WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!

I keep getting duped into watching this crap. predictable *** hell.. cena over rock at mania

yes im mad
But The Rock hit the ref and knocked him out the 1st time.  He should have been DQ'd.
Or the ref should have seen Punk down with the belt on the ground and put 2 and 2 together and the Rock should have been DQ'd there, just like SO MANY other times in history that has happened.
I only saw the last match, went as expected except I guessed Taker would show up. Guessed Swagger as EC winner. Wanna see that match.
I'd be legit pissed off if i was going to Mania and got stuck with Rock VS Cena 2 and Del Rio VS Swagger.
Rocky just went all around ringside, shook everyone's hand, laughed it up with the Spanish announce team, and then even let a special needs kid hold the belt and take a picture. Very legit
Well at least the Shield won :lol:

I was hoping that the ref would've saw the belt on the mat and DQ the Rock...

didn't surprise me that "good for business" prevailed and the kids.

Once In a Lifetime part 2 lol....

Thanks VKM, $54.95 saved come April.

Who knows, I might watch more TNA from now until after WM
Good thing this is NBA weekend. Didn't watch, but seems like folks are pissed.
Pissed but not shocked. Everyone knew the Rock was going to win but it was just so damn sloppy once again. Rock looks DEAD out there. He NEEDS to wrestle more matches between now and 'Mania or else he's going to look awful there as well. How many matches has he wrestled so far since the last Wrestlemania? Two? (And somehow hes still the damn WWE champion). SMH
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