Yes, we all HATE the cops, but.....

Originally Posted by taimaishu123

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

I think there's a difference between a crooked cop, and the cop that everyone hates in their mind.

I can't be mad at crooked cops. When things get hard and those bills pile up, I doubt if i'd be any better than them.

The cops I hate though are the ones that aren't cops to help people. The ones that judge books by their covers, don't listen and don't care, and just want all the people they're meant to serve and protect to go away.
is that not what a crooked cop is? you take an oath to protect and help any citizen in need. once you stop doing that, you are CROOKED. you are going back on your oath you sworn into, thus making you crooked. there are no levels of crookedness, you cant be kinda crooked or a little bit crooked. there is a clear line.
There's a very clear difference between a cop that uses his position to benefit himself outside of legal means vs a cop that is not interestedin helping people and too frustrated to care.
That's why the system is as messed up as it is.. The people at the top aren't supposed to be screwing over the next man. They supposed to be makingsure !!%+ goes right and when they don't, they give bad names to the people that try to be decent and the cycle continues. I hate cops just as much as thenext person but in all honesty if I met some chillin ones every now and then I wouldn't trip as much when they come around
Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

yup, i'd go around taking all the money from drug dealers, i wouldn't arrest them, i'll just let their connect kill them when they keep coming back with no money

i have a feeling that due to you always posting some of the stupidest and most immature replies on NT that you are under 16


and for the record no you wouldnt
Originally Posted by gambit215

I believe the presence of police actually accentuates violence, corruption, thievery. We are a defiant species (Original Sin is disobedience) so we are very stupid to think that police deter crime. Law is EXTREMELY arbitrary and we all know justice is based on your income not your innocence. IT no coincidence when you are driving, you never see a Luxury car get pulled over for a "spot check".Not to say they are not necessary, but my beef with police is basically they lack compassion. They arbitrarily arrest people, ruin their lives, someone who has no money is gonna steal, you aide in the destruction of your community when you arrest someone with a clean record for a ROACH thus getting them fired from work and so on and so on. Not to mention, I cannot dedicate my life to something I dont believe in when these guys do it daily, you are wasting you life. BTW I go to beach with no Lifeguards and there are never any drownings, WHY? its something called know not to swim to far or you're screwed, this rule applies to life, most people dont commit crimes because they are BAD people.

Get out of here with that Original Sin B.S.

A sin without volition is a slap at morality and an insolent contradiction in terms: that which is outside the possibility of choice is outside the province ofmorality. If man is evil by birth, he has no will, no power to change it; if he has no will, he can be neither good nor evil; a robot is amoral. To hold, asman's sin, a fact not open to his choice is a mockery of morality. To hold man's nature as his sin is a mockery of nature. To punish him for a crimehe committed before he was born is a mockery of justice. To hold him guilty in a manner where no innocence exists is a mockery of reason. To destroymorality, nature, justice and reason by means of a single concept is a feat of evil hardly to be matched.

We are not a defiant species, you are talking about some made up fairy tale nonsense, and trying to apply it to reality. How are we stupid to think thatpolice deter crime? I don't commit crimes for the fear of punishment. I am not going to go murder someone, because I do not want to get caught and go toprison. That a system of justice exists, is a deterrent. If there were no justice, by definition there would be no crime, but you can sure as hell believethat "bad" activities would go unchecked and the world would be a much more negative place.

There used to be a time when you could leave your doors unlocked and not have to worry about someone breaking into your car or your home and stealing stuff. Idon't know how you were brought up, but if I find a wallet on the street, I'm not taking the money out of it. I do my best to get it back to it'srightful owner. There are good people left in the world. You might not be one of them, but they do exist.

I'm sorry that you have such a jaded view of the world and of law enforcement, I really, truly am. I have a lot of faith and trust in law enforcement. For all of the run ins I have had with them, I still hold an immense amount of respect for what they do for our communities. It's easy to point thefinger.

I had a police officer over at my apartment tonight taking down information, and he was very respectful, informative, and helpful. Maybe I have had better runins because I'm white, but who knows.

Just don't think that the entire justice system is arbitrary, because it isn't.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

It's like all cops become corrupt over the course of time.

Just like managers of stores, people who do mortgages and stuff...When nobody is looking, they scheme and skim off what they can. They steal from whatever they can. Greed sets in and it is not something that is easy to let go.

We all go through it.

I did myself. But I caught myself before I let it get worse.

Good thing I learn my lesson as a youngster...Now that I'm older I see how power, money, status has changed and destroyed all these people I grew up with. So sad.

I got a friend that as far as I can tell is a real by the book guy. His family is 3 generations deep in being a cop, so I guess he's seen enough to know being a scumbag won't get you far.
Maybe I have had better run ins because I'm white, but who knows.

Just don't think that the entire justice system is arbitrary, because it isn't.

Out of all the crap you spit, I just noticed this....You would never think a system is biased when it favors you. I dont want to turn this into a race threadbut white ppl need to seriously shut up and stop thinking that they are judged on the same scale as other minorities.

We are not a defiant species, you are talking about some made up fairy tale nonsense, and trying to apply it to reality.- Really!?!?! So why is there aBLACKMARKET when it comes to ANYTHING that is outlawed?

How many people are in jail right now because they DESERVE to be? Oth than Child Molesters, and Rapist (who get very lenient sentences compared to othercrimes), most ppl in jail are for drugs, the same drugs your super police are probably using behind close doors. Rampart Scandal, Diallo, Louima....the listgoes on and on....

BTW- Morality and LAW are too different things derelict

EVERYTHING in life is arbitrary, Laws, jail sentences, arrests, paroles, the list goes on and on.
movie was dope, i wouldnt lie if i was sorrounded with crooked cops id probably keep my mouth shut and go with the flow
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

I swear to god, if I were a member of the police and I were in a high enough position I would be as bent as hell too.
Was watching Street Kings the other night (dont be fooled, its dope) and the temptation to skim a little bit off the top here or there would be too great. You could make money, girls, hassle white people (thats if you wanted to), 'hide' drugs....whatever....

So are the police really a mirror of what we would be in their position?
Are they the realisation of predujices, resentment and abuse of power that lies within all of us?

I think the way this crazy world is headed the answer might be a YES. Thoughts?
It's called being ETHICAL. It's not just cops, imagine a world where everyone skims off the top. Attorneys. CPAs. FBI/CIA agents. Presidents of the US. Military personnel. Drive thru cashier. Retail worker. Not all of us have this mindset of being prejudice or abuse the power given to us. A good majority of us do ours jobs with an ethical and moral conviction.

Thats incredibly naive, when its comes to the political, governmental or position of authority type arena I believe everybody skims off thetop...they just havent been found out yet or those that havent skimmed havent figured out how to do it yet
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