Wrestling Thread Oct 19 - Nov 8 | Nov 5: Seth Rollins Tears ACL/MCL, Stripped of WWE Title

and if Sheamus some how wins we need to start a twitter hashtag that needs to go viral to boo the ever loving **** out of him at every event and every time he even thinks about touching a mic. that way vince gets the hint to officially take him off the top of the card for the rest of eternity.

also bray winning and building a ministry with his 'family' wouldn't be a bad idea that could involve the whole roster. Have him basically bully any opponent into having to go through his entire stable to even prove they are worthy. and once they finally work their way into a match with bray for the title have the wyatts interfere anyway. Have it go on for awhile until the Authority has no choice but to turn face and build an army to stop them making Roman be there super hero that finally takes the family apart and win the belt back.

Don't really get the hate for Cheap Heat. Always thought it was entertaining...
:smh: damn Seth.....sidenote, are superstars getting injured more often because they aren't on the sauce? :nerd:
Nah, injuries just happen.

There was a time in the late 90s were SCSA, Taker and HBK were all injured at the same time. SCSA from a neck injury and return at Backlash 00 . Taker had a thigh or groin injury. HBK's back injury. All major players at the time.

From my recollection, this was the beginning of "The Game" HHH/The Rock push and feuds. Also lead to Y2K and Kurt's push a year or two later.
so what about the time frame in between the '90's and now?

were they on the sauce?
what was the injury landscape in that period?

...did injuries start occurring more frequently right after the sauce period...if so, when? if not, why correlate sauce to current injury?

when did the sauce stop being part of the picture in your opinion? and when did injuries start to become more frequent?
if anyone could answer this for me tho.....

what wwe/big belt champs have relinquished the title directly due to injury?

so d bry for example is one
looks like seth might be a second example

have there been many?
if anyone could answer this for me tho.....

what wwe/big belt champs have relinquished the title directly due to injury?

so d bry for example is one
looks like seth might be a second example

have there been many?
only the heavy weight? or IC as well?
and if Sheamus some how wins we need to start a twitter hashtag that needs to go viral to boo the ever loving **** out of him at every event and every time he even thinks about touching a mic. that way vince gets the hint to officially take him off the top of the card for the rest of eternity.

also bray winning and building a ministry with his 'family' wouldn't be a bad idea that could involve the whole roster. Have him basically bully any opponent into having to go through his entire stable to even prove they are worthy. and once they finally work their way into a match with bray for the title have the wyatts interfere anyway. Have it go on for awhile until the Authority has no choice but to turn face and build an army to stop them making Roman be there super hero that finally takes the family apart and win the belt back.

been saying i need a job on creative
i would renew my WWE network subscription if Bray won the title or was favored to.

the Wyatt family is the best thing to happen to the WWE in recent years and they dont even know it.

instead theyll probably have the big show, mark henry or kane hold the belt.
Has Husky Harris even won a major feud yet? And you guys want him to be Heavyweight Champion? I'll pass.

I know they won't do it but Ramen Wayans pinning Dean Ambrose after Ambrose eats a Pedigree ala the Rock/Deadly Games 98 would be what was best for business.
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Has Husky Harris even won a major feud yet? And you guys want him to be Heavyweight Champion? I'll pass.

I know they won't do it but Ramen Wayans pinning Dean Ambrose after Ambrose eats a Pedigree ala the Rock/Deadly Games 98 would be what was best for business.
I think he went over Dean? I really can't even remember.
only way id watch with Roman as the WWE champ is if he turned heel and Paul Heyman spoke on the mic for him.
Best news I've heard all week
I like Juan Epstein a ton but I just can't get into Cheap Heat at all. I think Pollock & Ting might be the gold standard for wrestling podcasts. 
if anyone could answer this for me tho.....

what wwe/big belt champs have relinquished the title directly due to injury?

so d bry for example is one
looks like seth might be a second example

have there been many?

*Shawn Michaels in 96 when he had a leg injury (lost my smile promo). According to Bret Hart, he felt Michaels faked the injury in an effort to relinquish the belt without having to do the job to him.

Batista in 2005/6 when he got attacked by Mark Henry at a house show.

Cena in 2007 when he tore his pectoral muscle.
Any particular reason? I used to really like them but then Rosenberg got annoying with his "heel" character and I got tired of him sucking on Mark Henry's kneecaps. Plus, the other dude could never disagree with Rosenberg.
Rosenberg got into some legal issues. Banned from ESPN Studios

@brendasdeadbaby  How is this?

if anyone could answer this for me tho.....

what wwe/big belt champs have relinquished the title directly due to injury?

so d bry for example is one
looks like seth might be a second example

have there been many?
Edge giving up the title/retiring counts in my opinion. Life threatening neck damage that was diagnosed right after his last match at Mania. :frown: :smh:
**** I feel sick, been throwing up all day :x :x

And just caught up with the Seth news :smh: damn I had a feeling it was going to be bad. I really hope they shake things up but I know it's just going to be Reigns , Cena or Fella getting the strap :smh:
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