WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

Semi pissed I slept through the middle of that 6-man match because I was tired and didn't have much sleep. Watching that replay asap on the wwe network.
If they didnt shove Batista down everyones throat .......NH..........people could havegot behind him. But this dude is gassed after every in ring segment he has and they never last more than 10 minutes. How do they think the fans would cheer someone so boring in the ring right now. 

Please change the script last second and have Bryan win. Eventho my prediction is Orton because of what the plans have been for months for the WM ME
This match is going to go 1 of 2 ways..Either it blows the Wyatt/Shield match outta the water or it's worse than the Batista/ADR match..
Just give us Bryan/Cesaro for 5 minutes to start. For my prediction and because they will put on the best 5 minutes before all hell breaks loose in this match
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