WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

Wrestlemania HAS to end with Daniel Bryan raising the WHC in one hand and the WWEC in the other with the whole stadium chanting "YES!" Any other ending is a waste of the best possible Wrestlemania moment.

Taker/Lesnar hasn't even started to build and just doesn't have that "important" feeling like previous streak matches.
Cena/Wyatt is not going to end the show (could have that Hogan appearance though when the whole Wyatt family gets involved in the match)
Bryan/HHH could end the same way with a huge "YES!" chant but it won't be the last match and wouldn't have the same impact as winning the title.
Batista/Orton will be crapped on from beginning to end with the most random chants being what it's remembered for.
This gif now has a new meaning.

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Never been to a wrestling event, always thought WWE would be my first one but I just bought a ticket to the ROH VS NJPW. Hope I get to see some great wrestling, based off of the rosters I'm sure I will.
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Reading the thread I'm trying to understand why some of y'all are so angry.

While I didn't watch EC, I knew there was a 0% chance that D-Bry was winning the title tonight. Orton vs. Bootista @ WM 30 was locked the minute Bootista came back.

Y'all continue to have false hope, only to be let down time and time again. Like the little kid sitting by the window everyday looking out waiting for their dad to come back from the "store".

And I'm honestly looking forward to Triple H vs. D-Bry at Mania. There have been some rough spots, but overall, the buildup to this match has been nicely done. D-Bry winning the title at SummerFest, only to be screwed by Triple H. The Authority calling him a B+ player, screwing him out of every subsequent title match, or opportunity for a title match like when they didn't let him participate in the Rumble.

I know D-Bry is insanely over right now, and we've been clamoring for him to be champion for a minute now, but just be patient.

Remember when we moaned about D-Bry joining the Wyatt Family? And remember how gratifying this moment was?

D-Bry was only with the Wyatts for a couple of weeks. Imagine how satisfying it will be when D-Bry gives Triple H a knee to face or makes him tap on the "grandest stage of them all"? Absolutely epic. We'd all lose our ****.
For all their faults, Vince, and Shovel aren't stupid enough to squander an opportunity likes this. In fact it would surprise me at all if this was the last match on the card.
C'mon toine, you know damn well terra ryzin won't let a indy guy go overhim, especially at WM.
I dont watch wrestling as much as i did growing up. if i happen to be watching tv on a monday night and remember raw is on ill tune in just to see whats going on. with that being said i can see Bryan not winning the title anytime soon. in fact i can see that dude roman reigns win it before him especially now that im reading theyre taking apart the shield. back to bryan though, its like someone said in this thread about them not giving the title to Taker for like 6 years. just because the fans want it doesnt mean they will...at all. and another thing about Reigns. i dont follow this thread really but has anyone made the comparison of him to edge. i feel like thats what they will try and do with him. ive discussed this with a friend who does watch wrestling and he told me i was crazy for saying that and cesaro will blow up, because they have 0 mic skills. do you guys agree with this?
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Welcome to the thread man..

Few things, I think DBry will get the title soon (prob at WM or the night after) -- the seeds have been set and this program can only end in him getting the belt. If they do not go through with it, I think it will be a huge fault on their part for not capitalizing on this man's success with the crowd. They have no choice but to give it to him eventually within' the next few months, because this thing has pretty much run it's course, ending with him facing HHH at the rumble, then ultimately getting the belt the next night on RAW (which will probably be the best crowd all year). The way Cole ended the broadcast tonight almost makes me 100% sure Bryan's going to win either at WM or the next night.. he played up DBry being screwed since SS so hard that they have to go that way..

I do see Reigns getting the title some time down the line, he needs a singles run to solidify himself in the ME picture and I think he will shine by himself. Needs to work on his mic skills a bit, but his in ring ability is off the charts. I do see a lot of similarities with him and Edge.

Hope you get more into the wrestling, even though it can be hard with the way the product is nowadays.
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anybody feel like they'd enjoy the product more if they stayed away from sites that told you all the backstage happenings, rumors, upcoming angles, all that ****
I always ask myself that.. I can always not read the obvious sites I visit (mostly the spoilers posted here) -- but I'm just so ingrained to Wrestling that I'm curious to know the direction the company is headed before they get there, so I can ***** about it as soon as it happens :lol:
Welcome to the thread man..

Few things, I think DBry will get the title soon (prob at WM or the night after) -- the seeds have been set and this program can only end in him getting the belt. If they do not go through with it, I think it will be a huge fault on their part for not capitalizing on this man's success with the crowd. They have no choice but to give it to him eventually within' the next few months, because this thing has pretty much run it's course, ending with him facing HHH at the rumble, then ultimately getting the belt the next night on RAW (which will probably be the best crowd all year).

I do see Reigns getting the title some time down the line, he needs a singles run to solidify himself in the ME picture and I think he will shine by himself. Needs to work on his mic skills a bit, but his in ring ability is off the charts. I do see a lot of similarities with him and Edge.

Hope you get more into the wrestling, even though it can be hard with the way the product is nowadays.
thanks. it is hard these days. i grew up watching shawn michaels and brett hart. then came back around for the rock and stone cold, so im pretty spoiled but i try to look past that. i did forget to mention that i caught raw when DBry broke away from Wyatt and that was amazing. i actually couldnt stop laughing, but i couldnt believe the crowd going that crazy. def glad i was able to see that. 

some other thoughts i figured id just throw in:

-i cant believe the new age outlaws are back.

-i cant believe i wish they didnt. billy gunn looks awful and now i feel old.

-i didnt catch the ppv but im assuming they started the break of the shield. very stupid in my opinion. i think what made wrestling so good when i watched it was that there were so many good stables and the shield vs wyatt family looked like they were going to make a comback to that.

-i cant believe cena orton and now batista again are still all title holders and #1 contenders. i give you guys credit for sticking around. i really do.

-back to my previous point, with guys like dbry (more so crowd appeal) roman reigns, and caesaro, i cant believe theyre still sticking to orton and cena. then again with the WWE im not THAT surprised. 

thats pretty much what comes to mind right now if i think of anything else ill try to share my thoughts. you guys seem cool in here. im also still on the fence about ordering the wwe network. any thoughts on that?
Every time I get disinterested about wrestling, matches like this suck me right back in. Everybody held their own in this match, but....


My dude Seth

C.m. who ?,
Exactly!  I've been saying they have a better "CM Punk" in Seth Rollins.  That Shield Vs. Wyatt's match was
.  I have no problem with them having Reigns and Bray fight early on instead of building it up because it took the spotlight off of them two and allowed others to shine as well.

The BEST match [that doesn't involve legends] I've seen since the Attitude Era
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Exactly!  I've been saying they have a better "CM Punk" in Seth Rollins.  That Shield Vs. Wyatt's match was :pimp: .  I have no problem with them having Reigns and Bray fight early on instead of building it up because it took the spotlight off of them two and allowed others to shine as well.

The BEST match [that doesn't involve legends] I've seen since the Attitude Era :pimp: .

I love Seth... he's fantastic in the ring... but on the mic he doesn't hold a candle to Punk, not many do though..
Exactly!  I've been saying they have a better "CM Punk" in Seth Rollins.  That Shield Vs. Wyatt's match was :pimp: .  I have no problem with them having Reigns and Bray fight early on instead of building it up because it took the spotlight off of them two and allowed others to shine as well.

The BEST match [that doesn't involve legends] I've seen since the Attitude Era :pimp: .
You probably missed a lot of great matches post Attitude Era...
I always ask myself that.. I can always not read the obvious sites I visit (mostly the spoilers posted here) -- but I'm just so ingrained to Wrestling that I'm curious to know the direction the company is headed before they get there, so I can ***** about it as soon as it happens
haha feel the same way a lot of times the backstage stuff and upcoming direction and stuff is more interesting to me than the actual on screen product

On Raw we get the Authority congratulating Randy Orton on his victory.

Then down comes Vince McMahon doing his walk down the ring. Points how Kane got involved in the match and screwed Bryan. Says he's going to do what's right.

Vince then decides to put Daniel Bryan in the Main event match at wrestlemania in a triple threat match. No interference from the Authority. LIVE ON THE NETWORK. There's your big sales pitch for the network. Subscribe and see Bryan main event Mania. How can this not be a hit for the WWE?

This also sets up the HHH/Mcmahon power struggle feud we have been hearing about for months. There was always suppose to be Vince's "guy" to take on HHH. Who can be that guy? Of course it's CM Punk and he returns in Chicago on Raw.

That would be the best case scenario and a lot on it falls on Punk coming back. If he doesn't come back Bryan should still be in that title match but doesn't look like it will happen since Mr Shovel doesn't have a match.
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