WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

Kings on a roll right now lol

"ask why them why dont eat the beans the first time they fry them" :rofl:
I'm with the crowd. Instead of this match, I would rather see Phil Brooks and Chris Irvine as well.
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Konnan @Konnan5150
Whicher Funkadactly wrestled AJ, still sucks..Match had about as much heat as an icecube in a freezer in da northpole..Wow, Batista has turned ADR babyface,they
They wouldn't be crapping on Tista if HHH would've let someone else win the Rumble..
:lol: :lol: Batista in this match was like HHH in the Goldberg Elimination Chamber match :lol: Dude did absolutely nothing, hit his finisher and won
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