Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

Bray Wyatt toes the line between absurd character and possibly real person. People like Bray Wyatt exist but tend to stand out when walking among the normal. People like Bray Wyatt, aren’t usually shopping at the mall or waiting in the Jiffy Lube for their six-point service and they sure as hell aren’t making appearances on morning TV in Louisiana.

So why is Bray Wyatt on morning television? Because sometimes it’s fun to take a slight work of fiction and inject it into reality. It produces moments like these 4 plus minutes of local television gold as Bray Wyatt hits morning TV to advertise a local Raw show that’s probably been sold out for weeks.

First off, these morning show hosts on Good Morning Acadiana have zero idea who Bray Wyatt is and probably would love nothing more than to kill this segment the moment Bray calls his father a war and his mother the society who reinforced it and what does that even mean? Was his father a literal war? Was he in a war? Was the war with Bray? This is heavy **** for people getting dressed for work.

Bray stays in character, as he should, for the entire interview and this needs to happen more often. Anywhere the WWE travels, Bray Wyatt needs to be on the morning show drinking coffee, laughing at weatherman jokes and calling his father the oil that greased the machine of pain that currently moves his body on a path of anarchy. I want Bray in the third hour of The Today Show with Hoda and Kathie Lee.

I neeed to see this interview :lol: :lol:
Bray Wyatt toes the line between absurd character and possibly real person. People like Bray Wyatt exist but tend to stand out when walking among the normal. People like Bray Wyatt, aren’t usually shopping at the mall or waiting in the Jiffy Lube for their six-point service and they sure as hell aren’t making appearances on morning TV in Louisiana.

So why is Bray Wyatt on morning television? Because sometimes it’s fun to take a slight work of fiction and inject it into reality. It produces moments like these 4 plus minutes of local television gold as Bray Wyatt hits morning TV to advertise a local Raw show that’s probably been sold out for weeks.

First off, these morning show hosts on Good Morning Acadiana have zero idea who Bray Wyatt is and probably would love nothing more than to kill this segment the moment Bray calls his father a war and his mother the society who reinforced it and what does that even mean? Was his father a literal war? Was he in a war? Was the war with Bray? This is heavy **** for people getting dressed for work.

Bray stays in character, as he should, for the entire interview and this needs to happen more often. Anywhere the WWE travels, Bray Wyatt needs to be on the morning show drinking coffee, laughing at weatherman jokes and calling his father the oil that greased the machine of pain that currently moves his body on a path of anarchy. I want Bray in the third hour of The Today Show with Hoda and Kathie Lee.
I neeed to see this interview
DC reading this like:

Video of this sounds like it would be comedy.
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People like Bray Wyatt are definitely shopping in malls and primarily in Hot Topic for The Nightmare Before Christmas hoodies.
Right :lol:

He gets his shirts from there and then hangs around the Hot Topic with all the other fake profound fedora nerds.
Watching NXT (I hope DC is proud of me) and I gotta say I'm pretty impressed with Nature Girl..And Zayn, Neville, and Kidd are basically turrible on the mic..I am, however, looking forward to their match with Titus..
So Sami Zayn is going to feud with Titus. Cool. I love when random main roster dudes come back to NXT.

Renee hit the Q-Dog barks. Sounded cute as hell.
JoJo looking good. Funny JoJo and Gabriel are in the ring together. Remember she was on him in Season 1 of divas?
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