Wrestling Thread Oct 14-20 | 10/20 TNA Bound For Glory - Bully Ray v AJ Styles, Sting v Magnus, Angl

Cool *** story DC.

Came across this in a Larry Zbyszko interview:

On Sting being "lucky": "Sting who was one of the luckiest men who ever lived, Sting couldn't do a good interview, he couldn't work good. We had to drop him from the ceiling for a year and dress him like the crow and not let him say a word to get one big match out of him."

4W is Zbyszko, Zybszko is 4w?


I could swore Zybszko's last name was Gange...
- Triple H is looking to sign at least 30 more developmental talents over the next two months. WWE officials are working on setting up tryouts in November and December in hopes of reaching their target. The hope is that they can get the Performance Center in Orlando closer to capacity.

Triple H put the word out to focus particularly on finding bigger guys at the upcoming tryouts. With WWE Network launch still not confirmed and the planned cruiserweight show in limbo, Triple H feels WWE has enough smaller guys signed for now and feels it’s time to find some bigger guys.

- As noted several weeks back, WWE released Jesse White from his developmental deal. White had been working NXT as Jake Carter and is the son of WWE Legend Vader.

Word from NXT is that White had no good creative ideas for himself which led to heat. A lot of the NXT talents are expected to come up with their own character ideas and pitch them to creative. The NXT writers didn’t like any of White’s ideas and that put him on the bubble.

What sealed White’s fate with the company was a September 12th NXT dark match against Tensai. Officials thought the match was awful. Between the heat from creative and the bad match with Tensai, the decision was made to release him. White was actually released just days after the match with Tensai.

- A source has confirmed the recent rumors that Ric Flair just finished up a stint in WWE-sponsored rehab.

Flair was there for one month. Both WWE and Flair had been trying to keep things very quiet with Flair himself lying to friends and family about his whereabouts, telling most that he had been with his daughter in Florida.

Flair did not want to go to rehab but it was Triple H who talked him into it. Triple H had a new position in mind for Flair but the heat from SummerSlam weekend was in the way. Flair going to rehab could help his chances in working for the company again.

Sources close to Flair say that there was concern of endorsement opportunities taking a hit if it went public that he was in rehab.

- During the Ryback match on Monday’s RAW, Jerry Lawler’s line about fans loving the Bill Goldberg chants was fed to him by Vince McMahon. The timing for the Goldberg DVD plugs was no coincidence either as WWE officials are very interested in getting Goldberg for a match at WrestleMania XXX.
Came across this in a Larry Zbyszko interview:
On Sting being "lucky": "Sting who was one of the luckiest men who ever lived, Sting couldn't do a good interview, he couldn't work good. We had to drop him from the ceiling for a year and dress him like the crow and not let him say a word to get one big match out of him."
Is there a video or transcript online of this interview?
Sounds like a great conversation DC. Wish I had someone to talk wrestling with :frown: that's why i have you guys. :smile:

Anybody feel bray Wyatt matches are boring? I mean he has great mic skills and that exorcist walk he did was cool. But beside they I think his in ring abilities are boring. Look at the kofi match. Kofi is an exciting wrestler but a match with Wyatt and it was dull. Not sure how much longer before creative gives up on the Wyatt's. The tag team is even boring.

Again this is another triple h project that's not looking good. :smh:

The shield are the best thing out right now :pimp:
Sounds like a great conversation DC. Wish I had someone to talk wrestling with :frown: that's why i have you guys. :smile:

Anybody feel bray Wyatt matches are boring? I mean he has great mic skills and that exorcist walk he did was cool. But beside they I think his in ring abilities are boring. Look at the kofi match. Kofi is an exciting wrestler but a match with Wyatt and it was dull. Not sure how much longer before creative gives up on the Wyatt's. The tag team is even boring.

Again this is another triple h project that's not looking good. :smh:

The shield are the best thing out right now :pimp:

The problem with the Wyatt's is that so much time was given to them with the Kane program. Now they aren't going anywhere with any kind of direction of program.
They need to give the Wyatts a legit storyline instead of having them interrupt random matches and jumping mid cards every week
Yea, so if everyone agrees, I can create a spreadsheet and everyone takes a week and a wrestler.

I was thinking like this.

Post Video
Why was this match important to you: Personal significance. Why are you posting this match? How old were you? How does it connect TO YOU

What should others get from this match: Just like in basketball, people watch matches and see different things. Some might focus on move sets, others might focus on selling, others might focus on crowd involvement.

And it is just another way we can get familiar with each other's tastes. And I know there is a lot of WWE from 07-12 that I need to see and need a REASON to see.

1. Mr Perfect
2. RVD
3. Edge
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Would ya'll say Sting was a good wrestler? I know he obviously had that charisma. But how was his in-ring ability? Where did it rank compared to the other wrestlers of his era ie Flair, HBK, Randy Savage

IMO he wasn't great but he was way above average. He also had the look, charisma, and the right support.
Would ya'll say Sting was a good wrestler? I know he obviously had that charisma. But how was his in-ring ability? Where did it rank compared to the other wrestlers of his era ie Flair, HBK, Randy Savage

IMO he wasn't great but he was way above average. He also had the look, charisma, and the right support.

His signature moves were also very cool at the time. Reverse DDT, Huge corner splash, missile dropkicks, russian leg sweep, sharpshooter finish.
Scorpion Death Drop is probably one of my favorite finishers of all time. It just looks so damn clean when he does it
Would ya'll say Sting was a good wrestler? I know he obviously had that charisma. But how was his in-ring ability? Where did it rank compared to the other wrestlers of his era ie Flair, HBK, Randy Savage

Yes..I've thought about this for awhile now and the best comparison that I can think of is Sting=The Rock..

-Both aren't technical wonders
-Both are very quick for their size
-Both can have great matches with big men or mat wrestlers
-Both can tell great in-ring stories
-Both know how to get the crowd worked up

I don't think you can compare Sting's in ring ability to a Flair or Steamboat or HBK..I do think I could make the argument that Sting's wrestling skill was every bit as good, if not better, than Macho Man..Trying to compare Sting to Flair or Shawn would be like comparing Austin to Dean Malenko..You would never say SC is on Iceman's level for technical skill, but at the same time you would never say Austin wasn't a great wrestler..
I really really wanna post this Sting match right now that I'm watching but IDK if I should wait until appreciation week. 
Yes..I've thought about this for awhile now and the best comparison that I can think of is Sting=The Rock..

-Both aren't technical wonders
-Both are very quick for their size
-Both can have great matches with big men or mat wrestlers
-Both can tell great in-ring stories
-Both know how to get the crowd worked up

I don't think you can compare Sting's in ring ability to a Flair or Steamboat or HBK..I do think I could make the argument that Sting's wrestling skill was every bit as good, if not better, than Macho Man..Trying to compare Sting to Flair or Shawn would be like comparing Austin to Dean Malenko..You would never say SC is on Iceman's level for technical skill, but at the same time you would never say Austin wasn't a great wrestler..
Repped Case.

This is why I love this thread. I learn more in this thread than any other thread on NT
I really really wanna post this Sting match right now that I'm watching but IDK if I should wait until appreciation week. 

Go ahead and post it..If 4w has his way Sting week won't even happen, so we might as well enjoy it while we can..
:rofl: Is there a video or transcript online of this interview? :nerd: ...

Here's the whole interview and transcript:

Wrestling legend Larry Zbyszko recently spoke with Steve and Scum of WGD Weekly. Here are some highlights of what the “Living Legend” said about:

The financial state of TNA: ”They just made wrong decisions…from what I hear, Bob Carter…he had a hard time saying no to his daughter, Dixie… Finally, they blew so much money with no real results after ten years that Bob resigned and I think the mother took over and she is controlling the purse. From what I hear… this guy is now fired, this guy is now fired and if you wanna stay there you get a pay cut. Half the guys wrestling there are on food stamps. I was shocked when I heard that one.”

Where TNA has gone wrong creatively: ”If you look at TNA today, I mean like ten years ago they had some great matches, AJ Styles vs. Chris Daniels, now ten years later, like six or seven months ago, I’m flicking through the TV and I stumble across TNA… and what’s the main event? AJ Styles vs. Chris Daniels, they’ve been wrestling each other for ten years. I couldn’t believe it… don’t these people understand?”

Hulk Hogan in TNA: ”Instead of guys who can do something, they are blowing their wad on Hulk, god bless him, but he can’t walk anymore.”

Eric Bischoff in TNA: ”Eric, who listened to a couple guys, pulled something off, then took credit for it, but everything he’s been involved in since sinks because he doesn’t know and won’t listen.”
Sting being “lucky”: “Sting who was one of the luckiest men who ever lived. Sting couldn’t do a good interview, he couldn’t work good. We had to drop him from the ceiling for a year and dress him like the crow and not let him say a word to get one big match out of him.”

His relationship with and thoughts on Vince McMahon since once again working on occasion with WWE: ” I haven’t bumped into Vince. I’ve been doing some things, like at ‘Mania, but I was running around doing Axxess, and signings, and filming DVD’s. When they tape the NXT shows they film that right down the street here… but, I haven’t bumped into Vince yet. I haven’t seen him since 1981. I can’t wait to see him, it will be very nostalgic.He looks great, between you and me, he’s one of the best characters he’s got. Vince is a classic, he would die for his creation and his fans, you can’t take that away from him.”

Vince Russo coming to WCW in 1999 and the dying days of WCW: ”Eric and his buddies were gone, so Bill brings in this idiot Russo who was writing for the WWE… as far as I’m concerned, he’s a cancer…So, this goofy Russo comes in and by the time he came in… it went back to stupid nonsense with some idiot who has no idea what he is doing. So, they move me to Thunder. I was pissed, I knew the biggest, hottest wrestling ever was about to die. Russo just kept doing stupid stuff, the worst part is, we had a guy that was the next Bruno, Goldberg, people loved him, he was hot… but instead of Goldberg being champion, the new champion was Russo and some idiot little, skinny puke, David Arquette…the whole thing just turned to absolute manure… you had this slob, Mark Madden on Nitro, picking his nose and god knows what else. It was horrifying.”
Here's the whole interview and transcript:

Larry's credibility in the wrestling world is a joke..Dude had 1 memorable feud and is never talked about when a conversation about all time greats is discussed..And how can his comments about Sting be given any merit when he goes on to say that Goldberg was the next Bruno?..That should say it all right there..

And, in the ultimate irony, Larry's only two 5 Star matches were at War Games vs. Guess who?..
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Is there a video or transcript online of this interview?
Here's the whole interview and transcript:
Wrestling legend Larry Zbyszko recently spoke with Steve and Scum of WGD Weekly. Here are some highlights of what the “Living Legend” said about:

The financial state of TNA: ”They just made wrong decisions…from what I hear, Bob Carter…he had a hard time saying no to his daughter, Dixie… Finally, they blew so much money with no real results after ten years that Bob resigned and I think the mother took over and she is controlling the purse. From what I hear… this guy is now fired, this guy is now fired and if you wanna stay there you get a pay cut. Half the guys wrestling there are on food stamps. I was shocked when I heard that one.”

Where TNA has gone wrong creatively: ”If you look at TNA today, I mean like ten years ago they had some great matches, AJ Styles vs. Chris Daniels, now ten years later, like six or seven months ago, I’m flicking through the TV and I stumble across TNA… and what’s the main event? AJ Styles vs. Chris Daniels, they’ve been wrestling each other for ten years. I couldn’t believe it… don’t these people understand?”

Hulk Hogan in TNA: ”Instead of guys who can do something, they are blowing their wad on Hulk, god bless him, but he can’t walk anymore.”

Eric Bischoff in TNA: ”Eric, who listened to a couple guys, pulled something off, then took credit for it, but everything he’s been involved in since sinks because he doesn’t know and won’t listen.”
Sting being “lucky”: “Sting who was one of the luckiest men who ever lived. Sting couldn’t do a good interview, he couldn’t work good. We had to drop him from the ceiling for a year and dress him like the crow and not let him say a word to get one big match out of him.”

His relationship with and thoughts on Vince McMahon since once again working on occasion with WWE: ” I haven’t bumped into Vince. I’ve been doing some things, like at ‘Mania, but I was running around doing Axxess, and signings, and filming DVD’s. When they tape the NXT shows they film that right down the street here… but, I haven’t bumped into Vince yet. I haven’t seen him since 1981. I can’t wait to see him, it will be very nostalgic.He looks great, between you and me, he’s one of the best characters he’s got. Vince is a classic, he would die for his creation and his fans, you can’t take that away from him.”

Vince Russo coming to WCW in 1999 and the dying days of WCW: ”Eric and his buddies were gone, so Bill brings in this idiot Russo who was writing for the WWE… as far as I’m concerned, he’s a cancer…So, this goofy Russo comes in and by the time he came in… it went back to stupid nonsense with some idiot who has no idea what he is doing. So, they move me to Thunder. I was pissed, I knew the biggest, hottest wrestling ever was about to die. Russo just kept doing stupid stuff, the worst part is, we had a guy that was the next Bruno, Goldberg, people loved him, he was hot… but instead of Goldberg being champion, the new champion was Russo and some idiot little, skinny puke, David Arquette…the whole thing just turned to absolute manure… you had this slob, Mark Madden on Nitro, picking his nose and god knows what else. It was horrifying.”
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