Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

These are the only three belts that matter to me so far, but I'm really liking the current belt too. Do you guys think it'll change before Devitt and those guys win it?

How much did that winged eagle run u?

I think I paid $250 for it back in 2004. i remember that and some Gucci glasses were the first things I splurged my first paycheck on :lol:
I was thinking about getting the Winged Eagle over the Big Gold even though the BG is the greatest belt of all time..W.E.'s are getting harder to find and they'll always make the BG..
-According to a source within WWE, Triple H, as he comes more into power, is a big fan of soliciting feedback from the internet and online communities, and is reportedly having WWE’s social media workers keep an eye on various online communities.

The site HHH is most intrigued by is Reddit, and its “r/squaredcircle” community. Apparently that’s where the “Dolphins1925″ user originated, and it looks like the site has a new insider on there – a former employee of the WWE who has been telling loads of stories about Vince, Kevin Dunn, and other backstage on-goings and entities. It’s been seen as kind of a hot spot for the wrestling community, and there are rumors that booking has taken inspiration from fantasy booking found on that site.

Triple H is also said to be working on an “Ask me Anything” (AMA) with the site – not on the Squared Circle community but on the main AMA page for maximum visibility. He wants to get in on it and let them know he’s aware.

There are a few other communities being tossed around, including the GameFAQs message board as well as other message boards, as places to look for feedback and further ways to influence the product. It’s being said that Sandow’s role as the Miz’s bodyguard was taken in part by discussions seen about Sandow on these sites.

Someone needs to get shovels attention :nerd:
These are the only three belts that matter to me so far, but I'm really liking the current belt too. Do you guys think it'll change before Devitt and those guys win it?

How much did that winged eagle run u?
I think I paid $250 for it back in 2004. i remember that and some Gucci glasses were the first things I splurged my first paycheck on
I was thinking about getting the Winged Eagle over the Big Gold even though the BG is the greatest belt of all time..W.E.'s are getting harder to find and they'll always make the BG..
This. I saw the ones that arent "connected" Groce. 
-Former WWE creative writer Kevin Marshall called into a recent edition of Wrestling Observer Live, and offered tons of insight into the creative process behind WWE producing live TV with Raw each week.

Lately, reports have been surfacing noting many last minute changes to Raw scripts, and reports have even suggested Raw is occasionally re-written as the show is airing live. The following are some quotes from Marshall regarding the creative process, and Vince McMahon’s involvement:

“Basically everything is micromanaged to death [by Vince] and I know there is a lot of talk of ‘they’ over there when we talk about the writing process for the show. It is no secret that the buck stops with Vince, but when I was there, and I guess that this started sometime before even I started there back last October, he was micromanaging everything to death. Basically you’re sitting there trying to write for him and you’re trying to figure out what he wants. The job became very quickly trying to figure out what Vince is thinking and then having him tell you he’s changed his mind. So when we talk about the show being rewritten as it’s happening, what I need people to know is that that show was likely written well in advance and there was an attempt at it, but either nothing was approved or everything got scrapped and rewritten by the man himself.”

Marshall had the following to say when asked about the biggest misconception fans have of the creative team:

“Well, I think the biggest misconception is that we sit around and we decide who gets pushed and who doesn’t, that we sit there and lay out what the tent poles are going to be for the year, like ‘hey, John Cena should win the title, blah blah blah’. We don’t make those decisions, we don’t make those calls on finishes, we don’t sit there and hold talent back.

I think that’s the biggest misconception is the idea that we just sit around and we bury talent and we try to come up with ideas to make everybody look stupid. That’s certainly not the case! Just speaking from a writer’s perspective, I never met anybody who was in the business of trying to make somebody else look bad. I think it’s very easy when you watch our product, and I think just when you watch professional wrestling in general, to get the impression that wow, they’re really going out of their way to make this guy look stupid.

It’s really just a combination of things: 1) There’s a lot of politics that goes on behind the scenes that the creative team is not in control of; [and] 2) There are certain guys that probably are their own worst enemy, as we all are, myself included.

It’s a lot, lot harder than it looks, especially when you have a limited roster, which when you thumb through it on WWE.com that roster looks huge, [but] when you lay it down on a piece of paper and you have to fill like sixteen segments for Monday and then twelve for Tuesday, which is Smackdown, and then you have Main Event and Superstars and everything, it’s really, really hard.”
-According to a source within WWE, Triple H, as he comes more into power, is a big fan of soliciting feedback from the internet and online communities, and is reportedly having WWE’s social media workers keep an eye on various online communities.

The site HHH is most intrigued by is Reddit, and its “r/squaredcircle” community. Apparently that’s where the “Dolphins1925″ user originated, and it looks like the site has a new insider on there – a former employee of the WWE who has been telling loads of stories about Vince, Kevin Dunn, and other backstage on-goings and entities. It’s been seen as kind of a hot spot for the wrestling community, and there are rumors that booking has taken inspiration from fantasy booking found on that site.

Triple H is also said to be working on an “Ask me Anything” (AMA) with the site – not on the Squared Circle community but on the main AMA page for maximum visibility. He wants to get in on it and let them know he’s aware.

There are a few other communities being tossed around, including the GameFAQs message board as well as other message boards, as places to look for feedback and further ways to influence the product. It’s being said that Sandow’s role as the Miz’s bodyguard was taken in part by discussions seen about Sandow on these sites.

Someone needs to get shovels attention :nerd:
Meangene and the Miz tag champs lets make it happen. :nerd:
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I used to view Nikki as a ratchet with a thing that's not so clean, but lately man, that bounce is something special. Her surgeon did well. A+ player for sure.
Owen Dolph Rae's legs + Naomi's mass + Nikki Bella's Sweater meat + Layla's face = the ultimate (current) diva
I started watching wrestling again in the middle of Punk's lengthy reign. 

For those who were here, how was the atmosphere in this thread and the IWC for MITB 2011. DId ya'll really think that that was his last match or that it was all a work. I feel like up leading up to the PPV, dudes thought Cena was gonna win and Punk was gonna legit leave. But as soon as he got that new tee, you knew he was gonna win. 
i tuned in for that match for the first time in a long time. didn't like how they ran the angle afterward though. punk should've been walking around chicago and what not with the belt. could've done so much more.
Eric Rowan after Luke Harper's monster push:

"Is that Derrick Owens in the IMPACT ZONE!?!"- some dude on Reddit.
I miss Booker T on commentary. Watch the opening match of MITB 2011. Homie changes his pick to win at least 3 times during the match 
I started watching wrestling again in the middle of Punk's lengthy reign. 

For those who were here, how was the atmosphere in this thread and the IWC for MITB 2011. DId ya'll really think that that was his last match or that it was all a work. I feel like up leading up to the PPV, dudes thought Cena was gonna win and Punk was gonna legit leave. But as soon as he got that new tee, you knew he was gonna win. 

This thread still holds up.


Booker T saying double hurricane runners :rofl:

Cena saying he's been "future endeavored" after :rofl:
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I remember those belts.
Buy it for me Frank
We'll bounce back. Worried about Foles though, bad o-line or not.

@Mr DragonFly Jones cool, another Eagles fan. Yeah, he's been getting beat up. We really miss Jackson as a threat, dont miss that attitude though.

@DCAllAmerican I know 2k15 is around the corner but I wanted to just mess around with 2k14, especially the 30 years of wrestlemania storyline.
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