Wrestling Thread Oct 6-19: 10/13 RAW - Ric Flair Returns, Big Show vs Rusev, Todd Crisley



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Closest I think we'll see Cena turn heel 

Honestly, for all the dudes that wanna see Cena turn heel, will you actually like and cheer him then? I thought older fans boo him because he's just boring. What could he possibly do as a heel to make you like him ala Hollywood Hogan, Stone Cold, etc?
Honestly, for all the dudes that wanna see Cena turn heel, will you actually like and cheer him then? I thought older fans boo him because he's just boring. What could he possibly do as a heel to make you like him ala Hollywood Hogan, Stone Cold, etc?
Ehh I wanna see it for the shock value alone. I think it would be a greater heel turn than Hogan and I was only 2 years old when that happened 

If he turns and if he's the same old boring Cena, I won't care. But if he uses his turn to legitimately change up his character and gimmick, I would love it. 

Like it was said earlier, I don't love or hate him as a wrestler. He's just boring as all hell. Give me ******* Cena that we see on Total Diva's and I'm all for it



:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

i'm not gonna cheer for cena either way. see no point in him turning heel honestly.

Pretty much. He's never turning heel, and if he was, that's something that should've happened sometime between 2008-2011. Unless Cena is 44, beat, and isn't sliming mercy off the shelves, he'll never be heel, and I'm ok with that. As long as he isn't Bray Wyatting up and comers.

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Honestly, for all the dudes that wanna see Cena turn heel, will you actually like and cheer him then? I thought older fans boo him because he's just boring. What could he possibly do as a heel to make you like him ala Hollywood Hogan, Stone Cold, etc?
Ehh I wanna see it for the shock value alone. I think it would be a greater heel turn than Hogan and I was only 2 years old when that happened :lol:

and here I'm thinking you were born in 1982 :lol: But from someone who was 13 at the time...THAT was probably the biggest shock of my life. The unexpectedness was what made it so great and no amount of viewing on the Network can really make anybody, who wasn't a big fan at the time, understand the sheer magnitude of that moment. :lol:

Just like with everything involving robot Cena, I feel as if his heel-turn is just gonna be another "going through the motions" with him.
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So do you think higher ups back stage tell Naomi to do things to bring attention to that backside or do you think that is all her. Well, not really much she has to do to bring attention to that. Not sure how I would feel, as Uso, if my woman was put out there like that.
So do you think higher ups back stage tell Naomi to do things to bring attention to that backside or do you think that is all her. Well, not really much she has to do to bring attention to that. Not sure how I would feel, as Uso, if my woman was put out there like that.

Thankfully there's nothing she can do to hide it, unless she only wears that Hamburger Helper costume from NXT
Steph. :smokin

Came across a couple random videos.
Jeans the Titty Master always on the prowl. :lol:

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Sami reminds me so much of a young HBK... Full of charisma and tons of "it"... There's no way he's not main eventing WM in 5 years... Imo of course....

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I honestly don't see why you're all crazy about Seth Rogen. Dude has that underdog gimmick. He does NOT have charisma or the "it" factor and he definitely has no HBK hell not even the Rockers shawn michaels in him. no knock on you. its just i do not see anything more in zayn then a solid B+ player. Sure he'll put on some great matches but he definitely doesn't have "it".
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It was the era of Austin 3:16. It was being told to “Suck It” by Degeneration X. And, knowing your role. However, Dean Ambrose recently spoke with TribLive.com to promote the December 28th WWE live event in Pittsburgh and felt that era was terrible crap. Below are a few highlights:

Some Superstars being predictable

“There’s a lot of guys in WWE, you would know who they are, you know you’re going to see the same thing every single match. You know you’re going to hear the same thing every time they pick up a microphone. You know John Cena is never going to get mad at you no matter what you do. You could steal his dog or set his house on fire and he’s not going to get all that mad at you. He’s going to come out and do the same thing he always does. Me, I’m not like that. I get pretty upset pretty quickly.

I don’t like having an entrance or anything like that too set in stone. A lot of guys come out and have the exact little dance or exact little thing that goes off at the right time with the pyro. What if I’m not in the mood to do my little dance this week?”

The Attitude Era

“I don’t like my wrestling or entertainment in general to be too clean or predictable for me as a fan. When I say clean, I’m not talking about dirty jokes, middle fingers and stuff like that. I’m actually not even a big fan of that.

A lot of people talk about the attitude era being so great but a lot of it was terrible crap, sex jokes and over-the-top terrible bad comedy. It was Jerry Springer-like. They made a joke about a woman’s breasts. Hilarious, but where’s the wrestling? I look back on a lot of stuff now, and I’m like where’s the wrestling? It’s just a lot of crappy jokes.”

Dream Opponents

“If our eras had crossed, we were barely one generation apart, he was at 11:59 and I was at 12:01 – I would have loved to do something with Mick Foley or Cactus Jack or whatever version of him. If we would have crossed paths in like 1994, you would have seen one of the most gross, violent, entertaining spectacles that ever was. That’s been relegated to the dream match world now.

A guy like Bret Hart. I watch his work back now as a professional knowing what I’m doing. I watch back the matches I loved as a kid, and he’s such a forward thinker. He saw the whole picture in his head kind of storyteller. He’s not a wing-it-on-the-fly kind of guy. Even though I’m a wing-it kind of guy, I also really like to see the whole picture in my head a year ahead. Not just the match but the whole storyline a year ahead of time. I have how I’m going to get there, but I have visions in my head and I just see what happens.

Those two guys, being able to put my mind with their minds and create something if we had crossed paths, I’d like to create with those two guys.”

Now Jeans has the "it" factor and all the charisma to main event WM in 5 years

Titay master always gotta talk about **** :lol:
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