ray 8s and the q rich 8s etc... how were they distributed/procured? thanks in advance!
i'm pretty sure those 8's came out at HOH locations a while back

Heelntoe - very dope pickups, those kemps are a thing of beauty

Cris - u already know fam
Originally Posted by theLwerd

are those allen pe's your size? and i have a question about jordan pe's in general... do they make full size runs of em? i know a bunch of people have the ray 8s and the q rich 8s etc... how were they distributed/procured? thanks in advance!
i'm pretty sure those 8's came out at HOH locations a while back

Heelntoe - very dope pickups, those kemps are a thing of beauty

Cris - u already know fam
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