WSW (White Supremacist Watch) Thread

Arizona Lawmaker Says 'There Aren't Enough White Kids to Go Around' in State's Public Schools

Rep. David Stringer, an Arizona state lawmaker, is facing backlash for controversial comment she made about immigration and how there aren't enough white kids to go around" in the state’s public school system. (Arizona State Legislature)
Rep. David Stringer, an Arizona state lawmaker, is facing backlash for controversial comment she made about immigration and how there aren't enough white kids to go around" in the state’s public school system. (Arizona State Legislature)
An Arizona lawmaker reportedly doubled down on controversial comments he made earlier this week about the “existential threat” immigration poses to the country, and how “there aren't enough white kids to go around" in the state’s public school system.
State Rep. David Stringer made the comments Monday at a Republican men’s forum event near Prescott, Ariz., which gained traction after David Schapira, a Democratic candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction posted a video of the speech to social media, according to the Phoenix New Times.
“Sixty percent of public school children in the state of Arizona today are minorities. That complicates racial integration because there aren't enough white kids to go around," Stringer said, according to the paper. “Immigration is politically destabilizing. President Trump has talked about this. Immigration today represents an existential threat to the United States.”
While Democrats and pro-immigration groups condemned the comments as “overtly racist” and a “national embarrassment,” Stringer reportedly said he was “speaking the truth.”
“I maybe touched a third rail of politics but what I said is accurate,” he told the Arizona Capitol Times shortly a fter the comment. “Anybody that talks about this in this way is shut down and called a racist. I’m speaking the truth.”
The freshman lawmaker said while “diversity may be a great thing,” he added that “no country can be demographically transformed without any political or social consequences.”
In a Twitter post with the video of Stringer’s speech, Schapira said “it's time to remove xenophobic radicals from elected office,” while chastising the speech as “overtly racist.” Schapira told New Times he took the video from Stringer’s Facebook page, which has since been removed.
House Minority Leader Rebecca Rios, D-Phoenix, cited Stringer’s speech as a “"yet another source of national embarrassment for our state," The Arizona Republic reported.
Josselyn Berry, co-director for Progress Now Arizona, echoed those sentiments, calling the comments “dangerous, fear mongering and hateful,” according to the Republic.
Stringer, who is seeking re-election, was the face of controversy earlier this year after he voted in favor of keeping a fellow Republican lawmaker who was found to have sexually harassed women, the paper reported.
On a more serious note, this just shows how more outwardly and blatant they are nowadays compared to the past which is alarming for a country that boasts about its progressive nature (not political progressive but naturally built on progressive ideologies).

It was all a farce. But instead of hiding it like before, they feel fully empowered by the administration in office. Same situation, different representation. Aint nothing change.
Bravo to that. He won’t be saying anything like that again

Yeah he will. While it's nice to see white supremacists get chin checked, this just hardens their resolve.

You really can't win with them, whether you are the "let them see how nice we are" type, or bring out your inner Killmonger, they gonna be what they gonna be.
Yeah he will. While it's nice to see white supremacists get chin checked, this just hardens their resolve.

You really can't win with them, whether you are the "let them see how nice we are" type, or bring out your inner Killmonger, they gonna be what they gonna be.
Their minds aren’t changing regardless of how nice someone wants to act. I’m all for the constant chin checks when appropriate. They’ll feel the way they want inside their homes and pretend in public.
He gave him how many chances to let it go and old dude followed him?

He asked for it so black dude was right
And if cops find this kid he can do time for assault.

It is funny seeing a racist catch a fade, but it would be sad to see someone's life ruin because a racist baited them.
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And if cops find this kid he can do time for assault.

It is funny seeing a racist catch a fade, but it would be sad to see someone's life ruin because a racist baited them.

you mean simple assault right? a misdemeanor? like the white pos that beat up a 14 year old kid on soccer field in the post above yours?
you mean simple assault right? a misdemeanor? like the white pos that beat up a 14 year old kid on soccer field in the post above yours?
I don't want a kid to catch any charges.

I have no idea what the post above me has to do with my statement.

I am not going go in circles with your ****.
I don't want a kid to catch any charges.

I have no idea what the post above me has to do with my statement.

I am not going go in circles with your ****.

whoa no need to be so hostile i was agreeing with you and pointing out the double standard on the judicial system

but **** is it? thats what youre going with

it relates to your post because you said assault and the ruin of his life over it

a young black man "assaulting" an old white man (despite provocation)


an older white man "assaulting" a young black kid and getting a misdemeanor charge that wont affect his life

but you said **** right?

so while its good and i applaud and give you all the cookies for not wanting to see the young black man ruined

i question why out of all the posts in this page you seized on one where the white man was a "victim"

care to comment on gibbs slapping the fire out the homeless white racist?

or the firefighters brawling after using a slur?

the dennys couple getting a gun pulled on them over orange juice?

or the politician who thinks there arent enough white kids to go around?

thoughts? :nerd:
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