XX3 "Chicago" limited to 2,298 pairs?

Heard these released today at the Chicago House of Hoops so there is no way these will be limited to 2,298 pairs, although I wished I lived in Chicago rightnow.
also be on the look out for these the motor sport new loves droping on the28th
Well regardless I'm gonna have all 3 of these anyway but it just makes it alot harder for people in the long run.
Honestly I don't believe what people are talking about when they say that Motorsports will have the lowest quantity of the three colorways.. over here inCanada, the Motorsports colorway has been on sale since as early as OCTOBER and they still haven't sold out.. in fact they are just about anywhere and youcan still buy em, so if you really want a pair just cross the border, because we seem to have an overflow of em. I personally believe the story that theChicago colorway will be limited -- I've spoken to a number of retailers in Toronto, including boutique stores such as Goodfoot and Livestock.. everyonethus far has defended the story that the Chicago color is limited and will not be coming to Canadian retailers.. so if its true and the Chicago color is comingin the same numbers as the Motorsport, perhaps you can send a pair my way, cause they ain't coming to Canada via the regular channels thats for sure, and Ithink its a good bet that these will be limited.
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