Wrestling Thread October 1st-31st/ No Mercy Tonight At 8PM ET/ Dolph Zigger Last Match

It stopped spinning after Orton won it in 07...

Only 2 years of greatness

Tale of the Tape:

Daniel Bryan

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 210lb

Age: 35

Reach: 72"

Proficiency: Striking, Submission, Ursine Grappling

Ace Techniques: High Speed Rush Knee, Omoplata Crossface, Bridging Double Chickenwing

Bryan's determined bulldog style both pushed his career to an unprecedented level and sent it into question. Even placing aside his injury concerns, his significant size disadvantage in this matchup are only further magnified by his technical style, which relies on speed, reflexes and superior positioning.

In federations claiming precious few true technicians, his in-ring approach often overwhelmed larger, less refined competitors...the issue in this bout comes from Brock Lesnar's freakish quickness, which may even exceed Bryan's, as well as his level of grappling proficiency, which has been awarded for its excellence at every level of competition.

Another issue for Bryan comes in the form of Lesnar's sheer size, which could make it difficult or even impossible to lock in his preferred submission techniques. A sliver of hope lies in his explosive Rushing Knee, but many commenters question whether Bryan is even capable of sustaining the Beast's onslaught long enough to find himself in position to deliver it.

Brock Lesnar

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 286lb

Age: 39

Reach: 81"

Proficiency: Olympic Wrestling, Striking, Submission, Submission Striking

Ace Techniques: F-5, German Suplex, Multiple Powerbomb Combo, Standing Strikes, Mounted Strikes 

Lesnar's fight credentials are well-established, as he was recognized for his proficiency in various combat codes even in his high school years, earning All-American honors in wrestling.

Since then, he has added a deadly array of devastating techniques to his nearly unstoppable arsenal as well as developing some of the most feared hand-to-hand skills in organized fighting. An unmatched combination of speed and power, Lesnar is able to overwhelm the few opponents larger than himself as well as outmaneuver smaller competitors. 

Lesnar's mastery of leverage and grappling technique could present big problems for Daniel Bryan in a matchup, as his Olympic wrestling superiority is practically a tailor-made counter to Bryan's submission techniques.

The powerful Lesnar possesses both a massively destructive offensive attack as well as the octagon-honed ability to withstand significant punishment from striking techniques, and although he has shown some vulnerablity to hard, sudden shots as seen in his fights against Cain Velasquez and John Cena, most of his opponents find themselves in a very unfamiliar place dealing with the human assault that is Brock Lesnar.

Match Prediction: boy if you don't...
man I was legit pissed when JBL had that feud with Eddie Guerrero and he went to the border to kick out Mexicans :rofl:

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