WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!

Big Show bores me. I always just scream MEH when his music hits... sucks 'cause he's a good dude.

The last matches of his I enjoyed were against The Dazzler.
It will be later somehow I think that Dolph cashes. That botch was awesome. ADR still hasn't beat Big Show via pin... :nerd:
Welp, I guess Ziggler just has the night off.  Makes no damn sense.

And now my pick is Swagger to win EC.
Well if Ziggler doesn't cash in tonight..... only logical whc wrestlemania matches Del Rio vs Heel turn Orton. Del Rio vs Henry, Del Rio vs Swagger?

but wheres that leave ziggler? vs jericho again?

im just lost to as where they are going with this

and my dude Cesaro
lost points on the first match and ziggler not cashing in, i of course clicked no at first but changed it like an idiot
maybe later on we get a backstage segment where Show goes to say congrats to ADR and gets KO'd and then Ziggler is miraculously there and pins
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