Batista was winded as soon as he slid in the ring....and this is who will be main eventing Wrestlemania. They didn't go with the Bryan-Benoit type ending, even though the seeds were planted for that....they used the last spot on Rey Mysterio....Punk was used as fodder for Kane.....the last 3 guys were Reigns, Sheamus, and Batista...neither deserved to win, but the most logical person would have been Reigns. Talk about killing your PPV, as it was very good leading up to that.
For the love of god, quit brining in old washed up super stars that no one cares about. Build new ones. Smh smh smh.
Fellas. Roman is a long term project. Long term. See big picture.

But there has to be some type of feeling from the boys backstage about Batista walking in and getting a title shot.

there would have to be, i mean the past 3 years.. everyone who's headlined has came back a few months before WM and taken the spotlight sans Cena.
Orton, Cena, Batista all got booed out of the building lol​

Finally it's visible that Vince shoulda let other dudes shine in that 2007-2010 era where WWE creative was being lazy and booked Cena, Edge, Orton, Batista, etc. too much, stopping Rhodes, Kennedy, MVP, Kofi and co. from getting their rightful pushes​

Kennedy and Hardy being in the main event picture would have been interesting but those two BLEW it.
it's funny how they wasted some of those spots on the RR, no Jake The Snake either. instead we get that ******, JBL for like 2 seconds & Kevin Nash :smh:
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Vince is like the damn Yankees not winning a World Series with a 500 million pay role and could be the Rays or A's and everyone would love it.
Such a shame...at least with the WWE network if you buy it you won't feel as shafted after a ppv after you do now dropped $50+
I just dont understand WHY they are fighting htis D-Bry push. He is the most over superstar I've seen since SCSA and the rock. Isnt the main thing to make money. If EVERYBODY loves him, why wouldnt you give him the title
I think the biggest let down wasn't Batista winning or Reigns losing, it was not having DBry in the Rumble when the fans were clearing dying for him to come out..Thats the real mistake on WWE's part..
Yes. Why do they keep screwing him.
No need for Nash, a little person and JBL. Rusev debut was OK but not the place to make your debut. Could've replaced all 4 with Barrett, D-Bry and Christian
I really miss not having a real 2nd wrestling option, no way does Vince and co. not give the people what they want if WCW was still in business
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