My girl try to suprise me with tickets to see wale tonight and I was able to convince her to take her girlfriend :smokin.......got my lokos on deck
Peep vs. DCAllAmerican (NTUS) gimmick (Standard Match)

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - This match is a Standard Match for the NTUS title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from Charlotte, North Carolina, DCAllAmerican!!! (crowd boos *********)

[DCAllAmerican comes to the ring. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - and his opponent, weighing in at 247 pounds, from Marietta, Georgia, Peep!!! (crowd cheers **********)

[Peep walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. DCAllAmerican strikes Peep in the elbow. Peep strikes DCAllAmerican in the elbow. (ding, ding, ding) DCAllAmerican takes Peep off his feet with a short-arm clothesline Now Peep standing. DCAllAmerican drives a forearm into the head of Peep. Peep tackles DCAllAmerican to the mat. Peep is up again. Peep fist drops DCAllAmerican on the mat. Peep moves back to his feet. Peep covers DCAllAmerican hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 DCAllAmerican escapes. ]

Larry Zbyszko - Peep should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Now DCAllAmerican standing. DCAllAmerican runs and tackles Peep. DCAllAmerican punches him in the head. Peep lifts DCAllAmerican up and drops him on his knee. DCAllAmerican moves back to his feet. DCAllAmerican uses a closed fist on Peep. Peep slaps DCAllAmerican in the face. Now Peep standing. DCAllAmerican tackles Peep to the mat. Now Peep standing. Peep connects with a flying knee. DCAllAmerican goes down. Now DCAllAmerican standing. DCAllAmerican kicks Peep in the stomach. Now Peep standing. Peep lifts DCAllAmerican up and drops him on the mat. ]

Larry Zbyszko - Peep executes a Body Slam.

[DCAllAmerican climbs to his feet. ]

Mark Madden - This is how wrestling should be!

[Peep side slams DCAllAmerican. Peep chants start. ]

Mike Tenay - Nice Side slam by Peep.

[Peep is back on his feet. Peep and DCAllAmerican go to the floor Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Peep swings a Steel chair and hits DCAllAmerican. DCAllAmerican is bleeding as a result. Peep piledrives DCAllAmerican into the floor. (..2) Peep chokes DCAllAmerican. Peep chants start. DCAllAmerican gets up. Peep piledrives DCAllAmerican. Peep takes DCAllAmerican into the ring. Peep stomps DCAllAmerican's head. DCAllAmerican is back on his feet. Peep executes a belly-to-belly suplex on DCAllAmerican. DCAllAmerican is put in the Mandible Claw by DCAllAmerican. Referee Charles Robinson is checking for a tap out. ... DCAllAmerican is fighting the hold. ... DCAllAmerican trys to escape. ... ... ... ... ... Peep tightens the hold. ... ... DCAllAmerican is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) DCAllAmerican taps out. ]

Mark Madden - We've got ourselves a winner!

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - The winner of this match, and STILL NTUS champion, Peep!!!
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My girl try to suprise me with tickets to see wale tonight and I was able to convince her to take her girlfriend
.......got my lokos on deck
4W vs. GHIMS (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 210 pounds, from El Paso, Texas, 4W!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[4W comes to the ring. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - and his opponent, weighing in at 220 pounds,, GHIMS!!!

[GHIMS walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. 4W grabs GHIMS's arm and strkes his elbow. GHIMS strikes 4W in the elbow. (ding, ding, ding) 4W kicks GHIMS in the head. GHIMS stands up. GHIMS runs and tackles 4W. GHIMS punches him in the head. GHIMS grabs 4W and applies an arm wrench. GHIMS measures 4W up and drops a closed fist. Now GHIMS standing. Now 4W standing. 4W trys for a Side slam but is not strong enough to lift GHIMS.GHIMS lifts 4W into a vertical suplex. GHIMS is up again. GHIMS knees 4W and rolls back to his feet. GHIMS knees 4W and rolls back to his feet. GHIMS covers 4W. Charles Robinson counts the pin. ...1 ...2 4W escapes. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - GHIMS should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[Now 4W standing. GHIMS connects with a low blow. 4W goes down. 4W is up again. 4W trys for a Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex but is not strong enough to lift GHIMS.GHIMS piledrives 4W. ]

Larry Zbyszko - If GHIMS keeps using moves like that Standing Piledriver he could win the match!

[GHIMS and 4W go to the floor Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) GHIMS throws a chair at 4W. ]

Mike Tenay - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[(..2) GHIMS delivers a kick to the head of 4W. (...3) GHIMS punches 4W in the head. (....4) 4W shoulder tackles GHIMS. Now 4W standing. (.....5) 4W and GHIMS move back into the ring. 4W takes GHIMS off his feet with a short-arm clothesline 4W applies an arm wrench to GHIMS. 4W measures GHIMS up and drops a closed fist. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - Fist drop!

[4W climbs to his feet. GHIMS stands up. GHIMS executes a belly-to-belly suplex on 4W. GHIMS leg drops 4W. GHIMS applies an arm wrench to 4W. 4W is back on his feet. GHIMS lifts 4W into the air and delivers a spine buster. GHIMS piledrives 4W into the mat. 4W gets back to his feet. GHIMS connects with a Stunner. 4W is out. GHIMS covers 4W hooking the leg. Charles Robinson counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Mike Tenay - GHIMS has won the match!

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - The winner of this match, GHIMS!!!
Why am I from an abomination of a state like Texas?
Final notice.  I am closing the PPV Prediction Contest in 2 minutes because the Cesaro/miz match is going on now.
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[Peep is back on his feet. Peep and DCAllAmerican go to the floor Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) Peep swings a Steel chair and hits DCAllAmerican. DCAllAmerican is bleeding as a result. Peep piledrives DCAllAmerican into the floor. (..2) Peep chokes DCAllAmerican. Peep chants start. DCAllAmerican gets up. Peep piledrives DCAllAmerican. Peep takes DCAllAmerican into the ring. Peep stomps DCAllAmerican's head. DCAllAmerican is back on his feet. Peep executes a belly-to-belly suplex on DCAllAmerican. DCAllAmerican is put in the Mandible Claw by DCAllAmerican. Referee Charles Robinson is checking for a tap out. ... DCAllAmerican is fighting the hold. ... DCAllAmerican trys to escape. ... ... ... ... ... Peep tightens the hold. ... ... DCAllAmerican is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) DCAllAmerican taps out. ]

Mark Madden - We've got ourselves a winner!

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - The winner of this match, and STILL NTUS champion, Peep!!!

?????????????? :rofl: :rofl:
Gentlemen....the following contest....is the NTRUMBLE MATCH!

31 Man Battle Royal (Over The Top Battle Royal) (Non-Title Match)

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - The following is a 31 man Over The Top Battle Royal battle royal.

[All 31 men are at the ring. (ring, ring, ring) JDCurt punches Peep repeatedly. Peep tackles JDCurt and pummels his head. JDCurt stands up. JDCurt takes Peep down with a knee. ]

Larry Zbyszko - Peep takes a knee.

[Peep gets up. Rusty Shackelford takes Peep off his feet with a short-arm clothesline Now Peep standing. JDCurt and Rusty Shackelford double-team Peep. JDCurt stands up. Peep is back on his feet. After getadvantage m->wnum = 31 Peep lifts up JDCurt and delivers a gut-wrench power bomb. Peep knees JDCurt and rolls back to his feet. Peep stomps JDCurt. ]

Mark Madden - JDCurt takes a Stomp.

[JDCurt is back on his feet. JDCurt drives a forearm into Peep. JDCurt connects with a low blow. Peep goes down. Peep kicks JDCurt in the back of the leg. ]

Mike Tenay - kick!

[Now JDCurt standing. JDCurt delivers a spine buster to Peep. ]

Larry Zbyszko - Spine Buster!

[JDCurt looks Peep in the face and says Suck it. ]

Mike Tenay - Peep takes a Suck It.

[JDCurt goes for a Gut-Wrench Power Bomb but Peep dodges the attack. JDCurt tackles Peep and pummels his head. Peep is back on his feet. Peep low blows JDCurt. Peep fist drops JDCurt on the mat. Peep rolls onto JDCurt connecting with a knee. Peep rolls onto JDCurt connecting with a knee. Now JDCurt standing. Peep looks TennHouse in the face and says Suck it. Peep kicks TennHouse on the mat. TennHouse kicks Peep in the stomach. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - TennHouse with a kick.

[TennHouse knees Peep and rolls back to his feet. Peep kicks TennHouse in the head. TennHouse gets up. AirThompson is back on his feet. AirThompson measures JRDaGreat up and drops a closed fist. AirThompson stands up. JRDaGreat tackles AirThompson. AirThompson flips JRDaGreat to the mat. ]

Larry Zbyszko - AirThompson with a Omote Gyaku.


Mike Tenay - My God!! What a match!

[AirThompson connects with a flying knee. JRDaGreat goes down. Now JRDaGreat standing. AirThompson tackles JRDaGreat. AirThompson is back on his feet. AirThompson low blows JRDaGreat. JRDaGreat is up again. LiquidSwords stomps GrizzlyHebert. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - GrizzlyHebert takes a Stomp.

[GrizzlyHebert stands up. LiquidSwords kicks GrizzlyHebert in the stomach. GrizzlyHebert is back on his feet. GrizzlyHebert grabs his hand and flips him to the mat. GrizzlyHebert connects with a flying knee. LiquidSwords goes down. LiquidSwords slaps GrizzlyHebert in the face. LiquidSwords moves back to his feet. GrizzlyHebert forearm smashes LiquidSwords. ]

Mark Madden - GrizzlyHebert with a Forearm Smash.

[GrizzlyHebert connects with a low blow. Rusty goes down. LiquidSwords gets back to his feet. LiquidSwords piledrives GrizzlyHebert. LiquidSwords grabs GrizzlyHebert and applies an arm wrench. GrizzlyHebert is up again. GrizzlyHebert runs and tackles LiquidSwords. GrizzlyHebert punches him in the head. GrizzlyHebert stomps LiquidSwords. GrizzlyHebert fist drops LiquidSwords on the mat. LiquidSwords gets back to his feet. LiquidSwords lifts GrizzlyHebert up and drops him on the mat. Toine gets up. After fight Toine bites ScottFrost's arm out of desparation. Toine trys for a power move but is unable to lift ScottFrost.Toine trys for a power move but is unable to lift ScottFrost.Toine rakes the face of ScottFrost in attempt to make a come back. Toine throws ScottFrost to the floor. ScottFrost was elimintated by Toine. ]

Mark Madden - That will do it for ScottFrost. He's been eliminated!

[Peep gives PLVN a crotch chop. ]

Mike Tenay - PLVN could use some help about now.

[Club gets up. After fight Club delivers a spine buster to Toine. Club falls head first into Toine. Club chants start. Club is back on his feet. Club grabs Toine and applies an arm wrench. Club rolls onto Toine connecting with a knee. Club chants start. Club tosses Toine to ringside. Toine was elimintated by Club. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - Toine is out of here!!

[DragonFlyJones executes a piledriver on Finlay. ]

Larry Zbyszko - That Piledriver was very good.

[Fit Finlay climbs to his feet. ]

Mike Tenay - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[DragonFlyJones kicks Rusty Shackelford in the head. Now Fit Finlay standing. Finlay drives a forearm into DragonFlyJones. Finlay short-arm clotheslines DragonFlyJones to the mat. Finlay kicks DragonFlyJones on the mat. DragonFlyJones tackles Finlay. DragonFlyJones gets up. Finlay climbs to his feet. TennHouse chokes OwensStr8Clownin with his boot. TennHouse sucks chants start in the crowd. Peep dives head first into Rusty. ]

Mike Tenay - My God!! What a match!

[ITO gets back to his feet. ITO knees Rusty and rolls back to his feet. ITO fist drops OwensStr8Clownin on the mat. ITO moves back to his feet. ITO fist drops OwensStr8Clownin on the mat. ITO gets back to his feet. ITO knees OwensStr8Clownin and rolls back to his feet. ITO rolls onto OwensStr8Clownin connecting with a knee. ITO fist drops OwensStr8Clownin on the mat. OwensStr8Clownin climbs to his feet. OwensStr8Clownin hits ITO with a single arm DDT. OwensStr8Clownin chants start. ITO climbs to his feet. OwensStr8Clownin trys for a side belly-to-belly suplex but is not strong enough to lift ITO.OwensStr8Clownin trys for a stomachbreaker but is not strong enough to lift ITO.OwensStr8Clownin executes the jumping sidekick on ITO. ITO is up again. ITO connects with a flying knee. OwensStr8Clownin goes down. OwensStr8Clownin climbs to his feet. ITO drives a forearm into the head of OwensStr8Clownin. OwensStr8Clownin tackles ITO. OwensStr8Clownin grabs ITO and applies an arm wrench. OwensStr8Clownin measures ITO up and drops a closed fist. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - ITO takes a fist drop.

[OwensStr8Clownin moves back to his feet. ITO moves back to his feet. McFlyy tackles LiquidSwords to the mat. McFlyy gets up. LiquidSwords is up again. LiquidSwords forearm smashes McFlyy. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - McFlyy takes a Forearm Smash.

[Rusty drives a forearm into the head of LiquidSwords. Rusty slaps the face of LiquidSwords. McFlyy gets up. McFlyy connects with a flying knee. LiquidSwords goes down. McFlyy knees LiquidSwords and rolls back to his feet. LiquidSwords climbs to his feet. LiquidSwords executes a neck-breaker on McFlyy. LiquidSwords dives head first into McFlyy. LiquidSwords sucks chants start in the crowd. LiquidSwords gets back to his feet. LiquidSwords measures McFlyy up and drops a closed fist. McFlyy climbs to his feet. McFlyy takes LiquidSwords off his feet with a short-arm clothesline ]

Mark Madden - LiquidSwords takes a Short-arm clothesline.

[LiquidSwords delivers a kick to the head of McFlyy. Now McFlyy standing. McFlyy kicks LiquidSwords in the head. McFlyy fist drops LiquidSwords on the mat. McFlyy climbs to his feet. McFlyy stomps LiquidSwords's head. McFlyy applies an arm wrench to LiquidSwords. McFlyy measures LiquidSwords up and drops a closed fist. McFlyy is back on his feet. LiquidSwords gets up. JRDaGreat lifts Club and delivers a back breaker. RKO2004 shoulder tackles ITO. Now RKO2004 standing. RKO2004 fist drops ITO on the mat. RKO2004 moves back to his feet. Now ITO standing. ITO kicks RKO2004 in the head. ITO knees RKO2004 and rolls back to his feet. RKO2004 connects with a low blow. ITO goes down. RKO2004 grabs ITO and applies an arm wrench. RKO2004 knees ITO and rolls back to his feet. ITO moves back to his feet. RKO2004 punches ITO in the head. RKO2004 drives a forearm into ITO. RKO2004 slaps ITO in the face. RKO2004 runs and tackles ITO. RKO2004 punches him in the head. ITO goes for a Side slam but RKO2004 dodges the attack. ITO tackles RKO2004. ITO stands up. ITO measures RKO2004 up and drops a closed fist. ITO moves back to his feet. ITO rolls onto RKO2004 connecting with a knee. ITO fist drops RKO2004 on the mat. ITO climbs to his feet. ITO fist drops RKO2004 on the mat. ]

Mike Tenay - ITO executes a Fist drop.

[ITO knees RKO2004 and rolls back to his feet. ITO knees RKO2004 and rolls back to his feet. RKO2004 gets up. Now Rusty standing. Rusty kicks JCMojica on the mat. ]

Larry Zbyszko - Stomp!

[Rusty delivers a short-arm clothesline to JCMojica. Rusty grabs JCMojica and applies an arm wrench. JCMojica stands up. JCMojica trys for a Back Breaker but is not strong enough to lift Rusty.]

Larry Zbyszko - JCMojica is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Rusty takes a slap to the face from JCMojica. JCMojica stands up. JCMojica punches Rusty in the head. JCMojica takes Rusty off his feet with a short-arm clothesline JCMojica applies an arm wrench to Rusty. Rusty is up again. JCMojica low blows Rusty. Rusty stands up. JCMojica kicks Rusty in the stomach. ]

Larry Zbyszko - kick!

[JCMojica kicks Rusty in the head. Now Rusty standing. Now Hacksaw Jim Duggan standing. Hacksaw fist drops EdgarFly on the mat. Duggan stands up. Duggan knees EdgarFly and rolls back to his feet. EdgarFly kicks Hacksaw in the stomach. EdgarFly measures Duggan up and drops a closed fist. EdgarFly is up again. Duggan climbs to his feet. Hacksaw uses a belly-to-belly suplex. EdgarFly is down. McFlyy vertical suplexes TheDeek to the mat. McFlyy gets back to his feet. They lockup. Big Sexy Kevin Nash sends TheDeek to the corner of the ring. ]

Mike Tenay - Is this a great match or not?

Larry Zbyszko - Yeah, you know it.

[McFlyy stomps TheDeek. McFlyy grabs TheDeek and applies an arm wrench. TheDeek gets up. McFlyy punches TheDeek in the head. McFlyy delivers a low blow to TheDeek. TheDeek goes for a Spine Buster but McFlyy dodges the attack. EdgarFly stomps AGTheKid's head. AGTheKid gets up. They lockup. AGTheKid sends EdgarFly to the corner of the ring. EdgarFly delivers a short-arm clothesline to AGTheKid. EdgarFly grabs AGTheKid and applies an arm wrench. ]

Mike Tenay - Arm wrench!

[EdgarFly stomps AGTheKid's head. EdgarFly slaps the face of AGTheKid. EdgarFly gets back to his feet. AGTheKid trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift EdgarFly.AGTheKid punches EdgarFly repeatedly. ]

Mike Tenay - AGTheKid executes a weak move.

[EdgarFly tackles AGTheKid and pummels his head. EdgarFly measures AGTheKid up and drops a closed fist. EdgarFly moves back to his feet. EdgarFly applies an arm wrench to AGTheKid. Now AGTheKid standing. AGTheKid trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift EdgarFly.AGTheKid trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift EdgarFly.They lockup. AGTheKid sends EdgarFly to the corner of the ring. They lockup. AGTheKid sends EdgarFly to the corner of the ring. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - AGTheKid with a weak move.

[EdgarFly uses a closed fist on AGTheKid. EdgarFly kicks AGTheKid in the head. EdgarFly grabs AGTheKid and applies an arm wrench. AGTheKid trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift EdgarFly.AGTheKid clotheslines EdgarFly. AGTheKid punches EdgarFly repeatedly. ]

Mike Tenay - AGTheKid executes a weak move.

[EdgarFly drives a forearm into the head of Rusty Shackelford. EdgarFly low blows AGTheKid. AGTheKid moves back to his feet. EdgarFly shoulder tackles AGTheKid. Now EdgarFly standing. AGTheKid moves back to his feet. JRDaGreat executes a neck-breaker on 4W. DCAllAmerican tackles JDCurt and pummels his head. JDCurt stands up. DCAllAmerican kicks JDCurt in the back of the leg. DCAllAmerican rolls onto JDCurt connecting with a knee. JDCurt moves back to his feet. JDCurt grabs his hand and flips him to the mat. JRDaGreat lifts Fit Finlay up and drops him on the mat. CaseKicks stands up. After fight CaseKicks trys for a power move but is unable to lift RKO2004.CaseKicks grabs RKO2004's head and hites him in the face. CaseKicks pulls RKO2004's hair. CaseKicks trys for a power move but is unable to lift RKO2004.CaseKicks throws RKO2004 to the floor. RKO2004 was elimintated by CaseKicks. ]

Mike Tenay - RKO2004 has been eliminated!!

[JCMojica lifts JRDaGreat up and drops him on the mat. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - I wish every match could be like this!

[Hacksaw Jim Duggan goes for a Suck It but GunnaScott dodges the attack. Now GunnaScott standing. Duggan grabs his hand and flips him to the mat. ]

Mike Tenay - My God!! What a match! After fight

[JCMojica runs in and leg drops Finlay. Finlay is back on his feet. JCMojica lifts Fit Finlay into the air and delivers a spine buster. Fit Finlay is back on his feet. JCMojica drives a forearm into Fit Finlay. JCMojica chants start. JCMojica piledrives Fit Finlay into the mat. JCMojica throws Fit Finlay over the ropes. Fit Finlay was elimintated by JCMojica. ]

Larry Zbyszko - Fit Finlay has been eliminated!!

[EdgarFly executes a belly-to-belly suplex on HymenMan. EdgarFly tackles HymenMan. HymenMan is up again. HymenMan drives a forearm into the head of EdgarFly. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - Forearm Smash!

[EdgarFly tackles and begins punching HymenMan. HymenMan gets back to his feet. EdgarFly forearm smashes HymenMan. HymenMan grabs his hand and flips him to the mat. HymenMan stomps EdgarFly. HymenMan rolls onto EdgarFly connecting with a knee. EdgarFly delivers a short-arm clothesline to HymenMan. HymenMan is back on his feet. HymenMan punches EdgarFly in the gut. EdgarFly delivers a low blow to HymenMan. HymenMan is back on his feet. After fight CaseKicks bites Rusty's arm out of desparation. CaseKicks chants start. CaseKicks gouges Rusty's eyes out. CaseKicks trys for a power move but is unable to lift Rusty.CaseKicks pokes Rusty in the eyes. CaseKicks throws Rusty over the ropes. Rusty was elimintated by CaseKicks. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - Rusty is out of here!!

[LiquidSwords lifts JCMojica into the air. Holds him and drops him to the mat. LiquidSwords gets back to his feet. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - Are you enjoying this match?

Larry Zbyszko - Oh yeah!

[GunnaScott picks up TheDeek and executes the cradle DDT. Now TheDeek standing. After fight GunnaScott grabs TheDeek's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex. GunnaScott is up again. GunnaScott grabs TheDeek and applies an arm wrench. GunnaScott sucks chants start in the crowd. GunnaScott hits an electrifying flying sommersault headbutt on TheDeek. GunnaScott stands up. GunnaScott goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash. GunnaScott sucks chants start in the crowd. GunnaScott is back on his feet. GunnaScott tosses TheDeek to ringside. TheDeek was elimintated by GunnaScott. ]

Mark Madden - That will do it for TheDeek. He's been eliminated!

[ITO lifts GunnaScott into the air and delivers a spine buster. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - ITO executes a Spine Buster.

[GunnaScott stands up. ]

Mark Madden - My God!! What a match!

[ITO tackles GunnaScott and pummels his head. ITO measures GunnaScott up and drops a closed fist. GunnaScott hits ITO with a headbutt to the mid-section. ITO kicks GunnaScott in the stomach. AirThompson goes for a Leg Drop but JohnnyRedStorm dodges the attack. AirThompson rolls onto JohnnyRedStorm connecting with a knee. AirThompson stomps JohnnyRedStorm. JohnnyRedStorm is up again. JohnnyRedStorm connects with a low blow. AirThompson goes down. JohnnyRedStorm rolls onto AirThompson connecting with a knee. Now AirThompson standing. AirThompson trys for a Spine Buster but is not strong enough to lift JohnnyRedStorm.AirThompson trys for a vertical Suplex but is not strong enough to lift JohnnyRedStorm.]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - My God!! What a match!

[AGTheKid goes for a power move but Club dodges the attack. Club is up again. AGTheKid trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Club.]

Mark Madden - AGTheKid is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[They lockup. AGTheKid sends Club to the corner of the ring. Club slaps AGTheKid in the face. Club stands up. Club drives a forearm into AGTheKid. ]

Mike Tenay - AGTheKid takes a Forearm Smash.

[AGTheKid trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Club.DCAllAmerican punches JRDaGreat in the head. DCAllAmerican forearm smashes JRDaGreat. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - DCAllAmerican executes a Forearm Smash.

[JRDaGreat kicks DCAllAmerican in the stomach. ]

Mark Madden - kick!

[DCAllAmerican stands up. DCAllAmerican shoulder tackles JRDaGreat. DCAllAmerican gets back to his feet. DCAllAmerican delivers a short-arm clothesline to JRDaGreat. JRDaGreat gut-wrenchs DCAllAmerican. ]

Mike Tenay - That Gut-Wrench Power Bomb was very good.

[DCAllAmerican gets up. ]

Mark Madden - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this! Did you see that last move?

Larry Zbyszko - Yes sir!

[JRDaGreat goes for a Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex but DCAllAmerican dodges the attack. ITO executes a gut-wrench powerbomb on JDCurt. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - Nice Gut-Wrench Power Bomb by ITO.

[ Duggan gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. IlloquentDSK with an impressive flying spinning leg lariat on Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Now IlloquentDSK standing. Hacksaw gets knocked on the ground and IlloquentDSK flips onto him. IlloquentDSK gets back to his feet. IlloquentDSK executes a corkscrew legdrop on Duggan. IlloquentDSK moves back to his feet. IlloquentDSK jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Hacksaw. IlloquentDSK hits Hacksaw Jim Duggan with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

Mark Madden - IlloquentDSK with a elbowdrop.

[IlloquentDSK is back on his feet. IlloquentDSK executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Hacksaw. IlloquentDSK climbs to his feet. Hacksaw executes a back breaker on IlloquentDSK. Duggan chokes IlloquentDSK with his boot. Hacksaw Jim Duggan leg drops the throat of IlloquentDSK. ]

Larry Zbyszko - Hacksaw Jim Duggan executes a Leg Drop.

[IlloquentDSK moves back to his feet. After fight Hacksaw Jim Duggan kicks IlloquentDSK in the stomach. Duggan chants start. Hacksaw grabs IlloquentDSK and applies an arm wrench. IlloquentDSK is back on his feet. Swinging Neck-Breaker from Hacksaw takes IlloquentDSK down. Duggan knees IlloquentDSK and rolls back to his feet. Hacksaw chants start. Duggan throws IlloquentDSK to the floor. IlloquentDSK was elimintated by Duggan. ]

Mike Tenay - That will do it for IlloquentDSK. He's been eliminated!

[JCMojica trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift McFlyy.McFlyy executes a piledriver on GrizzlyHebert. GrizzlyHebert stands up. ]

Mike Tenay - Are you enjoying this match?

Larry Zbyszko - Yeah, you know it. After fight

[McFlyy tackles and begins punching GrizzlyHebert. McFlyy chants start. McFlyy runs in and leg drops GrizzlyHebert. GrizzlyHebert climbs to his feet. McFlyy executes a back breaker on GrizzlyHebert. GrizzlyHebert moves back to his feet. McFlyy kicks GrizzlyHebert in the stomach. McFlyy throws GrizzlyHebert to the floor. GrizzlyHebert was elimintated by McFlyy. ]

Mike Tenay - That will do it for GrizzlyHebert. He's been eliminated!

[PLVN sets OwensStr8Clownin up DDTs him into the mat. OwensStr8Clownin is up again. PLVN tackles OwensStr8Clownin and pummels his head. PLVN stomps OwensStr8Clownin's head. OwensStr8Clownin is up again. PLVN kicks OwensStr8Clownin in the head. OwensStr8Clownin climbs to his feet. PLVN kicks OwensStr8Clownin in the stomach. OwensStr8Clownin does a handspring and hits PLVN with a bodyblock, what a move! OwensStr8Clownin chants start. Now OwensStr8Clownin standing. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - PLVN could use some help about now.

[OwensStr8Clownin hits the handspring moonsault on PLVN. OwensStr8Clownin gets back to his feet. EdgarFly lifts up DragonFlyJones and delivers a gut-wrench power bomb. EdgarFly sucks chants start in the crowd. DragonFlyJones is up again. ]

Mike Tenay - This is quality sports entertainment!

[EdgarFly piledrives DragonFlyJones into the mat. ]

Mark Madden - Good Standing Piledriver by EdgarFly.

[TennHouse trys for a Standing Piledriver but JCMojica avoids it. TennHouse takes JCMojica down with a knee. ]

Larry Zbyszko - TennHouse with a knee.

[Now JCMojica standing. JCMojica tackles and begins punching TennHouse. TennHouse is back on his feet. JCMojica tackles TennHouse to the mat. TennHouse is up again. TennHouse uses a belly-to-belly suplex. JCMojica is down. ]

Larry Zbyszko - TennHouse executes a Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex.

[JCMojica connects with a flying knee. LiquidSwords goes down. LiquidSwords is back on his feet. JCMojica shoulder tackles LiquidSwords. LiquidSwords moves back to his feet. LiquidSwords trys for a Reverse DDT but JCMojica avoids it. LiquidSwords short-arm clotheslines JCMojica to the mat. ]

Mike Tenay - LiquidSwords with a Short-arm clothesline.

[JCMojica stands up. JCMojica forearm smashes LiquidSwords. LiquidSwords takes JCMojica down with a knee. JCMojica is back on his feet. OwensStr8Clownin trys for a piledriver but is not strong enough to lift 4W.OwensStr8Clownin puts 4W in an arm grapevine submission. 4W moves back to his feet. OwensStr8Clownin punches 4W in the gut. 4W drives a forearm into the head of OwensStr8Clownin. OwensStr8Clownin with an illegal chokehold on 4W. 4W gets back to his feet. 4W kicks OwensStr8Clownin in the back of the leg. 4W rolls onto OwensStr8Clownin connecting with a knee. 4W kicks OwensStr8Clownin on the mat. ]

Mark Madden - 4W with a Stomp.

[Now OwensStr8Clownin standing. OwensStr8Clownin spins aroround 4W's back and DDT's him into the mat. 4W is back on his feet. ]

Larry Zbyszko - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[OwensStr8Clownin mule kicks 4W. ]

Mike Tenay - mule kick!

[4W is back on his feet. 4W tackles and begins punching OwensStr8Clownin. 4W knees OwensStr8Clownin and rolls back to his feet. 4W applies an arm wrench to OwensStr8Clownin. ]

Mark Madden - OwensStr8Clownin takes a Arm wrench.

[4W stomps OwensStr8Clownin. OwensStr8Clownin trys for a double underhook backbreaker but is not strong enough to lift 4W.OwensStr8Clownin grabs 4W's head and DDT's him on the mat. ]

Larry Zbyszko - That DDT was very good.

[After fight AGTheKid punches 4W repeatedly. AGTheKid trys for a power move but is unable to lift 4W.AGTheKid clotheslines 4W. AGTheKid trys for a power move but is unable to lift 4W.AGTheKid throws 4W over the ropes. 4W was elimintated by AGTheKid. ]

Mike Tenay - 4W has been eliminated!!

[JDCurt executes a reverse DDT on Hacksaw Jim Duggan. JDCurt chants start. ]

Mark Madden - JDCurt is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[JDCurt applies an arm wrench to Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Hacksaw Jim Duggan climbs to his feet. Duggan runs and tackles JDCurt. Hacksaw Jim Duggan punches him in the head. Hacksaw Jim Duggan grabs JDCurt and applies an arm wrench. JDCurt moves back to his feet. Duggan drives a forearm into JDCurt. Hacksaw Jim Duggan takes JDCurt down with a knee. TennHouse lifts up HymenMan and delivers a gut-wrench power bomb. TennHouse sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Mike Tenay - That Gut-Wrench Power Bomb was very good.

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - TennHouse is doing quite well at this point in the match. After fight

[TennHouse looks HymenMan in the face and says Suck it. TennHouse head butts HymenMan. TennHouse gets back to his feet. HymenMan gets up. TennHouse low blows HymenMan. TennHouse sucks chants start in the crowd. TennHouse kicks HymenMan on the mat. TennHouse throws HymenMan over the ropes. HymenMan was elimintated by TennHouse. ]

Mark Madden - HymenMan has been eliminated!! After fight

[ITO head butts BKMac. ITO is back on his feet. ITO body slams BKMac. ITO executes a piledriver on BKMac. ITO chants start. Now BKMac standing. ITO piledrives BKMac. ITO throws BKMac over the ropes. BKMac was elimintated by ITO. ]

Mike Tenay - BKMac has been eliminated!!

[AirThompson executes a neck-breaker on TennHouse. AirThompson chants start. TennHouse moves back to his feet. Duggan lifts EdgarFly into the air and delivers a spine buster. ]

Mark Madden - This is quality sports entertainment!

[ Duggan fist drops EdgarFly on the mat. Hacksaw Jim Duggan climbs to his feet. Hacksaw Jim Duggan applies an arm wrench to EdgarFly. Hacksaw Jim Duggan fist drops EdgarFly on the mat. Duggan rolls onto EdgarFly connecting with a knee. EdgarFly climbs to his feet. EdgarFly reverse DDT's Duggan's head into the mat. ]

Mark Madden - Nice Reverse DDT by EdgarFly.

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[GunnaScott climbs the turnbuckle and nails JRDaGreat with a flying bulldog. GunnaScott is back on his feet. GunnaScott puts JRDaGreat in an arm grapevine submission. GunnaScott kicks JRDaGreat on the mat. ]

Larry Zbyszko - GunnaScott executes a Stomp.

[JRDaGreat gets back to his feet. JRDaGreat delivers a low blow to GunnaScott. Now GunnaScott standing. GunnaScott grabs JRDaGreat by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. JRDaGreat uses a closed fist on GunnaScott. JRDaGreat drives a forearm into the head of GunnaScott. Running neckbreaker drop executed by GunnaScott takes JRDaGreat down hard. GunnaScott sucks chants start in the crowd. After fight Peep punches JRDaGreat in the head. Peep grabs his hand and flips him to the mat. Peep chants start. Crotch chop from Peep. Peep chants start. Peep fist drops JRDaGreat on the mat. Peep is up again. JRDaGreat stands up. Peep throws JRDaGreat over the ropes. JRDaGreat was elimintated by Peep. ]

Mike Tenay - JRDaGreat is out of here!!

[JohnnyRedStorm executes a neck-breaker on EdgarFly. JohnnyRedStorm chants start. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[JohnnyRedStorm kicks EdgarFly on the mat. JohnnyRedStorm measures EdgarFly up and drops a closed fist. JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet. JohnnyRedStorm stomps EdgarFly. ]

Mark Madden - EdgarFly takes a Stomp.

[EdgarFly moves back to his feet. EdgarFly uses a closed fist on JohnnyRedStorm. EdgarFly delivers a kick to the head of JohnnyRedStorm. EdgarFly fist drops JohnnyRedStorm on the mat. EdgarFly gets back to his feet. EdgarFly kicks JohnnyRedStorm on the mat. JohnnyRedStorm gets up. EdgarFly kicks JohnnyRedStorm in the stomach. EdgarFly applies an arm wrench to JohnnyRedStorm. JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet. JohnnyRedStorm lifts EdgarFly into the air. Holds him and drops him to the mat. After fight JohnnyRedStorm rolls onto EdgarFly connecting with a knee. JohnnyRedStorm executes a piledriver on EdgarFly. JohnnyRedStorm leg drops the throat of EdgarFly. JohnnyRedStorm chants start. EdgarFly moves back to his feet. JohnnyRedStorm executes a back breaker on EdgarFly. EdgarFly gets up. JohnnyRedStorm throws EdgarFly to the floor. EdgarFly was elimintated by JohnnyRedStorm. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - EdgarFly is out of here!!

[PLVN piledrives LiquidSwords. PLVN executes a piledriver on LiquidSwords. LiquidSwords is back on his feet. After fight JohnnyRedStorm kicks CaseKicks in the head. CaseKicks moves back to his feet. JohnnyRedStorm body slams CaseKicks. JohnnyRedStorm measures CaseKicks up and drops a closed fist. JohnnyRedStorm is up again. JohnnyRedStorm kicks CaseKicks on the mat. JohnnyRedStorm throws CaseKicks over the ropes. CaseKicks was elimintated by JohnnyRedStorm. ]

Larry Zbyszko - CaseKicks has been eliminated!!

[JohnnyRedStorm goes for a Reverse DDT but PLVN dodges the attack. JDCurt picks McFlyy up and side slams him to the mat. JDCurt gets up. JDCurt rolls onto McFlyy connecting with a knee. McFlyy is back on his feet. McFlyy connects with a low blow. JDCurt goes down. JDCurt kicks McFlyy in the head. McFlyy gets back to his feet. McFlyy drives a forearm into the head of JDCurt. JDCurt trys for a Spinning Neck-Breaker but PLVN avoids it. JDCurt slaps the face of PLVN. JDCurt gets back to his feet. PLVN takes JDCurt off his feet with a short-arm clothesline JDCurt is back on his feet. PLVN punches JDCurt in the head. PLVN takes JDCurt down with a knee. PLVN measures JDCurt up and drops a closed fist. Now JDCurt standing. PLVN drives a forearm into JDCurt. PLVN shoulder tackles JDCurt. PLVN knees JDCurt and rolls back to his feet. PLVN grabs JDCurt and applies an arm wrench. PLVN measures JDCurt up and drops a closed fist. Now JDCurt standing. PLVN connects with a low blow. JDCurt goes down. JDCurt gets up. PLVN leg drops DragonFlyJones. ]

Mark Madden - I wish every match could be like this!

[ Duggan climbs to his feet. Hacksaw tackles AirThompson. Hacksaw is back on his feet. AirThompson climbs to his feet. After fight AirThompson trys for a Gut-Wrench Power Bomb but is unable to lift Hacksaw Jim Duggan.AirThompson trys for a Standing Piledriver but is unable to lift Hacksaw Jim Duggan.AirThompson trys for a Side slam but is unable to lift Hacksaw Jim Duggan.AirThompson kicks Hacksaw Jim Duggan in the head. AirThompson throws Duggan over the ropes. Duggan was elimintated by AirThompson. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - Hacksaw Jim Duggan is out of here!!

[PLVN vertical suplexes AGTheKid to the mat. PLVN moves back to his feet. PLVN kicks AGTheKid on the mat. PLVN grabs AGTheKid and applies an arm wrench. PLVN knees AGTheKid and rolls back to his feet. AGTheKid climbs to his feet. AGTheKid trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift PLVN.]

Larry Zbyszko - This is quality sports entertainment!

[JDCurt body slams Peep. Peep is back on his feet. JDCurt kicks Peep in the back of the leg. Peep is back on his feet. Peep forearm smashes JDCurt. JDCurt uses a closed fist on Peep. JDCurt tackles Peep and pummels his head. Peep gets up. JDCurt kicks Peep in the head. Swinging Neck-Breaker from Peep takes JDCurt down. ]

Mike Tenay - Good Spinning Neck-Breaker by Peep.


Mark Madden - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this! After fight

[Peep stomps JDCurt's head. Peep fist drops JDCurt on the mat. Peep chants start. Peep is back on his feet. JDCurt is back on his feet. Peep forearm smashes JDCurt. Peep executes a reverse DDT on JDCurt. Peep throws JDCurt to the floor. JDCurt was elimintated by Peep. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - JDCurt has been eliminated!!

[ITO executes a reverse DDT on TennHouse. ITO chants start. TennHouse gets up. ]

Mike Tenay - What an outstanding match! After fight

[ITO uses a closed fist on TennHouse. ITO connects with a low blow. TennHouse goes down. ITO chants start. ITO tackles and begins punching TennHouse. ITO leg drops the throat of TennHouse. ITO tosses TennHouse to ringside. TennHouse was elimintated by ITO. ]

Larry Zbyszko - TennHouse is out of here!!

[PLVN flips GunnaScott to the mat. PLVN grabs GunnaScott and applies an arm wrench. GunnaScott is back on his feet. GunnaScott bounces PLVN off the ropes and clotheslines him. GunnaScott hits PLVN with an elbowdrop. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - PLVN takes a elbowdrop.

[GunnaScott moves back to his feet. PLVN moves back to his feet. Crotch chop from DCAllAmerican. DCAllAmerican sucks chants start in the crowd. DCAllAmerican fist drops DragonFlyJones on the mat. DCAllAmerican gets up. DCAllAmerican grabs DragonFlyJones and applies an arm wrench. ]

Larry Zbyszko - DCAllAmerican with a Arm wrench.

[DragonFlyJones kicks DCAllAmerican in the back of the leg. DragonFlyJones rolls onto DCAllAmerican connecting with a knee. DragonFlyJones grabs DCAllAmerican and applies an arm wrench. Swinging Neck-Breaker from DCAllAmerican takes DragonFlyJones down. DCAllAmerican sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Mike Tenay - That Spinning Neck-Breaker was very good.

[After fight McFlyy executes a neck-breaker on DragonFlyJones. McFlyy chants start. McFlyy knees DragonFlyJones and rolls back to his feet. Crotch chop from McFlyy. McFlyy knees DragonFlyJones and rolls back to his feet. McFlyy tosses DragonFlyJones to ringside. DragonFlyJones was elimintated by McFlyy. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - DragonFlyJones has been eliminated!!

[JohnnyRedStorm grabs his hand and flips him to the mat. ]

Mike Tenay - JohnnyRedStorm executes a Omote Gyaku.

[McFlyy climbs to his feet. After fight JohnnyRedStorm gut-wrenchs McFlyy. JohnnyRedStorm knees McFlyy and rolls back to his feet. JohnnyRedStorm chants start. JohnnyRedStorm fist drops McFlyy on the mat. JohnnyRedStorm looks McFlyy in the face and says Suck it. McFlyy moves back to his feet. JohnnyRedStorm tosses McFlyy to ringside. McFlyy was elimintated by JohnnyRedStorm. ]

Mark Madden - That will do it for McFlyy. He's been eliminated! After fight

[LiquidSwords tackles DCAllAmerican and pummels his head. DCAllAmerican is back on his feet. LiquidSwords grabs his hand and flips him to the mat. LiquidSwords sucks chants start in the crowd. LiquidSwords rolls onto DCAllAmerican connecting with a knee. LiquidSwords chokes DCAllAmerican with his boot. LiquidSwords tosses DCAllAmerican to ringside. DCAllAmerican was elimintated by LiquidSwords. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - DCAllAmerican has been eliminated!!

[AirThompson trys for a Body Slam but is not strong enough to lift ITO.]

Mike Tenay - What an outstanding match!

[AirThompson trys for a Back Breaker but is not strong enough to lift ITO.AirThompson uses a closed fist on ITO. ITO drives a forearm into AirThompson. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - ITO executes a Forearm Smash.

[ITO punches AirThompson in the head. ITO shoulder tackles AirThompson. AirThompson is up again. AirThompson reverse DDT's ITO's head into the mat. Club lifts AGTheKid into the air. Holds him and drops him to the mat. ]

Larry Zbyszko - That vertical Suplex was very good.

[Now Club standing. ]

Larry Zbyszko - Are you enjoying this match?

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - Oh yeah! After fight

[Club executes a piledriver on AGTheKid. Club chokes AGTheKid. Crotch chop from Club. Club chants start. AGTheKid gets back to his feet. Club tackles and begins punching AGTheKid. Club throws AGTheKid to the floor. AGTheKid was elimintated by Club. ]

Mark Madden - AGTheKid has been eliminated!!

[OwensStr8Clownin executes a neck-breaker on JohnnyRedStorm. JohnnyRedStorm is up again. OwensStr8Clownin delivers a kick to the head of JohnnyRedStorm. JohnnyRedStorm gets up. JohnnyRedStorm tackles OwensStr8Clownin to the mat. JohnnyRedStorm moves back to his feet. OwensStr8Clownin stands up. OwensStr8Clownin kicks JohnnyRedStorm in the stomach. JohnnyRedStorm gets up. JohnnyRedStorm runs and tackles OwensStr8Clownin. JohnnyRedStorm punches him in the head. OwensStr8Clownin gets back to his feet. JohnnyRedStorm punches OwensStr8Clownin in the head. JohnnyRedStorm slaps OwensStr8Clownin in the face. JohnnyRedStorm is up again. JohnnyRedStorm takes OwensStr8Clownin down with a knee. ]

Larry Zbyszko - knee!

[JohnnyRedStorm knees OwensStr8Clownin and rolls back to his feet. OwensStr8Clownin gets back to his feet. PLVN trys for a Spinning Neck-Breaker but Peep avoids it. ]

Mark Madden - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[PLVN slaps the face of Peep. PLVN is up again. Peep connects with a flying knee. PLVN goes down. PLVN moves back to his feet. Peep connects with a low blow. PLVN goes down. Peep knees PLVN and rolls back to his feet. Peep measures PLVN up and drops a closed fist. Peep gets up. Peep stomps PLVN. Peep knees PLVN and rolls back to his feet. Peep delivers a kick to the head of PLVN. Peep knees PLVN and rolls back to his feet. Peep measures PLVN up and drops a closed fist. Peep stands up. AirThompson trys for a Back Breaker but is not strong enough to lift Club.]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - AirThompson is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[AirThompson trys for a Standing Piledriver but is not strong enough to lift Club.]

Larry Zbyszko - Club could use some help about now.

[AirThompson trys for a Gut-Wrench Power Bomb but JohnnyRedStorm avoids it. AirThompson kicks JohnnyRedStorm in the stomach. AirThompson applies an arm wrench to JohnnyRedStorm. ]

Larry Zbyszko - AirThompson executes a Arm wrench.

[JohnnyRedStorm is up again. JohnnyRedStorm shoulder tackles AirThompson. JohnnyRedStorm gets back to his feet. AirThompson is up again. JohnnyRedStorm delivers a low blow to AirThompson. AirThompson gets up. JohnnyRedStorm delivers a kick to the head of AirThompson. AirThompson gets up. JohnnyRedStorm slaps the face of AirThompson. JohnnyRedStorm climbs to his feet. AirThompson trys for a Body Slam but is not strong enough to lift JohnnyRedStorm.AirThompson flips JohnnyRedStorm to the mat. AirThompson chants start. AirThompson trys for a Falling head butt but JohnnyRedStorm avoids it. JohnnyRedStorm gets back to his feet. After fight LiquidSwords fist drops ITO on the mat. LiquidSwords moves back to his feet. LiquidSwords looks ITO in the face and says Suck it. LiquidSwords stomps ITO's head. Crotch chop from LiquidSwords. LiquidSwords throws ITO to the floor. ITO was elimintated by LiquidSwords. ]

Mike Tenay - ITO has been eliminated!! After fight

[JohnnyRedStorm takes LiquidSwords down with a knee. JohnnyRedStorm stomps LiquidSwords. LiquidSwords is back on his feet. JohnnyRedStorm uses a closed fist on LiquidSwords. JohnnyRedStorm piledrives LiquidSwords. JohnnyRedStorm throws LiquidSwords over the ropes. LiquidSwords was elimintated by JohnnyRedStorm. ]

Larry Zbyszko - LiquidSwords has been eliminated!!

[Club reverse DDT's Peep's head into the mat. Club chants start. Now Peep standing. Club executes a gut-wrench powerbomb on Peep. AirThompson executes a neck-breaker on PLVN. JohnnyRedStorm side slams Club. JohnnyRedStorm chants start. ]

Mark Madden - That Side slam was very good.

[JohnnyRedStorm stands up. ]

Mike Tenay - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[Crotch chop from JohnnyRedStorm. ]

Larry Zbyszko - JohnnyRedStorm with a Crotch Chop.

[PLVN fist drops Club on the mat. PLVN stomps Club's head. PLVN knees Club and rolls back to his feet. Club moves back to his feet. PLVN takes Club down with a knee. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - Club takes a knee.

[Club climbs to his feet. After fight Club low blows PLVN. Club chants start. Club tells PLVN to suck it. Club leg drops PLVN. Club executes a piledriver on PLVN. PLVN gets back to his feet. Club throws PLVN over the ropes. PLVN was elimintated by Club. ]

Mike Tenay - PLVN has been eliminated!! After fight

[Peep punches Club repeatedly. Peep lifts Club into a vertical suplex. Peep moves back to his feet. Peep kicks Club on the mat. Peep dives head first into Club. Peep moves back to his feet. Peep tosses Club to ringside. Club was elimintated by Peep. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - That will do it for Club. He's been eliminated!

[OwensStr8Clownin trys for a fisherman suplex but is not strong enough to lift AirThompson.]

Larry Zbyszko - AirThompson could use some help about now.

[OwensStr8Clownin trys for a snap suplex but is not strong enough to lift AirThompson.OwensStr8Clownin throws AirThompson off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. AirThompson climbs to his feet. OwensStr8Clownin applies the clawhold on AirThompson. GunnaScott hits JCMojica with the crotch slam. JCMojica gets up. After fight GunnaScott leaps up, swings around JCMojica and DDT's him onto the mat. Now JCMojica standing. GunnaScott hits a power slam on JCMojica. GunnaScott sucks chants start in the crowd. GunnaScott is back on his feet. Crotch chop from GunnaScott. GunnaScott executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of JCMojica. GunnaScott is back on his feet. GunnaScott throws JCMojica over the ropes. JCMojica was elimintated by GunnaScott. ]

Mike Tenay - That will do it for JCMojica. He's been eliminated!

[AirThompson reverse DDT's OwensStr8Clownin's head into the mat. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - Nice Reverse DDT by AirThompson.

[After fight AirThompson looks OwensStr8Clownin in the face and says Suck it. AirThompson measures OwensStr8Clownin up and drops a closed fist. AirThompson stands up. AirThompson gives OwensStr8Clownin a crotch chop. AirThompson chokes OwensStr8Clownin with his boot. AirThompson chants start. AirThompson throws OwensStr8Clownin to the floor. OwensStr8Clownin was elimintated by AirThompson. ]

Mike Tenay - OwensStr8Clownin is out of here!!

[AirThompson trys for a Side slam but is not strong enough to lift JohnnyRedStorm.AirThompson trys for a vertical Suplex but is not strong enough to lift JohnnyRedStorm.After fight GunnaScott hits a dragon suplex on Peep. GunnaScott sucks chants start in the crowd. GunnaScott is up again. GunnaScott climbs to the top rope and nails Peep with a reverse flying elbow drop. GunnaScott goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Peep. GunnaScott gets up. GunnaScott slingshot elbow drops Peep. GunnaScott sucks chants start in the crowd. GunnaScott tosses Peep to ringside. Peep was elimintated by GunnaScott. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - That will do it for Peep. He's been eliminated!

[JohnnyRedStorm executes a belly-to-belly suplex on AirThompson. JohnnyRedStorm chants start. ]

Mark Madden - AirThompson takes a Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex.

[AirThompson moves back to his feet. AirThompson trys for a Spine Buster but is not strong enough to lift JohnnyRedStorm.AirThompson forearm smashes JohnnyRedStorm. AirThompson delivers a short-arm clothesline to JohnnyRedStorm. JohnnyRedStorm is back on his feet. JohnnyRedStorm runs and tackles AirThompson. JohnnyRedStorm punches him in the head. AirThompson reverse DDT's JohnnyRedStorm's head into the mat. AirThompson chants start. ]

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - That Reverse DDT was very good.

[JohnnyRedStorm gets up. ]

Mike Tenay - What an outstanding match! After fight

[AirThompson tackles JohnnyRedStorm and pummels his head. AirThompson applies an arm wrench to JohnnyRedStorm. JohnnyRedStorm moves back to his feet. AirThompson trys for a Side slam but is unable to lift JohnnyRedStorm.AirThompson slaps the face of JohnnyRedStorm. AirThompson gets up. AirThompson throws JohnnyRedStorm over the ropes. JohnnyRedStorm was elimintated by AirThompson. ]

Mark Madden - JohnnyRedStorm is out of here!!

[AirThompson gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by GunnaScott. GunnaScott gets back to his feet. AirThompson is up again. AirThompson kicks GunnaScott in the back of the leg. ]

Mike Tenay - GunnaScott takes a kick.

[AirThompson stomps GunnaScott's head. GunnaScott is back on his feet. AirThompson shoulder tackles GunnaScott. AirThompson climbs to his feet. Now GunnaScott standing. AirThompson punches GunnaScott in the head. AirThompson low blows GunnaScott. AirThompson rolls onto GunnaScott connecting with a knee. GunnaScott stands up. After fight GunnaScott executes a jawbreakeron AirThompson. GunnaScott moves back to his feet. GunnaScott hits the flying legdrop across AirThompson's neck. GunnaScott stands up. AirThompson climbs to his feet. GunnaScott comes from behind and bulldogs AirThompson. GunnaScott gets back to his feet. GunnaScott chokes AirThompson with his boot. AirThompson gets back to his feet. Air Thompson throw GunnaScott over the ropes. GunnaScott was eliminated by Air Thompson ]

Mike Tenay - GunnaScott has been eliminated!!

[AirThompson trys for a Side slam but is not strong enough to lift Rusty Shackelford.AirThompson trys for a vertical Suplex but is not strong enough to lift Rusty Shackelford. After fight Rusty Shackelford hits a dragon suplex on Air Thompson. Rusty sucks chants start in the crowd. Rusty is up again. Rusty climbs to the top rope and nails Air Thompson with a reverse flying elbow drop. Rusty goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Peep. Rusty gets up. Rusty slingshot elbow drops Air Thompson. Rusty throws a punch to Air Thompson. Air Thompson blocks. Air Thompson throws a punch at to Rusty. Rusty blocks! Air Thompson goes for a haymaker and misses. Rusty picks him up for a belly to back suplex and eliminates AirThompson!

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan – That will do it for Air Thompson, he’s been eliminated!

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - Rusty has won the match!

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan - The winner of the 2013 NTRumble…..RUSTY SHACKELFORD!!!!
Ran a simulation on WWE 13 yesterday using the confirmed names and caws of some of the supposed suprise entrants.

It came down to Cena and Jinder Mahal.


I was scared they're were going to give Miz the belt to build up his No Figure 4 gimmick.
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