WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

[thread="582897"]Macho Man[/thread]
[thread="582897"]The Rock[/thread]
[thread="582897"]CM Punk[/thread]
[thread="582897"] [/thread]
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[thread="582897"] [/thread]
[thread="582897"]Honorable Mentions[/thread]
[thread="582897"]Ultimate Warrior :lol: [/thread]
[thread="582897"] [/thread]
[thread="582897"]Don't know why but Piper has always been corny and uninteresting to me, on the mic and even more in the ring.[/thread]
[thread="582897"]His promos just always screamed that guy in the bar that starts to incoherently talk **** to everyone once hes drunk.[/thread]
[thread="582897"]Someone put me on to some good piper promos and help me see the light.[/thread]

I feel that Undertaker and Foley mic skill are under appreciated.
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@Peep Game  's avy 
My son gave no damns and just straight up cropped that pic
R-Truth has the potential to be a really entertaining worker...great in-ring guy and decent on the mic too. It would be nice to see him as just a straightforward heel character...kill all that dancing and rapping nonsense. Water bottle devastation Truth was the last time I really enjoyed him.

Here's Swagger's double German from Smackdown...a little slow on the setup but it's super clean.

And an old Angle one.

WWE Doesnt utilize guys enough. Truth was great in early TNA and around 2011-12.

I need to see Angle in a WWE ring one more time, that'll get me to watch.
Swagger is sort of in the same boat to me as Del Rio and Sheamus, very good in the ring but I just don't care to see him. Cesaro and Zeb are definitely saving him though. I'd completely loathe him if it weren't for them.
Watching some old Trent Baretta matches got me sad.

Why won't they just give us a cruiserweight division man?

Rey went flying on that double german suplex.

Heel R-Truth was great man.

If you look at all the people they've been taking from the indies it totally looks like they're trying to build a new division, but we know that's not true.

I remember a while ago (maybe 2 years by now) there were rumors of an all cruiserweight show and Brian Kendrick was saying he would like to return for that. :smh:
1. Man that is the most perfect loop I have ever seen from a .gif

2. Dean Malenko gets a lot of love from the IWC. The "regular dudes" (like Lobotimo and Holombro) are the ones that don't respect him. And the main culprit of the "I Hate WCW" movement.
1. Man yall stalking about Michelle Laycool, Maryse, and Kelly Kelly. Reminds me when I turned on the sport that I loved for a brief period.

2. The feeling I had when I played WCW WOrld Tour for thr first time might be unmatched man. The menu music, the 3d ring, the deep move list. I was in heaven. The dives to the outside of the ring. And THEN I played Virtual Pro Wrestling 64 (Japanese Version with REAL Japanese wrestlers) and that was taken to another level. More move, more wrestlers, first game with an post-match rating system (never got a perfect score till this day). (300 = perfect score) - (I charted a few matches. Will continue whenever I play again)

N64 Wrestling > Any TYPE of game on ANY type of system.
A little wrestling game talk from someone over at DVDVR

Thread - http://deathvalleydriver.com/forum/index.php?/topic/361-classic-wwfwcw-wrestling-games/

I love No Mercy, but VPW 2 is so much better. For starters, No Mercy suffered from some bad slowdown in 4 player ladder matches and 1 on 1 cage matches. Even still, from the day No Mercy came out, there would always be 4 of us who would be playing No Mercy until 4 or 5 am on Fridays or Saturdays. We went through at least 3 controllers because of how fast we would be railing on the shoulder buttons for reversals or to fight off being KO'd. It was like all those years of playing Track and Field finally paid off with regards to super fast button tapping.

However, VPW 2 is better because it didn't suffer from that slowdown. It had the MMA mode, the awesome Kings Road mode (and dammit, every wrestling game should feature a Round Robin mode), and a better moveset. I was really disappointed that there was never a VPW 3 to build off of No Mercy.

Other than that, it was Fire Pro 6 Man Scramble, Fire Pro D, or Here Comes the Pain as far as wrestling games we'd get together and play. Few things are as funny as getting a group of friends together for Fire Pro, with 2 or 3 of you understanding how Fire Pro works, and watching the other 2 or 3 just fall on their faces in frustration because the way they play WCW Revenge/WM2000/No Mercy didn't translate to Fire Pro. The cool thing was that Fire Pro was so engaging that they wanted to figure it out and they did.

As for wrestling games I wish I could have played, I really wish I could have played Giant Gram 2000 and King of Coliseum 2. I acquired GG2K via questionable (i.e. Usenet) means, but I could never get it to work. I never played KoC2 because I never wanted to go through the hassle of modding my slimline PS2. That said, I've played a ton of wrestling games, and my breakdown of favorites by system would go something like this:

Arcade: (1) Wrestlefest - Duh; (2) Champion Wrestler; (3) WWF Superstars

NES: (1) Tecmo Pro Wrestling; (2) Pro Wrestling; (3) WCW Wrestling

Quick note about those last two: I only ever beat Great Panther once and never even made to Great Puma, and I never beat the Vader looking guy at the end of WCW Wrestling, only ever getting as close to a 2.9 pin count.

SNES: (1) SFPWXP - This was the first game I ever played on an emulator and I probably played this more on the emulator than I did most games on the SNES; (2) WWF Royal Rumble; (3) Saturday Night Slam Masters

Genesis: (1) WWF Rage in the Cage - I was one of the few with a Sega CD and this was one of the few games I had for it. Second place would be WWF Royal Rumble, except it was better on the SNES.

Saturn: (1) FPW 6MS

Playstation: (1) FPW G; (2) WCW vs the World; (3) WWF SmackDown! 2

PS2: (1) FPW R; (2) WWF SD! Here Comes the Pain; (3) Galactic Wrestling; (4) Def Jam 1 or 2

N64: (1) VPW 2; (2) No Mercy; (3) WM 2000; (4) WCW/nWo Revenge

DC: (1) FPW D; (2) Toukon Retsuden 4

Xbox: lol, yeah, no

GC: (1) Day of Judgment 2

360: (1) Uhhh, WWE All-Stars?
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I never even gave it a chance because it was a wrestling game with a bunch of rappers. :lol:

Well you aren't wrong. :lol: That's what it is in a nutshell.

It was fun as hell though.

But at the end of the day....Fire Pro Returns and HCTP >>>>>
Yea I might bust out Fire Pro R today and/or VPW 1.

I bought WWE 2K14, spent all this time editing and it still doesn't fill that void man. Those games I named above are timeless man. I don't even know why I let Toine talk me into buying WWE 2K14. It is an OK game but it just stops there. It is OK
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