Yes, we all HATE the cops, but.....

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

I swear to god, if I were a member of the police and I were in a high enough position I would be as bent as hell too.
Was watching Street Kings the other night (dont be fooled, its dope) and the temptation to skim a little bit off the top here or there would be too great. You could make money, girls, hassle white people (thats if you wanted to), 'hide' drugs....whatever....

So are the police really a mirror of what we would be in their position?
Are they the realisation of predujices, resentment and abuse of power that lies within all of us?

I think the way this crazy world is headed the answer might be a YES. Thoughts?
It's called being ETHICAL. It's not just cops, imagine a world where everyone skims off the top. Attorneys. CPAs. FBI/CIA agents.Presidents of the US. Military personnel. Drive thru cashier. Retail worker. Not all of us have this mindset of being prejudice or abuse the power given tous. A good majority of us do ours jobs with an ethical and moral conviction.
f the police, theres only two reasons ppl become pigs, either continuing a pig legacy ya daddy started or college was just too HARD.

P.S. Street Kings was TRASH!!!! It was apparent the force was crooked and Keanu had to get literally slapped in the face with a room full of money to realizeit.
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by eaalto

So OP, why do you hate the cops?

I have a fundemental problem with the way they are set up as an institution rather than just hate some random cop on the street, not to mention the fact that they more than institutionally racist in a way that supresses & penalizes as certain demographic of people more than they ever should.

And the poster above, I can see what you're saying but I disagree that a bent cop is always someone who was of suspect character, I believe you can be a good cop & person with good intentions and get totally corrupted and affected along the way too...its harsh out there

I feel you, but if you start out as a good person, exposed to the harsh environment, the most that can happen to you in terms of changes is you get jaded andpessimistic in terms of your outlook and specific actions. Just like the rest of us. Only for some of the general population, there is no power or will tochange, or a tangible out.Also it's over a longer period of time, during developmental stages.>
But if you as a "good person" go through the process of becoming a police officer, to then become corrupt to the level where you lack decency orgeneral fairness, knowing you're a person of power, that's something that has to be rooted a bit deeper than just environmental pressure.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

I swear to god, if I were a member of the police and I were in a high enough position I would be as bent as hell too.
Was watching Street Kings the other night (dont be fooled, its dope) and the temptation to skim a little bit off the top here or there would be too great. You could make money, girls, hassle white people (thats if you wanted to), 'hide' drugs....whatever....

So are the police really a mirror of what we would be in their position?
Are they the realisation of predujices, resentment and abuse of power that lies within all of us?

I think the way this crazy world is headed the answer might be a YES. Thoughts?
It's called being ETHICAL. It's not just cops, imagine a world where everyone skims off the top. Attorneys. CPAs. FBI/CIA agents. Presidents of the US. Military personnel. Drive thru cashier. Retail worker. Not all of us have this mindset of being prejudice or abuse the power given to us. A good majority of us do ours jobs with an ethical and moral conviction.

"Majority" is a strong word...
Like RenaRene said, if you can only be an extension of what you were. I'd probably abuse my power as well, but doing more good than wrong.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]The problem with cops are there's a few bad apples that spoil the bunch....w.o cops this landwould be far off dangerous than it is now[/color]
i would be crooked for sure. a lot of people get mad at people abusing power and doing wrong, but if you were in their shoes you know damn well you would dothe exact same. Ex: CEO's cutting corners, illegal dumping, etc. I know i would do the exact same if it would make me more millions.
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

The problem with cops are there's a few bad apples that spoil the bunch....w.o cops this land would be far off dangerous than it is now

This is a goddamn lie and ask anybody who's eva lived in a poor neighborhood. The cops don't care about anything going on ova there and reallydon't do much to stop things
Originally Posted by youngjordan23

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

The problem with cops are there's a few bad apples that spoil the bunch....w.o cops this land would be far off dangerous than it is now

This is a goddamn lie and ask anybody who's eva lived in a poor neighborhood. The cops don't care about anything going on ova there and really don't do much to stop things

Say it again!
I think there's a difference between a crooked cop, and the cop that everyone hates in their mind.

I can't be mad at crooked cops. When things get hard and those bills pile up, I doubt if i'd be any better than them.

The cops I hate though are the ones that aren't cops to help people. The ones that judge books by their covers, don't listen and don't care, andjust want all the people they're meant to serve and protect to go away.
lol at everyone saying they would be a crooked cop but at the same time, hate it when the get profiled or cops dont treat them "fair"

some of you amaze me. im a criminology major so im a lil biased, but i think a crm class should be required in college.

if you dont know anything in the world, you need to know you rights. no one can take those from you.

what you see on tv isnt how it really is.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

I think there's a difference between a crooked cop, and the cop that everyone hates in their mind.

I can't be mad at crooked cops. When things get hard and those bills pile up, I doubt if i'd be any better than them.

The cops I hate though are the ones that aren't cops to help people. The ones that judge books by their covers, don't listen and don't care, and just want all the people they're meant to serve and protect to go away.
is that not what a crooked cop is? you take an oath to protect and help anycitizen in need. once you stop doing that, you are CROOKED. you are going back on your oath you sworn into, thus making you crooked. there are no levels ofcrookedness, you cant be kinda crooked or a little bit crooked. there is a clear line.
Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by youngjordan23

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

The problem with cops are there's a few bad apples that spoil the bunch....w.o cops this land would be far off dangerous than it is now

This is a goddamn lie and ask anybody who's eva lived in a poor neighborhood. The cops don't care about anything going on ova there and really don't do much to stop things

Say it again!

So who's better positioned to "stop" things? cops, or the people that are living within theseneighborhoods. People are so quick to blame cops when the real problem is within the environment itself. Absent parents, kids cutting school and defeatistattitudes. Too many non-voting and disenchanted citizens who are quick to run out and blame law enforcement or any "establishment" when theycan't even organize community groups position themselves to enrich their own lives. There are perfect examples out there of people who try to make thingsbetter for themselves and their immediate community. Any govt entity is better responsive to specific disadvantaged areas where they acknowledge selfempowerment and make attempts to better their community instead of relying on outer dependency. As I always say, its reciprocal. The more a "poorneighborhood" is desensitized to its own needs, the less they will be acknowledged.
It's like all cops become corrupt over the course of time.

Just like managers of stores, people who do mortgages and stuff...When nobody is looking, they scheme and skim off what they can. They steal from whatever theycan. Greed sets in and it is not something that is easy to let go.

We all go through it.

I did myself. But I caught myself before I let it get worse.

Good thing I learn my lesson as a youngster...Now that I'm older I see how power, money, status has changed and destroyed all these people I grew up with.So sad.

I got a friend that as far as I can tell is a real by the book guy. His family is 3 generations deep in being a cop, so I guess he's seen enough to knowbeing a scumbag won't get you far.
Originally Posted by RenaRene

Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by youngjordan23

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]The problem with cops are there's a few bad apples that spoil the bunch....w.o cops this land would be far off dangerous than it is now[/color]

This is a goddamn lie and ask anybody who's eva lived in a poor neighborhood. The cops don't care about anything going on ova there and really don't do much to stop things

Say it again!

So who's better positioned to "stop" things? cops, or the people that are living within these neighborhoods. People are so quick to blame cops when the real problem is within the environment itself. Absent parents, kids cutting school and defeatist attitudes. Too many non-voting and disenchanted citizens who are quick to run out and blame law enforcement or any "establishment" when they can't even organize community groups position themselves to enrich their own lives. There are perfect examples out there of people who try to make things better for themselves and their immediate community. Any govt entity is better responsive to specific disadvantaged areas where they acknowledge self empowerment and make attempts to better their community instead of relying on outer dependency. As I always say, its reciprocal. The more a "poor neighborhood" is desensitized to its own needs, the less they will be acknowledged.

no one will help you, if you don't want to help yourself. dont blame cops, if you want someone/something to blame. blame politics.
Originally Posted by taimaishu123

Originally Posted by RenaRene

Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by youngjordan23

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]The problem with cops are there's a few bad apples that spoil the bunch....w.o cops this land would be far off dangerous than it is now[/color]

This is a goddamn lie and ask anybody who's eva lived in a poor neighborhood. The cops don't care about anything going on ova there and really don't do much to stop things

Say it again!

So who's better positioned to "stop" things? cops, or the people that are living within these neighborhoods. People are so quick to blame cops when the real problem is within the environment itself. Absent parents, kids cutting school and defeatist attitudes. Too many non-voting and disenchanted citizens who are quick to run out and blame law enforcement or any "establishment" when they can't even organize community groups position themselves to enrich their own lives. There are perfect examples out there of people who try to make things better for themselves and their immediate community. Any govt entity is better responsive to specific disadvantaged areas where they acknowledge self empowerment and make attempts to better their community instead of relying on outer dependency. As I always say, its reciprocal. The more a "poor neighborhood" is desensitized to its own needs, the less they will be acknowledged.

no one will help you, if you don't want to help yourself. dont blame cops, if you want someone/something to blame. blame politics.
I believe the presence of police actually accentuates violence, corruption, thievery. We are a defiant species (Original Sin is disobedience) sowe are very stupid to think that police deter crime. Law is EXTREMELY arbitrary and we all know justice is based on your income not your innocence. IT nocoincidence when you are driving, you never see a Luxury car get pulled over for a "spot check".Not to say they are not necessary, but my beef withpolice is basically they lack compassion. They arbitrarily arrest people, ruin their lives, someone who has no money is gonna steal, you aide in thedestruction of your community when you arrest someone with a clean record for a ROACH thus getting them fired from work and so on and so on. Not to mention, Icannot dedicate my life to something I dont believe in when these guys do it daily, you are wasting you life. BTW I go to beach with no Lifeguards and thereare never any drownings, WHY? its something called know not to swim to far or you're screwed, this rule applies to life, mostpeople dont commit crimes because they are BAD people.
I would be crokked in the sense that I would pocket bread. But I wouldnt abuse my authority by harassing ppl without just cause. Nuthin like dat.
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