WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

"The Authority is afraid Daniel Bryan is going to win Elimination Chamber and become the Face of WWE."


"The Authority is afraid Daniel Bryan is going to win Elimination Chamber and become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion."

And WWE wonders why their title matches don't draw and the titles mean nothing.  This pisses me off a LOT.
I obviously understand that they aren't going to have them beat someone leading into a PPV, but why don't they ever let 3MB get a win here or there?
I remember watching Ron beat Vader for the belt when it aired on TBS..I was so hyped cause I always liked him and Doom
Well damn. I knew there was something sexy about Rusev's chick from the promo last week. But I aint know she was holdin like that. 
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