Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

Ya'll give Miz waaay too much credit. Sandow deserves all the praise.

Miz has been Miz since The Real World  
Sandow been stealin' RAWs for me since he started the stunt double gimmick, it's great.

and SMH @ MeanGene's 'explanation' :lol:
Interesting Question on Cheap Heat: "Is Randy Orton the greatest in-ring performer of the last 10 years?"
Interesting Question on Cheap Heat: "Is Randy Orton the greatest in-ring performer of the last 10 years?"
Last 10 years = 2005-2014

Who would be in contention?

Bryan (does he qualify?)
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Other than pretty much anything involving tables, everything Orton does is as smooth as can be in-ring. He gets my vote.
Other than pretty much anything involving tables, everything Orton does is as smooth as can be in-ring. He gets my vote.

This... His timing is incredible... All those sweet rko counters are always smooth as ****... When he wrestles baby face, he's such a pleasure to watch... I hate how he always gets **** on...

But to be honest, Cena has to be mentioned... He's had the most classic matches of anyone in the past 10 years...
This... His timing is incredible... All those sweet rko counters are always smooth as ****... When he wrestles baby face, he's such a pleasure to watch... I hate how he always gets **** on...

But to be honest, Cena has to be mentioned... He's had the most classic matches of anyone in the past 10 years...
This.I was about to mention Chena but it pains me to since I wanna see him catch the bottom rope. But did is an underrated worker. 
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