Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

Need that first place finish on the survey this time around...:pimp:

Have the overall standings been posted recently?
Serious question. ..does the wwe make a lot off of house shows? I know they are in bridgeport in a few weeks and last time I went to smackdown there it was half empty and capacity is probably only around 8000 for wrestling if that. With the talk of the over working of these guys I really wonder how much of a profit is made at house shows. Granted larger markets or special promotions will garner higher box office.
Didn't know Sami generico was the bunny either. :x just let him be himself and the crowd will love him. He's hard to root against, you can see his passion for the business.
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1. Man listen to that JR/Bill Watts Podcast. Bill Watts was cookin Cena. Damn

2. It is wild how ahead of his time 2 Cold Scorpio was with the flying moves. The move around the 0:40 mark, I still have never seen anyone do it. It is slightly sloppy here but I still haven't seen anyone try it to this day.

Co sign. If 2 cold Scorpio was white Vince would have nutted his pants and he would have been a major player in the 90's.
I had NY1 on and this middle aged dude is on there being interviewed in a Paul Heyman Guy t-shirt :nthat:
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hahah I forgot all about that 2 Cold video. Man that theme song sounds like something that would be on NBA Live 96 on Playstation 1. 2 Cold..................Scoripio!!!!!!!! :lol:
That 2CS video was dope :smokin except the dancing part. Can't get down with that word to Derrick Rose
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Watching the Monday Night Wars docs. 

DAMN, I forgot how good Foley really was. Dude would squeal like a pig as Mankind whenever he wrestled 
Survey done. 

Probably gonna bomb since I havent really been keeping up since football started. And Raws just havent been that great recently. But we'll see how it goes. 
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