Wrestling Thread Nov 21-27 | 11/24 Happy Thanksgiving to NTWT!

Oct 15, 2000

Last night was the 25th annual WWE Survivor Series PPV live from Madison Square Garden. �I had the great privilege of being live at the show. �It was a good, not great, show, but being there live really made it special. �Philly crowds used to be great, but in recent years the hardcores have stopped going to shows, and now it is just another WWE Universe city. �However, New York City had an amazing crowd last night. �The chants and pops made the show all night. �I didn't get back to Philly until 3:45 am this morning and have slept most of the day, so I haven't had a chance to go back and watch the show to see how it came across on TV, but this has to go down as one of the best crowds in years for a WWE show. �From start to finish, the crowd was hot all night long, even entertaining themselves with loud chants during snoozers like Henry/Show. �I would rank largest pops and most heat as the following:

Biggest Pops:

  1. The Rock
  2. CM Punk
  3. Zach Ryder
  4. Other surprising pop..... Cody Rhodes
Most Heat:

  1. Vickie Guerrero
  2. John Cena
  3. Michael Cole
  4. John Laurinaitis
  5. Henry/Show match
  6. Mason Ryan
After the show went off the air, The Rock cut an awesome promo thanking the fans. �Even during this, there were "We Want Ryder" chants which The Rock acknowledged. �WWE really blew a great opportunity to put the US Title on Ryder last night, but I guess that isn't surprising considering we repeatedly see things like this. �Ryder will probably win it tonight in Hershey, PA where no one will care. �Here is the post-show speech if you haven't seen in yet:

Here is my rundown of the live show:

  • First, if you are in NYC, Bounce is an awesome bar. �It's a shame everyone bailed on me�
    , but Biff got there towards the end of the day and we had a good time.
  • Booker, Cole, and Lawler were announced. �Cole got a ton of heat of course. �No entrance music and came out acting like a douche.
  • Santino beat Jinder Mahal in a dark match. �Crowd was into Santino. �I was disappointed we didn't get Daniel Bryan on the show.
  • Dolph Ziggler d John Morrison to retain the United States Title. �This was a very good match, but the focus was on Zach Ryder with huge "We Want Ryder" chants all match long. �As I said in last week's thread, this may have been Morrison's last match in WWE. �His contract expired earlier this month. �He signed an extension to stay until the end of the month, but as of now, it appears he is leaving WWE. �Vickie got ejected from ringside. �Morrison went for Starship Pain, but Ziggler got his knees up and hit the Zig Zag for the win. �Ziggler is a great, great worker. �WWE is crazy if they don't move him to a main eventer within the next 6-12 months.
  • Vickie came back out and celebrated with Ziggler after the match. �Ziggler cut a promo which I couldn't hear. �This brought out Zach Ryder to a huge pop. �Ziggler got control briefly before Ryder laid him out with a Rough Ryder. �Crowd loved it but was disappointed there wasn't an actual match.
  • Beth Phoenix d Eve Torres to retain the Divas Title in a Lumberjills Match. �The Divas on the outside played no real role. �Match was quick and pretty painless. �The finish was awesome with Beth hitting the GlamSlam off the top rope. �I'm surprised Eve didn't kill herself.
  • Team Barrett d Team Orton in a Traditional 5 on 5 Survivor Series Match. �The match was fine but felt like it was lacking a little something. �If Ziggler's sole role in the match was to come in and get eliminated�immediately, he shouldn't have been in the match. �The match came to a halt when Sin Cara injured himself. �The guys just stood around for a good 2-3 minutes which killed the match. �I have no idea why they couldn't keep working during this time. �Sheamus's DQ was lame. �I thought for sure when it came down to Orton vs Barrett, Swagger, Rhodes, and Hunico, he was going to eliminate the entire team, but that wasn't the case. �It was easy to see coming, but Hunico diving into the RKO was a cool spot. �It was nice to see Orton lose clean to Barrett and Rhodes. �Rhodes was WAY over with the live crowd.
  • Mark Henry was DQ'ed vs The Big Show to retain the World Heavyweight Title. �The crowd hated this match. �Various chants were Undertaker, Sexual Chocolate, D-Lo Brown, Boring, and Daniel Bryan. �The Big Show doing to top rope elbow would have been great if it didn't take him what seemed like 5 minutes to get up there. �The finish absolutely sucked with Henry kicking Show low to get DQ'ed. �They did an injury angle after the match with Show putting Henry's ankle in a chair, setting up a chair match for TLC. �Henry refused help to the back.
  • CM Punk d Alberto Del Rio to become the new WWE Champion. �From what I was told, this was the 9th WWE Title change since May 1. �Unreal. �Anyway, Punk got a special ring introduction from Howard Finkel. �The crowd loved The Fink, and you could tell he was choked up. �This was the match of the show. �Great match between the two, probably the best of Del Rio's WWE career. �Crowd was WAY into Punk. �I wasn't sure how they would react to him since I think his character has sucked recently, but they loved him. �The�psychology�was a little bad with Del Rio working Punk's arm all match, and then Punk using the Anaconda Vice to get the win, but I will be accused of being to serious of a wrestling geek with these sorts of comments. �He should have won with the GTS. Anyway, after the match, Finkel made the new champion�announcement�for Punk, and Punk celebrated in the crowd which was cool. �He was really into the win.
  • The Rock and John Cena d Awesome Truth. �The match itself meant nothing. �It was all about The Rock. �The Rock was in amazing shape (natural? hmm...). �Anyway, I would say it looked like The Rock hadn't missed a step in his 7.5 year�absence, but he looked BETTER than probably any point in his WWE career. �His stamina was awesome, he was fast, and everything he did was crisp. �Miz and Truth flew down to the GI Joe set this past week to work on spots with Rock, and that was clear from the opening chain wrestling spot with The Miz which was great. �The story of the match was The Rock was in control early, Cena came in and was the babyface in peril, but this was not the crowd to do that act with because the crowd of course hated Cena and didn't give a damn about him getting worked over. �Finally The Rock came back in and hit the People's Elbow on The Miz for the win. �No real dissension between Cena and The Rock during the match, but from what I read, Booker T was putting The Rock over as being selfish for not helping Cena during the match. �I don't know about that one... �Anyway, I would have booked this match differently, with Awesome Truth getting the win from Rock and Cena not being able to work together, but it was fine for what it was, which was basically just a showpiece for The Rock.
  • After the match, Cena left the ring as The Rock celebrated. �The Rock told him to come back to the ring. �They took turns climbing the ropes getting cheers and boos, just as was the case when Punk and Cena did it a few months back, thankfully this time without the alternating music. �The two then had a quick staredown in the middle of the ring. �Cena turned to leave, but The Rock spun him around and hit a Rock Bottom. �CENA COMPLETELY NO SOLD THIS, ROLLING OUT OF THE RING AND WALKED TO THE BACK. �Ugh. �Anyway, again, not how I would have booked this, but we are still 5 months from Mania and The Rock won't be around till probably The Rumble, so as a one night thing, it worked.
  • After the match, The Rock cut the awesome promo that I posted above.

Overall, being there live, this was an easy thumbs up show for me. �Had a real good time sitting with Biff, RKO, and Mrs. RKO. �Not how I would have closed the show, and you got the feeling in the building it left a lot of people a bit flat as they were expecting more, but still a really fun show.

Tonight's Raw is in Hershey, PA. �The Rock has flown back to the set GI Joe, so he will not be at Raw, and as I said, I don't expect him back until around The Rumble. �I don't believe any matches have been announced for Raw tonight. �Jonah Hill is the special guest host, ugh. �I wouldn't be shocked if there was a Ziggler/Ryder match tonight, which is 24 hours too late. �Brodus Clay is scheduled to re-debut tonight, but that has been the case every week for the past month.

This isn't confirmed, but I believe Kevin Nash and HHH will have a showdown in the ring tonight to set up their match for the TLC PPV. �Let's just say, I expect a table to be involved.

I will add pictures and videos to the thread shortly. �It may be a day or two until I get the Survivor Series Prediction Contest results posted. �Please be patient. �Between catching up on sleep and work, along with traveling for Thanksgiving, I have a busy week.
My Survivor Series videos:   Wish I could have taken a few more, but I only had a 2GB card in my camera and ran out of space.
I miss the days of you making the new thread earlier than 1-2 hours before RAW.

To add to what you said about Morrison...

We noted that John Morrison's original WWE contract has expired. He agreed to an extension through the end of November. His last announced appearance takes place at next Monday's RAW SuperShow in Columbia, South Carolina. One source notes that Morrison's feelings towards WWE are somber. "His heart is broken," the source said. It'll be interesting to see if he re-signs with the company. As of several weeks ago, many people expected him to leave.

..."JoMo" is the softest *@!%* in the game right now.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

I miss the days of you making the new thread earlier than 1-2 hours before RAW.

To add to what you said about Morrison...

We noted that John Morrison's original WWE contract has expired. He agreed to an extension through the end of November. His last announced appearance takes place at next Monday's RAW SuperShow in Columbia, South Carolina. One source notes that Morrison's feelings towards WWE are somber. "His heart is broken," the source said. It'll be interesting to see if he re-signs with the company. As of several weeks ago, many people expected him to leave.

..."JoMo" is the softest *@!%* in the game right now.

First Nash breaks HHH's heart.  Now Morrison.  A lot of heartbreak in WWE these days.
Survivor Series was a letdown on all points but Ziggler did have the best match of the night like he's been doing the past 3-4 months with Punk/Del Rio Swagg coming in a close 2nd.

That Punk title change killed all Del Rios momentum he needs a personal feud to get it back and a Rumble win IMO

Cena/Rock needed a promo exchange so bad it wasn't even funny
Again, sorry I didn't get to meet a lot of NT'ers yesterday. Briefly met BobtheHoe but I was on my way to my seat with hands full of food. Sorry about that.  Didn't get to see anyone else. Hopefully next time we can get something better organized for a meetup.
Originally Posted by gunnascott

Survivor Series was a letdown on all points 
I disagree. It was a solid show w/ a great crowd (which always enhances the product) and we got to see The Rock in a match for the first time in years. And even though I'm usually against promos at PPV's...he cut a classic Rock promo midway through the PPV. Only boring match was Show vs. Henry but that was expected and the top rope spot + crowd chants made it at least watchable.

If they just would have had the finish 4w talked about w/ Cena setting heel undertones...that would have bumped it up from a B+ to A-, IMO.

SMH @ 9 WWE Title changes since May 1.

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

  • The Rock and John Cena d Awesome Truth. �The match itself meant nothing. �It was all about The Rock. �The Rock was in amazing shape (natural? hmm...). �Anyway, I would say it looked like The Rock hadn't missed a step in his 7.5 year�absence, but he looked BETTER than probably any point in his WWE career. �His stamina was awesome, he was fast, and everything he did was crisp. �Miz and Truth flew down to the GI Joe set this past week to work on spots with Rock, and that was clear from the opening chain wrestling spot with The Miz which was great. �The story of the match was The Rock was in control early, Cena came in and was the babyface in peril, but this was not the crowd to do that act with because the crowd of course hated Cena and didn't give a damn about him getting worked over. �Finally The Rock came back in and hit the People's Elbow on The Miz for the win. �No real dissension between Cena and The Rock during the match, but from what I read, Booker T was putting The Rock over as being selfish for not helping Cena during the match. �I don't know about that one... �Anyway, I would have booked this match differently, with Awesome Truth getting the win from Rock and Cena not being able to work together, but it was fine for what it was, which was basically just a showpiece for The Rock.
Originally Posted by casekicks

Great vids 4w..Your seats looked pretty good too..
Thanks man.  The seats were good, especially for the $65 price.  Perfect view of the ring and entrance set.  The other cool thing was they were in the updated part of MSG, so we had multiple TV's around us showing both the PPV and Giants game (
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by gunnascott

Survivor Series was a letdown on all points 
I disagree. It was a solid show w/ a great crowd (which always enhances the product) and we got to see The Rock in a match for the first time in years. And even though I'm usually against promos at PPV's...he cut a classic Rock promo midway through the PPV. Only boring match was Show vs. Henry but that was expected and the top rope spot + crowd chants made it at least watchable.

If they just would have had the finish 4w talked about w/ Cena setting heel undertones...that would have bumped it up from a B+ to A-, IMO.

SMH @ 9 WWE Title changes since May 1.

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

  • The Rock and John Cena d Awesome Truth. �The match itself meant nothing. �It was all about The Rock. �The Rock was in amazing shape (natural? hmm...). �Anyway, I would say it looked like The Rock hadn't missed a step in his 7.5 year�absence, but he looked BETTER than probably any point in his WWE career. �His stamina was awesome, he was fast, and everything he did was crisp. �Miz and Truth flew down to the GI Joe set this past week to work on spots with Rock, and that was clear from the opening chain wrestling spot with The Miz which was great. �The story of the match was The Rock was in control early, Cena came in and was the babyface in peril, but this was not the crowd to do that act with because the crowd of course hated Cena and didn't give a damn about him getting worked over. �Finally The Rock came back in and hit the People's Elbow on The Miz for the win. �No real dissension between Cena and The Rock during the match, but from what I read, Booker T was putting The Rock over as being selfish for not helping Cena during the match. �I don't know about that one... �Anyway, I would have booked this match differently, with Awesome Truth getting the win from Rock and Cena not being able to work together, but it was fine for what it was, which was basically just a showpiece for The Rock.

I see what you're saying but I stick by my statement for the following reasons

1. Ziggler beat Morrison but Morrison hasn't been relevant for the better part of a year so really he didn't beat anybody
2. IMO Natalya needs to turn face and feud with Beth since they're the only over Divas that can put on a interesting 10 min match
3. The traditional 5 on 5 match was filler but at least Orton put someone over clean
4. Big SHow v. Henry just screams filler I would have at least wanted to see a Kane come back to spice up the picture and make Henry look like he's at a disadvantage
5. Del Rio v. Punk should have been a 5 on 5 match that way Del Rio could've been on the card with them wrestling for the 50th time and it would be something some what different.
6. All Cena/Rock v Awesome Truth did was make 3/4 of the participants look weak
7. Cena shoulda AA The Rock to get some heat and momentum
That post-SS Rock promo 
. He tore up MSG last night like he never lost a step, so awesome.

Ryder for a U.S. Title run ASAP or we riot.
Props to 4W for hooking us up with tickets And drinks. Biff is a cool dude and great tour guide. Looking forward to doing it again.
I really hope that is true Punk.  I'm so tired of the constant title changes.
At least until Cena gets it in time for Mania anyway.
This is why Punk needs to have a lengthy run with the belt..Dude is just the most interesting person in wrestling today..I still wish they'd change that ******ed spinner belt with something more classic looking..
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