Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

Most of them would have loved to be sitting in the seats of those self-important fans - with that element of magic in the air that would have turned their great match into a classic.

Foley :rolleyes I was there and didn't find anything classic coming out of the match... and it was one I was really looking forward to all night.

Foley talking like he's getting a WWE paycheck..
Bayley should be called up soon to avenge Sasha Bank$

Most of them would have loved to be sitting in the seats of those self-important fans - with that element of magic in the air that would have turned their great match into a classic.

Foley :rolleyes I was there and didn't find anything classic coming out of the match... and it was one I was really looking forward to all night.

Foley talking like he's getting a WWE paycheck..

I'm okay with Seth tweeting what he did because he was 1 of 2 in the match. Foley tho.. anyone could have recognized the match wasn't all that.
FUUU it's because Finn attempted hooked his arm on top of the barricade

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Vince in the back right now like "I CAN TRUST THESE SMALL INDY GUYS ANYMORE."
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This is an unprecedented situation. I could see letting him hold the strap he earned with his insane run, stripping him here would permanently taint the legacy of the first reign with this new title and 8 weeks isn't that  long.

On the other hand, the fans deserve an active fighting champion as the two divisions of the fed start to truly define themselves as separate entities.

I think the solution is to either name an interim champion--Seth Rollins certainly qualifies--and allow him to choose his number one contender as the defacto winner of the Raw World Champion's tournament or even better, hold an 8 week tournament that most if all of the roster qualifies for, even individual members of tag teams, and see how bad everybody wants to grab the brass ring.

it's even an opportunity to design a new ******* belt for the interim champ to wear.
The problem with Randy Orton is that he's never really been known for his toughness in the ring...I've heard it said once that if you were to build a WWE competitor from scratch, it would resemble him, but that's possibly his biggest weakness.

He's always been able to get by on his natural gifts and has rarely been truly tested throughout the course of his career after his initial ascent...he's usually bigger and stronger than his opponent. However, sometimes he just runs up against a competitor that can absorb more physical punishment--see his "I Quit" against Cena and his Streak match--and combined with his preferred methodical attack style against Brock Lesnar's lightning bruiser offense, and you have a nightmare matchup for Orton. I can see why it went the way it did.

I think the reason CM Punk acquitted himself well in his bout with Lesnar is his higher-energy, higher-impact offense. As seen in the match, Punk was more than willing to sacrifice his body to punch the proverbial 800-pound gorilla in the mouth, pulling out the high-flying portion of his offense along with his martial arts strikes to make his bid against the Beast.

Of course, Brock's pure Lesnarocity made all of it irrelevant, but it's not hard to understand how some competitors might fare better against a given opponent than others.

When Punk wrestled Brock he wasn't Suplex City Brock yet. His matches were more creative at the time. Now every match this guy has is redundant. I do look forward to the creativity of the how guys fight back, but it kinda sucks just seeing suplex after suplex.

Randy getting gashed the hard way doesn't surprise me. He knows he's tough enough to take it. Don't think either prepared for it to be such a large gash though.

Finn being hurt sucks. Really wanted to see what direction WWE was going to go in. I still blame Finn, but Rollins did let him go early. Ish happens though, but either way Bret's going to rip Seth a new one.
Pollock said WWE wants Ibushi but he isn't trying to do the "NXT First" path

But they want him to be the cornerstone of the Cruiserweight division
The E just posted the injury spot on their YouTube
*This is clearly Fidiot Balors fault*
The E just posted the injury spot on their YouTube

@iHust1e put a curse on that Balor boy.
FUUU it's because Finn attempted hooked his arm on top of the barricade

8-10 weeks is on average for a torn labrum
8-10 weeks is on average for a torn labrum
Legit feels like I'm in the fantasy playoffs and Finn is my #1 guy  
i hope they strip finn of the title & award it to another competitor
i hope they strip finn of the title & award it to another competitor
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