WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

1. Man yall stalking about Michelle Laycool, Maryse, and Kelly Kelly. Reminds me when I turned on the sport that I loved for a brief period.

2. The feeling I had when I played WCW WOrld Tour for thr first time might be unmatched man. The menu music, the 3d ring, the deep move list. I was in heaven. The dives to the outside of the ring. And THEN I played Virtual Pro Wrestling 64 (Japanese Version with REAL Japanese wrestlers) and that was taken to another level. More move, more wrestlers, first game with an post-match rating system (never got a perfect score till this day). (300 = perfect score) - (I charted a few matches. Will continue whenever I play again)

N64 Wrestling > Any TYPE of game on ANY type of system.

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Yea I might bust out Fire Pro R today and/or VPW 1.

I bought WWE 2K14, spent all this time editing and it still doesn't fill that void man. Those games I named above are timeless man. I don't even know why I let Toine talk me into buying WWE 2K14. It is an OK game but it just stops there. It is OK

Man I've wasted so many hours simulating matches on Fire Pro. Wish the WWE 2k games would let you customize the AI in depth like that.
Yea that is what I didn't understand about WWE 2K14. How are you a sports game in 2014 that doesn't have adjustable computer logic/player tendencies? That was highly disappointing man. No excuse for that. My first AND last one of these games man.
They should just utilize NXT more (once the Network opens) to showcase their younger talent and cruiserweights. Then have a couple of the more over/talented guys get some shine on Smackdown.
1. Man that is the most perfect loop I have ever seen from a .gif

2. Dean Malenko gets a lot of love from the IWC. The "regular dudes" (like Lobotimo and Holombro) are the ones that don't respect him. And the main culprit of the "I Hate WCW" movement.

Me? I love the guy (no gay stuff)
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Will Zeb remain with Cesaro once he disbands from TRA? And will he revert back to his original theme?


A lot of these are reaches (but damn Brad Maddox really looks like Bischoff) but WWE is similar to the last days of WCW in a lot of ways right now . . . the lack of competition is benefiting them business wise
WWE selling new dbry shirts. Might have to cop that grey one.
They are smart for doing that Obey box style (I know it came from another concept, like propaganda posters or something, too lazy to verify though) shirt.​
Has potential to be an Austin/nWo type sea of grey with how recognizable that logo is and how over he is​
The WWE probably deleted that match from their existence. I could picture Alicia Fox getting pissed cause Eva makes Cena's selling look like HBK vs Hogan
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